Peerless War God

Chapter 465: 465

Take Xiaomao to have breakfast, but it is very busy outside. In addition to all kinds of peddlers' Hawking, the more reason is that there are too many practitioners from all walks of life.

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Today is the day of the arrival of the immortal emissary. All of these people went to the Royal soul gate to watch the meeting.

Yuhun gate is also smart. The arrival of immortal emissaries is a welcome meeting. On the one hand, it effectively improves the reputation and prestige of their sect. On the other hand, it also makes other sects understand one thing. There are fairies behind the yuhun gate, which can not be provoked by anyone.

Following the stream of people, Chen Xiao and Chen Xiao soon arrived at the imperial soul gate. However, it is not necessary to set up other places for the Royal spirits except for the Royal spirits.

Chen Xiao doesn't care about this. With his divine sense, this distance is nothing.

Holding a small meow, with a little tricks, Chen Xiao crowded to the front of the onlookers. The place where the immortal came is about ten years away from here. There are disciples of the Royal soul gate who are responsible for guarding the surrounding area. Under the platform to welcome the immortals, the head of yuhun gate is asking questions with representatives of many schools to show their own school atmosphere.

For these, Chen Xiao naturally does not pay too much attention to, he is more curious, is that so-called immortal Messenger, where will come out. Is it right from the top of yingxiantai?

To get down from the above world, we also need to rely on channels. As for the difficulty of coming down, I have already said that at least the strength of the five-star martial saint is necessary. Such strength, at present, Chen Xiao has not thought of any good way to deal with.

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As for the surrounding environment of yuhunmen gate, Chen Xiao did not find any channels under his divine consciousness search. Can we say that the so-called immortal coming is just a deception directed and performed by the Royal soul gate?

Frown slightly, Chen Xiao does not rule out such a possibility. As for what the facts will be, we will probably know in a moment.

Time soon was half an hour in the past. Finally, something different appeared in the sky.

A large amount of aura converged on a point, forming a huge aura whirlpool in an instant. With the emergence of the aura whirlpool, the ordinary people who were watching all made a cry of surprise. For them, such a vision of heaven and earth is rare to see.

Chen Xiao was also a little surprised when he saw the appearance of the Reiki vortex. He could clearly feel that there was nothing in the Reiki vortex, so how did the Reiki vortex appear?

The answer, very quickly.

As the Reiki whirlpool concentrated more and more Reiki, it became a huge Reiki whirlwind directly, descending with the air all the way down, enveloping yingxiantai.

Gusts of strong wind generated by the spirit of the whirlwind, even from a distance of onlookers, clothes are blown up.

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And in the next moment, the aura whirlwind changed again. Above the whirlwind, suddenly a layer of light blue halo, followed, the air like someone else cut a knife, a neat crack appeared out of thin air, and soon opened!

Through the crack, you can see the stars in the endless darkness.

Such a mysterious scenery, let the onlookers all see crazy. Many people may not be able to take a look at the scenery of chaotic space all their lives, but now, these people can see the scenery of chaotic space so clearly.

But compared with ordinary people, Chen Xiao is more shocked!

There was no sign of the crack, and there was indeed chaos behind it. But if you want to achieve this effect, you have to break through the void with a powerful force! And such behavior, even if it is a god level strong person may not be able to do it!

Is it said that the immortal emissary has the strength of the realm of martial god?

Chen Xiao doesn't believe that a mere immortal emissary can have the strength of martial god. But who is not famous among the six regions? As long as you become a warrior God, you will be at the top of the pyramid of the six regions world! How is it possible to be subordinated to others? The dignity of the strong does not allow them to do so at all!

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But if you don't reach the God level strength, what is the empty crack in front of you?

Chen Xiao suppressed the shock in his heart, and soon saw the cause of this scene.

A small suspended ship passed slowly through the cracks. By visual inspection, the suspended boat is only less than 10 Zhang, and its width is only 3 Zhang. If it is such a size, it will not even be able to fit into the middle size.

Not enough. The whole body of the suspended ship is made of black material. Because of the distance, Chen Xiao can't judge what material it is. But the suspended ship is wrapped up by a layer of light black energy. It should be the existence of this layer of energy to ensure that it can pass through the chaotic space.

However, is it possible to rely on a suspended ship to cross the void barrier and go from the upper world to the lower world?

At least, there is no such situation in Chen Xiao's memory of previous life.

Suspended ships, even on the six domains, still exist. Of course, compared with the floating ship on the mainland of Fengyue, it will be bigger and faster. After all, the square area of any one of the six regions is more than several times larger than that of Fengyue's mainland. It's still difficult to drive by human alone.But the suspended boat is used to come to the lower bound. If the fact had not been put in front of Chen Xiao, he would not believe that he could really do it. Not to mention anything else, it's impossible for any known material to withstand the huge pressure generated by crossing, not to mention the other party, but to break through the void directly and penetrate through the chaotic space!

Is this a new development after 3000 years?

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Chen Xiao frowned, guessing whether in 3000 years, the six regions as a whole have undergone great changes.

When Chen Xiao is still surprised, the suspended ship in the air has completely penetrated through the crack. And as it came out completely, the cracks in the air closed in an instant, and the sky returned to its original appearance again. This scene let Chen Xiao is surprised: space cracks can be so easily closed?

Seeing the suspended ship coming from the chaotic space, the onlookers have already sent out a deafening cheer. Such a scene makes them feel that they are lucky to witness it, and think that they will be old enough to tell their stories today to their grandchildren. Tell them that they have witnessed the whole process of fairy coming.

The suspended ship in the air slowly got off the shelf, but did not land on the ground, but stopped in the middle of the air, and then, three figures flew down from the ship. Look carefully, a man, followed by two women.

Under Chen Xiao's divine sense, the appearance of the three people is naturally clearly sensed by him. However, when Chen Xiao saw the man, his expression was suddenly cold.

Oh, I didn't expect it was him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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