Peerless War God

Chapter 365: 365

In the next two days, Chen Xiao taught Chen er a lot of things, so that he could further adapt to his own strength.

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At the same time, Chen Xiao also began to ask where Chen er's hometown was, and made the idea of the earth Lingyuan. Unfortunately, Chen Er couldn't tell the location of his hometown. He just said that he knew how to go back.

In this regard, Chen Xiao is also helpless to accept, and after dealing with the matter at hand, he and Chen Er will go to his hometown.

At noon that day, the suspended ship finally arrived at Tianhuo city. The Chen family looked down on the sky fire city from the suspended boat and marveled at the huge city. Qingyang City was incomparable in front of it.

Shortly afterwards, the suspended boat stopped inside the sky fire valley.

Chen Xiaogang came down from the boat, a beautiful shadow rushed into his arms and held it tightly.

Who else but Xiao Ling?

"You're back at last." Xiao Ling buries her head in Chen Xiaohuai and doesn't care if it will affect the image of the valley master.

She really missed Chen Xiao too much. If it was not for the news that came back from the outside, it was good for Chen Xiao. Xiao Ling would have led the people of Tianhua Valley to kill at the Crusade meeting.

Caressing Xiao Ling's hair, Chen Xiao feels the warmth of this moment. However, Xiao Ling's strength has a breakthrough, which makes him a little surprised.

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It's already nine star Wuzong.

"Cough! Chen Xiao, should you introduce this girl to us? "

A somewhat discordant voice interrupted their warm moment. Xiao Ling looked out, an old man led several middle-aged men, and there were many men and women behind, but they all looked at them curiously. Especially the leader of the elderly, looking at her eyes, as if looking at her daughter-in-law, a pair of I am very satisfied with the meaning.

"Chen Xiao, they are..." Xiao Ling asked. She did not know about the relocation of the Chen family.

Chen Xiao laughed and took Xiao Ling to Chen Zhiyuan. He introduced him: "ling'er, they are all from Chen family. This is the ancestor of Chen family, that is my grandfather. This is the owner of my Chen family... "

Chen Xiao introduced the main members of the Chen family to Xiao Ling.

When Xiao Ling heard half of it, she understood that these people were Chen Xiao's relatives. When they looked at their eyes just now, they obviously knew their relationship with Chen Xiao.

Immediately, a pretty face slightly red, some embarrassed.

"Xiao Ling, I've met you." Xiao Ling said hello to everyone with a red face.

Chen Zhiyuan likes Xiao Ling more and more. When he looks at the young girl standing together, he feels that they are so compatible.

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Although the appearance of the Chen family surprised Xiao Ling, her ability to deal with affairs has been greatly improved during this period. She immediately ordered the people below to arrange accommodation for the Chen family.

That night, Xiao Ling naturally ran to Chen Xiao's room. It's also a pity that Chen Xiao asked others not to disturb him at night. Otherwise, if Xiao Ling happened to come here and someone else was there, I don't know if the girl's face could live

There is a saying that a little farewell is better than a new marriage, but still in a hot love period of young girls, naturally will not restrain their own thoughts.

After a while, Chen Xiao's room, a girl's low breath came out, but it was covered up by the insects in the yard. The clouds and rain of Wushan mountain and the wind of spring blowing a few times

An hour later, Chen Xiao hugged Xiao Ling, whose cheeks were scarlet, and gave her a light kiss on her forehead.

"Chen Xiao, you want your people to stay in the sky fire Valley, don't you?" Xiao Ling turns over and lies in Chen Xiaohuai.

Nodding, Chen Xiao also has nothing to hide, and tells Xiao Ling about the placement of Chen family in detail.

"If I can, I want the Chen family to be in charge of an industry in the city of fire, or let them go into the valley of fire to take charge of some simple things, so that they can help you."

Chen's family moved here, naturally, it is impossible to do nothing, simply protected. Chen Xiao's idea is to let them properly integrate into the sky fire Valley, gradually take root here, and then develop again.

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"That's all right. I will support you whatever you want. " With Xiao Ling's affection for Chen Xiao, this matter naturally won't care. Moreover, she also believes that the Chen family is not a bad person.

"What's going on in the sky fire Valley recently? Nothing happened? " Having finished the matter of Chen family, Chen Xiao turned to ask about the sky fire valley.

The sky fire valley will be the core of Chen Xiao's first sect. He doesn't want anyone to spy on it.

However, no one of the two powerful warriors stood in the sky fire Valley and dared to make trouble again. Especially now that Chen Xiao has destroyed the five major sects, his reputation has spread throughout the whole empire of dongxun.

In this case, who dares to come to Tianhuo Valley to cause trouble?

"Don't worry, everything is fine in the sky fire valley. It's you. Don't always do it by yourself. If you need to, I'll support you at any time. "

Speaking of this, Xiao Ling complains at Chen Xiao, which is obviously saying that Chen Xiao deals with five major sects.Chen Xiao is funny. He rubs Xiao Ling's hair, takes out a storage ring and hands it to her. It contains another piece of goods and materials that have been seized from the three major doors.

"There's a supply here that you can use where you need it."


Xiao Ling clapped on Chen Xiao's back, propped up his body and glared at him angrily. He didn't care about his spring release.

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"You think you can just grab something and get through it? No, you must promise me today that you will take me with you no matter what you have in the future

Such a scene, let Chen Xiao see Heart funny, but also feel very warm. Xiao Ling was really worried about him, so he said such a thing.

He suddenly turned over, pressed Xiao Ling between his arms, looked directly at her, and said slowly, "ling'er, no matter how injured or bitter I am, Chen Xiao can not care. However, I will never let my woman suffer a little injustice, let alone let her go with me to risk

Domineering words, let Xiao Ling not from a Leng, looking at Chen Xiao's eyes, is a bit more obsessed.

But in the twinkling of an eye he recovered.

"Then you can't run out alone. That's five major doors. You can deal with it by yourself. In case of an accident, I will become a pauper Oh

Before Xiao Ling finished speaking, he was blocked by Chen Xiao. It took a while to let go of her lips.

"I'm not coming back well? What's more, with such a beautiful daughter-in-law waiting for me at home, how can I be willing to have an accident outside? " Chen Xiao said with a bad smile. After saying this, she pressed on Xiao Ling again. After a while, the girl's breath rang again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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