Peerless War God

Chapter 329: 329

"Heaven and earth oppress?"

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Chen Xiao tried to raise his head a little bit and looked at the sky. The sky was also covered by a layer of Yun ran fog. He couldn't see what was on it.

But that layer of real pressure is directly acting on Chen Xiao's soul. A huge pressure seems to be constantly squeezing Chen Xiao, forcing the second step of Chen Xiao's lift back.

Time, minutes and seconds elapse, Chen Xiao still stay in place, did not take the second step.

I don't know how long it took. Chen Xiao, who stood still in place, raised his feet again and slowly stepped forward.

As soon as the second step was finished, a more terrifying world suddenly crashed down, and Chen Xiao's body was forced to lie on the ground. Fortunately, Chen Xiao has always been strong, relying on huge toughness and all the strength in his body to resist this terrible squeeze.

Even so, Chen Xiao's body at the moment has been completely bowed down, and it seems that he can be pressed down on the ground at any time. Moreover, if there are outsiders at the moment, we can find that Chen Xiao's consciousness is like a spider's web, all over Chen Xiao's body. It seems that Chen Xiao's consciousness will be broken at any time.

However, in this case, Chen Xiao consciousness body, there is a very weak but persistent light gold energy continue to spread.

After the diffusion of these pale gold energy, it will directly trigger the surrounding Yun ran fog, from which we can obtain the true elements of heaven and earth, and integrate them into Chen Xiao's spirit body, constantly moistening the spirit body which has been broken apart and almost in a state of collapse.

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Chen Xiao's spirit consciousness, a crack after crack has been repaired, and new cracks have begun to appear again and again!

Unbearable pain, let Chen Xiao eyebrows just frown, but Chen Xiao is just silent, standing there silently enduring.

Also do not know how long, bow body Chen Xiao, body spider web crack finally disappeared completely, the body has recovered as before.

The next moment, Chen Xiao slowly raised his body and wanted to straighten up.

However, just a little bit higher, a more terrifying force suddenly attacked. The body that had just recovered was suddenly fragmented and turned into a light spot all over the sky. It directly rushed into the bronze gate behind him and disappeared.

This space, still spotless, as if, Chen Xiao has never come in.

In this world, Chen Xiao's eyes opened, and there was a layer of sweat on Chen Xiao's body, but he didn't care. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and seemed to feel something.

After half a ring, Chen Xiao suddenly murmured to himself: "it's true! Although the power of that day exerted on the mind of the spirit, it could continuously refine the spirit to achieve the effect of refining the spirit. If it was tempered for a long time, I'm afraid that it would soon be able to restore the huge spirit of the original martial spirit realm! "

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As soon as he said and did, Chen Xiao closed his eyes and entered the mysterious space in the empty tower again. After the spirit gathered together, he stepped directly to the position of the second step and began to try again to approach the island.

But now Chen Xiao, from the island, at least a hundred steps away, want to get close, extremely difficult!


There is no time for practice. In a flash, three days have passed.

This day, Chen Xiao outside the door suddenly sounded a knock, which made Chen Xiao have to interrupt his practice in the empty tower.

Accompanied by the door open light ring, a beautiful figure wearing a light green skirt into the eyelids, it is Xiao Ling.

After seeing Chen Xiao, Xiao Ling immediately showed a sweet smile on her small face. She was very happy. She went straight to Chen Xiao and said, "Chen Xiao, next, when are we going out?"

"Go out in a few days, Uncle Zhang. Are they all right now?" Chen Xiao asked softly.

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"Well, Uncle Zhang's injury is no big problem. As long as we have a few more days of cultivation, and with the Tianyang City Lord's preparation of those Tiancai and Dibao, my cultivation has improved very quickly. I feel vaguely that I have touched the threshold of the Seven Star Wuzong. Next, as long as there are some more opportunities, we can successfully break through to the Seven Star Wuzong realm!" Speaking of this, Chen Lan's small face is full of complacency.

"Gee, how do I feel that the breath from you seems a little different? Compared with the past, it seems to be more thick. You You're not going to break through again, are you? " Xiao Ling stretched out his hand to cover his mouth. His big bright eyes were staring at Chen Xiao tightly. In his eyes, he was full of unbelievable expression.

How long does it take to enter this ancient relic? Chen Xiao has been promoted successively from the four-star Wuzong realm that just came in? I'm afraid no one will believe it!

Chen Xiao knew that things would be like this, and with a wry smile on his lips, he had no choice but to spread out his hands and say, "can I be blamed for this? It's natural to cultivate this thing, and I have many adventures here. Isn't it natural for me to break through? Don't you want me to break through? " Chen Xiao's face hung with a faint smile, while speaking, he also reached out to pick Xiao Ling's chin.

Such a frivolous act, Xiao Ling did not mean to refute, but the root of her ears was red, and it was lovely.

"Come in!" Chen Xiao said to get out of the way.

Xiao Ling nodded slightly, and walked directly in. Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao closed the door behind her. This action immediately made Xiao Lingfang's heart in a big mess, and her little face became red."You Why are you closing the door? " Xiao Ling turns around and stares at Chen Xiao with big eyes.

"What do you say?" Chen Xiao put a bad smile on the corner of his mouth, reached out and touched Xiao Ling's face.

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This move scared Xiao Ling, subconsciously to avoid, but don't know what thought of, unexpectedly shell teeth bite lips hard control body not to escape, but slightly raised his head to stare at Chen Xiao.

For Xiao Ling's move, Chen Xiao was funny and distressed. But in the end, Chen Xiao's hand at least touched Xiao Ling's face and slipped down. He directly took Xiao Ling's hand and sat down by the chair in the inner room.

After sitting down, Xiao Ling appeared a little uneasy, his face was still red and seemed very nervous.

"Ha ha, what are you thinking? I brought you in to pass on your skills. You are my woman. I won't let you practice those common skills, or I will lose my face if I go out! " Chen Xiao's face hung a bad smile, looking at the restless Xiao Ling, chuckling.

"Hum, I'm practicing now, but my Tianhuo Valley's most precious treasure, Tianhuo treasure, belongs to the primary skill at the prefecture level. What kind of cultivation do you want to give me? Is it difficult to be a prefectural or senior one? " Xiao Ling had a smile on her face.

However, Chen Xiao can hear this sentence. Most of them are joking. I think that Chen Xiao may not be able to get Tian level skill. If there is no heaven level skill, it is not worthwhile to change to common level skill.

In this regard, Chen Xiao did not mind, and said with a smile: "open your mind, do not resist!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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