Peerless War God

Chapter 463: 463

Feeling the power of his body coming back, Chen Xiao didn't expect that after absorbing so much Monster Energy, he made a new breakthrough and directly reached the four-star wuzun.

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Since entering the realm of wuzun, his speed of promotion has slowed down a lot. Until recently, he broke through to the second star, but he was seriously injured because of the complete fury. However, after such a short time of two days, he recovered completely, and even made further breakthroughs

however, Chen Xiao was somewhat surprised that after his injury was completely recovered, the chaotic force in the Dantian began to spread out, and a trace of energy flowed into his body with the circulation of spiritual power in his body For other parts, I don't know if this will affect the future.

His eyes fell again on the people of the imperial soul gate. Looking at their monsters to let themselves recover so quickly, Chen Xiao did not want to be difficult for them.

However, Chen Xiao doesn't want to make it difficult for them, but it doesn't mean that they will stop.

"Son of a bitch! Return me the monster The head of the people suddenly burst out momentum, even to play a 12 point strength, get rid of the influence of Chen Xiao momentum, carrying a long sword toward Chen Xiaofei quickly rushed up.


Chen Xiao slowly raised his right hand, held out a finger, and pointed out to the guy who was facing him.

At the next moment, the surging spiritual power burst out of Chen Xiao's body, drawing a large amount of aura all over his body. Then, a huge severed finger suddenly formed behind him, with an endless sense of desolation, towards the man in the past!

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Broken soul refers to the soul of a broken life!

Although, Chen Xiao only uses the first form of the broken soul finger, but at this time he uses it, it has a different power than before! The virtual shadow of the broken finger reached a very solid state. It looked like a real giant's finger! And that sense of desolation has reached a rather terrible level!

At least, the man who rushed up, relying on this sense of desolation, was already pressing him to move again!


The severed finger fell on the man in an instant. The incomparable power pressed the man to the ground. The huge roar created a deep pit, and a large amount of smoke and dust buried him. Waiting for the smoke and dust to disperse, he did not move in the deep pit, life and death do not know.

One move solved the strongest one among them. For a moment, the people in the imperial soul gate didn't know what to do. They all stood in the same place and looked at Chen Xiao foolishly.

"Go away!"

With such a cold word, the people in the imperial soul gate finally came back to their senses. They flew out of the room and quickly took away their comatose companions. Then, a group of people ran away without looking back. They didn't dare to say a word more.

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I think so. The strength gap between the two sides is there. If the people of yuhunmen dare to speak hard, it's just looking for death

The people in the town below, looking at the people of the imperial soul gate, ran away in such a panic, and could not believe what they saw for a moment. That is the strongest sect, the imperial soul gate! When will they be beaten by others?

Naturally, Chen Xiao doesn't care about other people's opinions and flies to Xiaomao. The girl saw that Chen Xiao beat away all the people in the Royal soul gate, and was already happy to jump around there.

This is not, Chen Xiaocai just landed, Xiaomao immediately climbed to his neck, while cheerfully shouting, while swinging claws.

With a smile, Chen Xiao is too lazy to say anything to Xiaomao. She holds her calf and inspires her to soar again.

Next, it's time for him to find the location of yuhunmen gate and see when the so-called immortal emissary will appear

Three days later, Chen Xiao has found the location of the Royal soul gate. He has already inquired about the meeting of the immortal emissary, and it will be held tomorrow.

As the largest sect in the world, it is quite simple to find him.

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He spent the whole morning with Xiaomao to go shopping, waiting for her to go to bed in the afternoon. Chen Xiao finally had time to practice.

Now he is a four-star wuzun, so, it is time to try how much white jade stone bridge can move forward.

After absorbing the monster's energy, Chen Xiao found that these energies not only helped him recover as soon as possible, but also helped the spirit. However, he didn't find it for a moment because of Xiaomao's presence in these two days.

With his eyes closed and his mind moved, Chen Xiao was already in the sea of knowledge. Looking at the empty tower standing in his own sea awareness and the evil dragon winding around it, Chen Xiao felt some emotion for a moment.

As he discovered more about 3000 years ago, Chen Xiao sometimes thought, if he had not got the empty tower, would not have happened so many things?

However, such an idea was quickly inferred by him.

But I was also hurt by Lingxiao! And this is certainly not related to the appearance of the empty tower!It's just, really

His eyes fell on the first floor of the empty tower. Chen Xiaoyi thought that the surrounding environment changed for a moment. In the blink of an eye, the consciousness body had already entered a layer. Through the huge bronze gate, the mysterious island suspended in the air immediately appeared in front of Chen Xiao. The huge ancient trees on the island were not different from those when they were first seen. The white jade bridge connected to the island extends all the way to Chen Xiao.

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I don't know how many steps I can take now.

Chen Xiao thinks so. When he broke through wuzun, he once reached one-third of the white jade wall, reaching 34 steps. But in the later days, the world was oppressed, and the promotion was more than Chen Xiao imagined. In an instant, he crushed his consciousness! There's no way to move on!

Lifting a foot, Chen Xiao took 20 steps in a row. With his current strength, the world pressure of the first 20 steps can be ignored directly for him.

Then, between 20 and 30 steps, Chen Xiao only felt a little pressure. After that, he soon walked to 33 steps, in the white jade bridge one-third of the distance.

At this time, the influence of heaven and earth on Chen Xiao is not big. It is much better than when he just broke through wuzun.

But Chen Xiao knows very well that in the next step, the pressure around the world will be greatly improved. Compared with the pressure in front of the world, the pressure caused by the pressure is not the same level!

After a short pause, Chen Xiao raised his legs again and stepped out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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