Peerless War God

Chapter 459: 459

The sharp sword cleaved on Chen Xiao's hand, but it was firmly grasped by him! And the sword, even he did not hurt at all!

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"How could it be!" Liu Yun exclaimed that some people in the world could grasp the top-grade spirit tools with their bare hands without any spiritual power. How strong does it take to be physical?

Li Dai also did not expect Chen Xiao's physical strength to change so much! All the top-grade spirit tools can be grasped with bare hands, and it seems that they are simply grasping at will.

Liu Yun, who came back from Liu Shan, immediately wanted to take back his sword. However, with their strength, they did not see enough in front of Chen Xiao. Even if the two people urged Lingli, Chen Xiao still stood there motionless, firmly holding two long swords.

Others have found out the situation here, and quickly back to the side, for fear of being involved. Among the crowd, the three were quickly identified.

"You see, those three young people are the disciples of yuhun sect." Someone called out. The onlookers, who heard this, were immediately surprised and looked at Chen Xiao with some pity.

You should know that yuhun sect is the first school to train yuhun master. Many of the disciples in the sect are very powerful. But this strange young man even provoked three disciples of yuhunmen. I'm afraid he will suffer.

However, although most people feel that Chen Xiao is in big trouble, some people with a good eye can see that the situation is not right. The young man had two long swords in his hand, and his expression was quite calm, and he could not see any fear at all. It is likely that there is a certain force behind him.

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Of course, there will be no force behind Chen Xiao, because he does not need to rely on any forces to support him.

Liu Shan and Liu Yun saw that the sword could not be pulled back. They looked at the same time, raised their left hand and patted Chen Xiao. With this palm sent out, two demon spirits came out of their palms.

Liu Shan's eagle is always an eagle. Its wings are half a foot wide, and a pair of sharp Eagle claws tear it directly at Chen Xiao's neck! Liu Yun is a big green snake, full of Adult Thigh thick, open mouth two fangs, toward Chen Xiao straight forward!

Watching the two people summon the monster, others are shocked. The breath from the monster makes many people feel that their breath is not smooth. This is the strength of five-star monster, which is much stronger than that of Li Dai!

Many people already feel that Chen Xiao will die. Although he caught the swords of two yuhun disciples with his bare hands, how could he spare his hands to deal with monsters?

Li Dai also felt the same way. He had already imagined the scene of Chen Xiao's blood splashing on the spot. Then he could get the kitten girl and cultivate it into a five-star monster with his own special techniques. At that time, his status in the imperial soul gate will be further promoted!

However, the development of things, and they think is completely two extremes!

See two people at the same time call out demon beast, Chen Xiao is a bright eye. He was worrying about how he could reply quickly and deal with the immortal messenger in the sky. However, Li Dai brought him two pieces of such good recovery medicine.

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Both hands at the same time, pulling the sword to throw out, with Chen Xiao's current strength, Liu Shan Liu Yun did not have any accident, was directly thrown out!

See Chen Xiao so before easily throw two people out, the people around cry out! I didn't expect Chen Xiao to have such terrible power!

However, empty and powerful, in people's understanding, is of no use to monsters. Monsters are spirits. How can you beat them with physical damage like strength? Can the fist still hurt the air?

However, Chen Xiao is really on two monsters with his fist. Such a scene, let a lot of onlookers are sidetracked, dare not look at the picture of Chen Xiao being torn up by monsters.

The speed of the eagle's claws is almost in front of Chen Liao's fist.

"Bang! Bang

Two deafening sonic booms burst out! As if a thunder exploded in the side, huge decibels scared others face suddenly white, covering ears back. Eyes toward the direction of the voice to see, but the whole stunned.

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"No! How could that be possible! " Liu Yun also widened his eyes, and when he came back, he cried out in horror! Liu Shan and Li Dai are still in the same place.

The two headed five-star monster, in the moment of collision with Chen Xiao's fist, is the time of sound explosion! Under this blow, the two monsters were blown to pieces and turned into bits of broken light, which were absorbed by Chen Xiao in an instant.

One fist, one five-star monster. Is this what a man without spiritual power can do? Even if it is a strong Wuzong, it is not so easy to kill a monster completely!

And at this time, in front of them, a strange young man did this, and really did it.

"Hoo!" After exhaling a breath and absorbing two five-star monsters, Chen Xiao's meridians recovered nearly two layers. So the recovery effect, really let him surprised, this monster soul treatment effect, and he is really too good."Are there any other monsters? Just call it out. " Chen Xiao looked at two people who fell on the ground and said calmly.

In this case, it is undoubtedly a great stimulation for both of them! It's not easy for them to cultivate a five-star monster.

"I killed you!" Liu Shan roared and rushed to Chen Xiao with his sword. He stabbed him in the chest. In his fury, his strength broke out completely. The sword actually led to the aura around him, forming a sword of no small shape.

However, such an attack, for Chen Xiao, there is no threat at all.

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The right hand stretched out two fingers to meet Liu Shan's long sword. Then, the two fingers were firmly sandwiched in the middle of the long sword, and the tip of the sword was less than half a finger away from Chen Xiao's face!


Such a thrilling way of doing, let others all take a breath of cool air! What kind of self-confidence is needed to do this? If this is not careful, the sword will pierce his head!

Did not wait for others to adjust their breathing, Chen Xiao's next action, let them more thoroughly stay in a daze.

Two fingers force, only listen to "bang" a crisp sound, Liu Shan's long sword was directly broken by Chen Xiao! With the power of two fingers, the top spirit tool will be broken!

"If you don't want to die, get out of here, while I don't want to kill." Chen Xiao's tone still has no fluctuation. This kind of small role, compared with the fairy emissary heard before, Chen Xiao completely can't raise the interest of killing.

Otherwise, if Chen Xiaoxiang, they would have become a corpse as early as when they were out of the sword. With his fighting experience, there are too many flaws in their sword. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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