Peerless War God

Chapter 368: 368

He followed Chen Er into the room. In fact, there was no dust inside. It was very clean.

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"It doesn't take time to clean it. It's clean." Chen er said with a simple smile, "brother, look at my mother's room on the left. You sleep in that room at night. On the right is my room. The kitchen and cottage are all in the back yard."

Chen Er is also straightforward, let Chen Xiao go around by himself.

Chen Xiao is certainly not polite. He is not here to waste time. Since Chen Er absorbed the Earth Spirit yuan, maybe we can find some discoveries in the village.

After looking around, Chen Xiao still decided to go to Chen er's mother's room. Compared with men, women are always better at sorting and tidying up.

When you open the curtain, you can see a clean room. The bedding on the bed should not have been used for some time, but they are stacked neatly. The wardrobe looks old, but also does not have what dust, obviously usually pays attention to maintain.

The dresser next to the bed attracted Chen Xiao's attention, although there was a mirror on it. It was a very small box. There should not be a few things in it.

Walking to the dresser, Chen Xiaoyi took the box. The reason why he noticed this box for the first time was that Chen Xiao clearly felt the spiritual power fluctuation on the box.

When you open the box, there are really very few things in it, just three things: a pair of earrings, a bracelet, and a necklace with a thumb pendant.

However, looking at these three kinds of jewelry, Chen Xiao is wide eyed.

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The best spirit stone! These three kinds of jewelry are all made of the best spirit stone!

Lingshi is a kind of hard currency if it is placed above the six domains. It is divided into four grades: inferior, middle, top and top grade, with each exchange rate of 1000. That is to say, Chen Xiao's three kinds of jewelry, put in the six regions, to convert the weight into the top grade spirit stone, that would have to be thousands at least! This does not include the workmanship of the jewelry.

Covered with divine sense, Chen Xiao can clearly feel that these three kinds of jewelry will absorb the aura in the air. This means that as long as you wear this jewelry, anyone will always keep absorbing aura. Not to mention the speed of cultivation, it can prolong the life of ordinary people.

Why is there jewelry made by the best spirit stone in an isolated village?

Chen Xiao was puzzled. Is it related to the immortal cave?

Chen Xiao suddenly overturned this idea. According to Chen Er, there are monsters rushing out from inside to hurt people. It is obvious that the so-called immortal cave should be sealed. Ordinary people can't have a chance to enter. Moreover, even if you can get in and get the best spirit stone, ordinary people can't be able to make it into jewelry.

The best spirit stone is harder than the diamond stone!

So the question is, what kind of talents will have the jewelry made by the best spirit stone? No matter how you think, it will not be ordinary people!

In an instant, Chen Xiao had a great interest in Chen er's mother.

Put down the jewelry, Chen Xiao plans to see other places. Just, the vision swept the mirror on the table, can't help but is micro Leng.

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That mirror, it seems, is not an ordinary mirror.

Covered with divine consciousness, Chen Xiao soon discovered the special features of the mirror, and this discovery made him take a breath of cold directly!

The mirror of this mirror is made of earth soul milk! And it uses the technique, is Chen Xiao has never seen!

It is acceptable that Chen Xiao makes jewelry with the best spirit stone, but the soul milk is used to make mirrors. What kind of person should have such courage! Moreover, this manufacturing method, Chen Xiao completely can not understand, let him want to change this mirror back to the soul milk is impossible.

Chen Xiao can be sure now that Chen er's mother is of extraordinary origin! In addition, the mirror is made of earth heart milk, which has indicated the existence of earth soul milk.

A hot heart, Chen Xiao said that it is impossible not to be excited.

"What would you like to eat at noon, brother? Why don't I prepare some vegetables from the village for you? Make sure the taste is better than the outside. " Chen er's voice came in.

Chen Xiao takes back his divine consciousness, and Chen Er also comes in.

"You can eat anything. You can prepare it yourself." Chen Xiao replied.

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"Well, I'll go out and get some vegetables." Chen er said, is to exit the room again, and then outside spread the sound of opening the door.

Seeing Chen Er go out, Chen Xiao continues to explore around to see if there are other discoveries. However, there was nothing in the room that caught his attention any more.

Immediately, Chen Xiao expanded the search scope. However, both inside and outside the house have been checked, except that the water in the well in the courtyard contains a little aura, there is no other discovery.

This makes Chen Xiao a little confused.

Chen er's mother must have a long history. But good, why should she hide in such an isolated village? The villagers here, Chen Xiao, had already explored when they contacted. They were all ordinary people.

What are you hiding from? Or is there another reason?Chen Xiao is holding his chin, but he can't make sense of it. We still have to start from Chen er

The lunch was prepared by Chen er. There were four dishes and one soup. Although it was vegetarian, it tasted good.

However, Chen Xiao is not very interested in lunch.

"Chen Er, is your mother no longer here?" Chen Xiao asked.

"My mother?" Chen Er took a bite of rice and said, "yes. She left the village before I went out

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"From the village? Did I tell you where to go Chen Xiao immediately asked.

However, Chen Er didn't know about this problem. According to his words, his mother suddenly said that she had to go out one day. Then she left Chen Er Yi and left the village. Chen Er waited for nearly half a month, and his mother did not come back. Later, he also left the village until he met Chen Xiao in Longjiang city.

From longjiang City, it took more than a month for Chen er's mother to leave here.

A month's time is not too time-consuming. It should be enough. Unless, she can't come back, or she can't come back.

"Chen Er, is there anything special about your mother in your memory? Or something that you remember. " Chen Xiao changed a question.

Since Chen er's mother has a background, it is impossible that she has never done anything special. At least, Chen Er can get the Earth Spirit yuan, which is definitely not as simple as coincidence.

"Well, let me see." Chen Er bit his chopsticks and recalled it carefully. For a long time, it seems that I finally thought of something.

"By the way, I remember that one year all the peach blossoms in the village were withered. People in the village said that something bad was going to happen. As a result, my mother went out. When she came back, the peach blossoms in the village would bloom again. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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