Peerless War God

Chapter 374: 374

Black dragon did not change, or let Chen Xiao feel disappointed.

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He has always been very curious about the black dragon. He can wind around the empty tower, and the black fire can refine and absorb spiritual power. The lighted dragon scales can also enhance the physical strength. Can bring so many benefits, this black dragon is also a very strong existence.

Unfortunately, Chen Xiao has not found any clues related to the black dragon.

Since the black dragon did not change, Chen Xiao converged and continued to absorb the Earth Spirit. As for those who are absorbed by the black dragon, take it as a reward. Along the way, thanks to it, Chen Xiao can have such a rapid promotion.

The physical strength has broken through again and has reached the level of six-star wuzun.

At this level, even if Chen Xiao was only at the peak of Wuzong, he could compete in the black dragon area. He could fight with the six star wuzun only by his physical body.

The effect of earth Lingyuan is still on, and Chen Xiao has not stopped absorbing it. But at this time, the black dragon in the sea of knowledge appeared new changes.

A large number of black fire came out of the black dragon's body, instantly ignited Chen Xiao's whole consciousness sea!

Suddenly, Chen Xiao immediately entered the sea of consciousness. But just after he entered, the black fire "whew" all rushed to him and wrapped him up.


The pain of tearing heart and lung instantly spread to every nerve of Chen Xiao! This feeling is the same as when he first came into the consciousness sea to see the black dragon.

However, at that time, he had no strength, and the pain he could endure was even worse than now.

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The whole person was wrapped in the black fire, and the pain continued to stimulate Chen Xiao. However, under the burning of the black fire, the spirit element of the earth in the body has also changed.

Originally scattered all over the body, the Earth Spirit yuan all thought of the sea of consciousness gathered together, and then, directly through the black fire, Chen Xiao was also wrapped up in the whole.

As a result, Chen Xiao's body is wrapped in a thin layer of milky white, in a lot of black fire, is constantly burning.

Chen Xiaogen didn't know what the situation was now, but when the Earth Spirit yuan wrapped him up, the pain was relieved a lot, and he found that his absorption speed of the Earth Spirit yuan became faster.

The unexpected situation, on the contrary, brings benefits.

Once again, he restrained his mind, endured the pain, and entered the state of cultivation again.

However, Chen Xiao did not know that at this time, he was also changed in Chen er's eyes.

Because did not absorb the Earth Spirit yuan, so Chen Er is sitting on one side some boring looking at Chen Xiao. However, about two sticks of incense time passed, Chen Xiao body suddenly out of thin air out of a lot of black fire! His face is full of pain!

This scene can let Chen Er be scared, worried that Chen Xiao is not absorbing the process of accident.

Chen Er got close to him at the first time and held out his hand to beat the black fire off. But his hand just touched the black fire, the palm of his hand seemed to be pierced by a sharp blade, and instinctively took back his hand.

"Brother, what's your situation? I didn't want you to be so angry before Chen Er rubbed the palm of his hand and said to himself with a bitter face.

That is to say, just after his words, Chen Xiao's body appeared new changes, a layer of milky white halo wrapped up his whole body, and the expression of pain on his face also eased a lot.

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Chen Er recognized the Milky halo, which was the same when he absorbed the spirit of the earth.

So, Chen Xiao's situation should not be as bad as imagined. A heart also more or less less not so nervous, sit on one side again, guard Chen Xiao.

However, as time went by, it was light in a twinkling of an eye. When the sun rises, the pool disappears again. Chen Er saw this situation a lot and didn't care. What he cared about was that Chen Xiao didn't mean to open his eyes at all. The black fire and white halo did not weaken.

Continue to wait, soon to noon, Chen Xiao is still like that, not even move.

"Gululu." Chen Er is hungry. After thinking about it, he can only go back to the village to eat and then come back.

But waiting for Chen Er to come back from dinner, Chen Xiao is still like that. In the evening, it's still the same, and then, the next day, the third day Until the fifth day.

Early in the morning, Chen Er came over after breakfast. After waiting for so many days, he has become less anxious.

Sure enough, waiting for him to come here, Chen Xiao is still sitting there, no different from yesterday.

"I said brother, you don't eat or drink for the fifth day. Can you really stand it?" Chen er said to himself.

Chen Xiao over there, no response. Chen Er can only be bored to pull out a grass, put in his mouth to bite.


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Inexplicably, there is a wind blowing through this space. Chen Er immediately feels something wrong.

This is an independent space, it is impossible to have wind for no reason.

But before Chen Er understood what was going on, the sky turned dark and looked up. Suddenly, clouds were gathering over his head.What's the situation?

Chen ER was stunned.

At this time, there was a strong will that could not be violated in the surrounding space, and the dark clouds on the head clearly saw the lightning rolling inside, as if it would chop down at any time.

Also at this time, Chen Xiao opened his eyes, and an incomparable strong fighting spirit burst out from his body! It was so hard to push out all the air around!


The strong will may have sensed Chen Xiao's intention of war, and a thunderbolt fell straight at him! The power of terror tears up the space!

However, in the face of such an attack, Chen Xiao, sitting on the ground, slowly raised his right hand and clapped at will against the thunder.

It was just such a palm that Chen Xiao's fighting spirit gathered together and turned into a sharp spear to meet the falling thunder.


The spear formed by the intention of war can easily crush the thunder. But the next moment, more thunder fell down, the power is even stronger than the previous one on three points!

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The spear is fearless, continue to meet the thunder, all of which will be crushed! Even at the end of the day, the spear went straight into the dark clouds, and the clouds were torn to pieces!

The sun, once again shine down, and Chen Xiao's fighting spirit, and that strong will together disappeared.


Chen Xiao took a long breath and stood up. There was a crackling pea noise all over his body. The breath that emanates from the body is stronger than before.

Now he is already a star warrior!

After absorbing the Earth Spirit yuan, Chen Xiao's physical strength finally stayed at the level of six star martial respect, not the Seven Star martial respect he wanted.

However, Chen Xiao didn't care about the result. Because, after these days, under the dual effects of the Earth Spirit yuan and black fire, his spirit has been greatly improved.

It is not so easy to increase the strength of spirit. Now, Chen Xiao's spirit is close to ten percent of the previous life.

As for the previous changes, it is naturally caused by Chen Xiao's breakthrough to the level of honor. He was originally the peak of Wuzong. He was not so far away from the breakthrough. He absorbed the spirit of the earth. It was natural for him to break through. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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