Peerless War God

Chapter 399: 399

Is it a magic array again?

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Chen Xiao speculated. However, he did not feel the existence of the array, and, as far as he knew, the star sucking demon was not a person who knew the array.

So, the only explanation is that this passage is really so long!

Chen Xiao doesn't understand the meaning of the star sucking demon. Is it necessary to make a passage so long?

Did you miss something?

In this way, Chen Xiao released his divine consciousness. However, in his present position, his divine consciousness is severely restricted, and almost all of them can not be used. Even if he is released, he has to bear great pressure.

Chen Xiao relies on his powerful spirit to do it.

However, before Chen Xiao completely released his divine consciousness, the canals on both sides suddenly changed. All of a sudden, those blood turned into hundreds of bloody arrows and shot at Chen Xiao!

The sudden change, Chen Xiao in time to respond to two, a little under the foot, quickly back out, to avoid the attack of these arrows. On the contrary, the walls on both sides were hit by arrows and made a "hissing" sound. After a close look, the wall was actually melted into a small hole!

The corrosivity of these blood is exaggerated!

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A wave of bloody arrows failed to hit Chen Xiao, only followed by the second wave of arrows formed on both sides of Chen Xiao, and this time the range covered by the bloody arrows covered a distance of five Zhang before and after Chen Xiao!

Seeing that there was no time to dodge, Chen Xiao decisively showed the chiyun sword, and the wind sword formula was immediately launched, turning into hundreds of sword shadows and wrapping himself up.

"I'll break them all!"

With a yell, the sword shadow accurately points at every arrow that comes over, and breaks it all.

But Chen Xiao noticed that the bloody arrows broken by the shadow of the sword just turned into blood again and then flowed back into the canal. Then he turned into a new arrow and shot at him again.

It's endless!

The bloody arrows have lasted for three waves, and the number of them broken by Chen Xiao must be at least four digits, but there is still no decline in their number. In this way, I'm afraid Chen Xiao may be consumed by life in the end.

Immediately, Chen Xiao will attack the target in the channel of blood. Break its root, Chen Xiao still don't believe it can be born out of thin air!

The spirit power in the body suddenly sends out, and the chiyun sword breaks out with a powerful sword, which directly breaks all the bloody arrows that have been shot. Then, the chiyun sword burst out a lot of flames and split it like lightning to both sides of the canal!

"Pooh Hoo!"

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The sound of vaporization immediately sounded, and the blood in the canal was rapidly melting at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, the canals on both sides of Chen Xiao were completely empty, and there was no blood left.

However, one of the effects of this is that the smell of blood in the air has reached an extremely strong level! Even the air is exaggerated dyed with a layer of red, even Chen Xiao, is also forced to pressure hard, this can bear no nausea.

But Chen Xiao just melted the blood, and four cyclones suddenly formed in the air, which gathered all the blood gas in the past, and even the blood that had not been melted was also absorbed.

This scene, let Chen Xiao frown up, realize more troublesome things to appear.

Decisively, the foot of the cloud fairy step Shi spread, wait for these trouble things to form, quickly into the ruins of the deep again.

However, as soon as Chen Xiaogang flashed forward and was about to pass through the two cyclones in front of him, suddenly two bloody fists shot at him! The pressure attached to his fist made Chen Xiao dare not resist it easily!

The power of a fist is no worse than that of the three-star wuzun, especially Chen Xiao can clearly feel that the fist contains a force of eroding laws!

The power of the law, Chen Xiao now can not easily be hit by it. The damage caused by different laws is likely to be completely different. If the law of eroding nature is entangled with it, Chen Xiao's current strength can never be easily dealt with.

One finger of the left hand quickly stretched out, pointing to two bloody fists one after another.

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Broken soul refers to the soul of a broken life!

All the thin aura around him was pulled by Chen Xiao, and turned into two small broken fingers and virtual shadows, and met his bloody fist. Only listen to "bang bang" two times, broken finger virtual shadow will each other's fist hard hit back.

However, Chen Xiao also therefore, failed to go through, flew back upside down, and fell to the original place.

Can not wait for him to fall, behind him suddenly has two strong attack attack attack! Looking back, the two human figures formed by blood smashed their fists at Chen Xiao at the same time. On their fists, they can also feel the law of erosion!

Seeing that his fist was about to fall on him, Chen Xiao suddenly raised his body, turned over the whole body and stepped on the top of the passage. Chiyun sword resolutely stabbed out towards his fist.

See red cloud sword stab out half, suddenly split into two, turned into two sword shadow, on the fist.

"Bang bang!"

There were two more soft sounds, one after the other. And Chen Xiao with the strength of the move, again half empty a turn over, ran to the back of two bloody human, according to their back, full kick out a foot.But when Chen Xiao kicked the other side, his expression suddenly changed - the other side was not kicked out by him, but his feet fell into each other's body, and the blood spread along his feet!

He quickly turned over in the air, and the two spiritual powers were injected into his feet respectively. With the rotating force, his feet created a spiritual explosion, which just blew out a big hole in the other's body, and took advantage of this to get rid of it and turn over to the ground.

In front of Chen Xiao, four blood figures stood in a row, blocking his way forward.

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"I didn't expect to see the blood slaves. The star sucking demon is really not a good thing."

Chen Xiao frowned and said. And the blood slaves in his mouth are naturally the four blood human figures in front of him.

The so-called blood slaves, as the name suggests, are slaves formed by blood. In essence, it is similar to Fuqi, both of which are non-human beings.

It's because they're very powerful, but they're very different from the bloody ones. And once they are eroded into the body, the blood slaves can control all the blood in you.

How much blood does the human body have? Imagine that the blood on your body is suddenly controlled by others, and then all the blood will be pulled out in an instant, and even detonated directly in your body. It is hard for a strong person to escape death!

However, refining blood slaves was abandoned by many practitioners in the past life, and even regarded it as a heresy. The reason is very simple. To refine a rune, you only need to have a strong physical body. To refine a blood slave, you need a lot of living blood!

Naturally, killing is inevitable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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