Peerless War God

Chapter 418: 418

In Chen Xiao's knowledge of the sea, the sleeping black dragon is moving again.

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The black dragon didn't open his eyes as before, but he lifted his head slightly, opened his mouth and spat out a big black flame. The next moment, Chen Xiao clearly felt that the energy contained in the black fire diffused to every corner of his body.

"Oh! "

once again, a black flame came out of Chen Xiao's body, which immediately wrapped him up. At the same time, the black dragon mark on his forehead also emerged.

"Is this

Chen xiaoleng, this time out of the black fire and the front of the very different.

Before the black fire, did not bring him any obvious promotion, but this time the black fire, but directly raised his strength to the level of five-star wuzun! Pull him up two stars!

However, in addition to this visible promotion, Chen Xiao is more concerned about the mysterious power attached to the black fire. It is the same as the power attached to the shadow of the four holy beasts, but compared with them, this energy is stronger and more pure!

How could it be! You have the power of the beast! It's impossible! "

Seeing the black fire coming out of Chen Xiao, Wan Yan Noda exclaimed. This further shows that Chen Xiao's black fire is stronger than his four sacred beasts!

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"I said, four little bugs are trying to make Jackie Chan. Watch me scrap them!" Chen Xiao sneered.

At the same time, Chen Xiaoti sword again rushed out. Now with the support of the black dragon, the shadow of the four sacred beasts is no longer a problem in front of him!

I don't know how long this black fire can last, so Chen Xiao decides to fight and decide quickly!

The body pulled up the long shadow, toward the nearest rosefinch rushed up. This guy used to be protected by a flame. Chen Xiao didn't have a good way to take it, but now he has black fire blessing. Chen Xiaoke is not afraid of it!

Without the red cloud sword, Chen Xiaoyi fell on the back of the rosefinch, grabbed the neck of the rosefinch with his left hand, and the force of his arm broke out in an instant, intending to tear off the guy's head directly!

Naturally, Zhuque doesn't want to be solved by Chen Xiao. When he falls on his back, all the flames on his body are focused on Chen Xiao at the first time.

Unfortunately, as Chen Xiao thought, the power of black fire is much stronger than that of purple fire! Even if he was covered by purple fire all over his body, he was not hurt at all!

"Roar!" "Oh

Seeing that the rosefinch is in danger, green dragon and white tiger immediately rush up and attack Chen Xiao, trying to force him to leave from the rosefinch.

Can Chen Xiao be so easily forced away? How can an attack that has already been taken back easily!

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"Break it for me!"

A big drink, the left hand suddenly pulled, the head of the rosefinch was really torn off by Chen Xiaosheng! At the same time, at the moment of tearing off, the chiyun sword catches up with a sword to the rosefinch's body, stabs it into its body and twists it violently. The rosefinch doesn't even have a chance to moan. In an instant, it turns into a purple flame all over the sky and disappears little by little.

After killing the rosefinch, green dragon and white tiger have arrived at Chen Xiao's left and right sides. The dragon's claws and the tiger's claws come from both sides at the same time. The air is easily torn apart under the impact of this claw, and the power is general!

Chen Xiao did not change his face, his left hand into a fist, to meet the dragon claw; the right foot kicked out, on the tiger's paw!

"Bang bang!"

Only heard two energy collision burst out loud, green dragon and white tiger's attack was Chen Xiao so hard to block down!

Next to Wanyan Noda is at this time to seize the opportunity, head xuangui toward Chen Xiao bumped over.

Feeling the attack behind him, Chen Xiao looked back, but he couldn't help laughing.

"Ha ha, good coming! You old tortoise, watch me chop your shell

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this makes the face of Noah's face red, followed by Chen Xiao's killing intention is even stronger. Before the tortoise hit Chen Xiao, the sheep's head crutches on his hand first hit Chen Xiao, and a dark green energy beam with thick arms burst into Chen Xiao's back immediately!

"Get out of my way!"

Burst drink a, Chen Xiao will green dragon and white tiger to shock back out, then, turn around, to Wanyan Noda raised chiyun sword. Burning the sky! Let's go!

No longer the red flame appeared at Chen Xiao's side, but the black flame burst out, and then gathered on the chiyun sword, forming a huge sword shape, and decisively chopped down at the black tortoise rushing up!

The breath of terror, even in the protection of xuangui Wanyan Nuoda can't help but tremble!


A sword fell, and in a twinkling it fell on the turtle. The next moment, before everyone blinked, the black flame sword easily broke the turtle's defense, and directly split it in two! Together with the four sacred beasts border arranged by Wanyan Noda, they are completely broken under this sword!

How could it be? How could Chen Xiao be so strong?

The people below don't know how to describe their inner shock. When they saw Wanyan Noda using the power of the four sacred beasts, they once thought that Chen Xiao was a turtle in a jar, and there was no room for resistance.But where can think, this just passed how much time, Wanyan Noda has fallen into the downwind completely!

"No! It's impossible! How can you be so powerful! Such a powerful force is simply beyond the endurance of ordinary people! " The voice of Wan Yan Noda was shaking.

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The sword just now, if he hadn't hidden in time, would have been cut in two like the Xuan turtle. After all, Chen Xiao was aiming at him.

It was that sword that finally made Wanyan Noda realize that the power of the four sacred beasts on him was not as powerful as Chen Xiao's! Where does he want to solve Chen Xiao easily? It's just that Chen Xiao can pinch him at will!

"Is there anything that can't be done? Do you really think there is no one stronger than you in this world? The frog in the well is ridiculous

Chen Xiao finished saying this, once again to Wanyan Noda rushed up, red cloud sword to him is stabbed in the past.

But what everyone didn't expect was that in the face of Chen Xiao's attack, Wanyan Noda actually chose Run away!

Green dragon and white tiger are blocking Chen Xiao's route, while Wanyan Noda turns around and flies towards the distance! Seems to have been afraid to fight with Chen Xiao!

The most powerful person in the northern Xinjiang Empire, also known as the strongest person nowadays, actually chose to escape in front of Chen Xiao! In the end, should we say that Chen Xiaoqiang is big, or is Norda old?

For these things, the people at the bottom did not think too much. They were deeply shocked by the scene they saw in front of them!

Even Wanyan Noda wants to run away, so Chen Xiao's strength is not the first worthy of Fengyue mainland? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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