Peerless War God

Chapter 429: 429

At the foot of the sudden attack, there are several demon master did not reflect in time, was tentacles to entangle.

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Fortunately, with the situation in front of them, their response is very timely. The moment the tentacle is entangled, the attack on the hand immediately hits the tentacle, interrupts it and gets rid of the control of the tentacle.

On the contrary, it was the tentacles that rolled into the air that surprised everyone.

Those tentacles actually launched an attack on the bloody bats, and suddenly rolled towards the bats, entangled several bats at once, and then opened a hole on the tentacles and swallowed the bats directly.

These tentacle monsters, apparently, are using bats as food.

Chen Xiao and the second prince looked at each other and saw the accident from each other's face. I didn't expect there would be such a chain of life in the ruins.

Tentacle monsters seem to be the bane of bats, and compared with Chen Xiao and his party, bats are more attractive to them. Soon, all the tentacles emerging are attacking bats.

With the control of tentacles, the demons can finally breathe a breath.

However, it does not mean that people can run away.

Because of the tentacles, the crowd is now in the air, and after they fly, the bats will completely surround them! Even if there are tentacles, they don't mean to let people go!

Obviously, tentacles use bats as food, while bats use Chen Xiao and his party as food.

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"We can't go on like this. We have to find a way to break through." The second prince realized the trouble.

It can be said that such a vast number of bats, just afraid that tentacle monsters are fed up may not be able to eliminate the number of bats.

Chen Xiao's eyebrows have also been wrinkled up. When he met kusen in front of him, there were no such monsters and bats at all. To say there was, there should be only kusen in such a large blood lake. If kusen were there, maybe he could know something from him.


Suddenly, a sharp cry came from the group of bats. Then, the bats flew around the crowd. At the same time, they opened their mouths

"Whew, whew, whew!"

The blood arrow shot out of their mouths! Under their terror number, the blood arrow's density has reached the quite exaggeration degree! There is no room for Chen Xiao and others to dodge!

"Damn it!"

No one thought that the bloody bat had such a move! Even Chen Xiao, want to be under such attack without injury, it is impossible! This gave him the idea of leaving the second prince behind.

Although Chen Xiao thinks that the second prince is very good, but compared with his big revenge, Chen Xiao can only do so.

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The blood arrow is getting closer and closer. Just when Chen Xiao decides to use Liuyun Xianbu to run away, a strong momentum comes out of thin air, covering all the people and the bat!

That is to say, after being shrouded by this momentum, all the blood arrows are still!

What's the situation?

Everyone was stunned.

"I'm still thinking about why the second prince hasn't come yet. It turns out that he's been entangled by these little guys." An old voice came. The voice of the old man in the black robe came and went.

It's him!

Chen Xiao was a little surprised, then quickly put the chiyun sword away, and pulled the robe lower.

The reason why he did this was because the old man was not other people, but the bitter elder who had done something to Chen Xiao! Half Saint strong!

Elder Ku has seen the chiyun sword. If you let him recognize Chen Xiao by the chiyun sword, let alone Chen Xiao himself is in great trouble, the second prince will also be in trouble.

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Chen Xiao knows a lot about elder Ku from the second prince.

Kuchang is always a person from the big elder. He is also the second elder of the demon clan. He is half saint in strength and one of the four half saints in the demon clan. As for the other three, there is one elder, one father of the second prince and one elder brother.

That is to say, there are four and a half saints in the demon clan. This has to be found out by them to leave the black dragon domain. Facing the four and a half saints, people on Fengyue land have no room for any place at all.

"No wonder it was the second elder. Since the two elders have come to help, the elder and my elder brother have already met? "

Seeing the identity of the visitor, the second prince is also calm down. There are semi saints, and these bats are not enough to see.

"Yes." The bitter elder nodded, "the second prince, go with me quickly. I'll be waiting for you. "

With that, the bitter elder waved his hand, and a burst of blood mist broke out among the bats, but it turned out that the bats exploded one by one and turned into blood gas!

This way of attack, for the semi Saint strong, it is not difficult. If Chen Xiao had not relied on his physical strength, the end of these bats would have been his end.In the face of the bitter elder's hand, the bloody bat has no chance to attack Chen Xiao and others, and runs away with a shrill cry. As for those tentacles, they have already retracted.

Strength, as expected, we should have enough strength. If Chen Xiao had the strength of semi saint, he would not be so embarrassed as now.

Unfortunately, he is still a star warrior.

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"Well? Second prince, is this After solving the bat, the bitter elder general's eyes fell on Chen Xiao, some care about his existence.

However, Chen Xiao did not say anything. The second prince next to him spoke in time.

"Elder two, this is my friend. On weekdays, he is eccentric and doesn't like to see people with their true faces."

"So it is." The bitter elder nodded, but did not investigate. Naturally, he doesn't doubt the second prince too much, but how can he think that the guys around the second prince are not only demons, but also the ones he wants to solve after meeting

With the protection of the semi Saint strong, the people spent more than half a column of incense, and finally passed through the big room and entered a new room. And when people see the room environment, they can't help being stunned, even Chen Xiao is also surprised.

The room in front of me can't be regarded as small, and the distance between the left and right must be at least ten Zhang. However, in such a room, there are all kinds of blood red crystal like crystals, large or small. The big one can be about a foot high, and the small one may be the size of a finger.

However, no matter whether these crystals are large or small, they contain a considerable amount of blood and gas inside!

These crystals in front of him, known by Chen Xiao, are blood essence stones. Only in places with rich blood gas, can there be certain things that may appear. For most people of the demon clan, this thing is almost equal to the level of earth heart soul milk.

However, for other practitioners, the blood essence stone can only replenish blood gas when needed occasionally. Too much blood gas is unnecessary for normal practitioners. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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