Peerless War God

Chapter 479: 479

When Chen Xiao conflicts with the energy shield, the black fire is already autonomous, and immediately he is wrapped up. But even so, he felt a dull and uncomfortable chest.

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No way, his strength is declining again. Moreover, the red cloud sword is attracting, and the chaotic power is not less than the situation at that time!

Fortunately, most of the power of chaos is absorbed by chiyun sword, and the pressure on Chen Xiao is not as big as expected.

However, Chen Xiao was surprised to see how much chaotic power Chi Yun sword devoured! I didn't expect that chiyun sword would be so powerful again!

However, Chen Xiao's idea has not passed, but chiyun sword suddenly stops absorbing the power of chaos, and pulls Chen Xiao back into the energy shield. Think of it, the absorbed force of chaos has reached its limit.

Back on the deck, the black fire of chiyun sword has been taken back, and so is Chen Xiao's. However, the breath of chiyun sword makes Chen Xiao happy.

The black body of the sword is still dark, but if you look at it carefully, you will find that there is a faint light that cannot be hidden on the body of the sword. It is as deep as a star in the sky. Around the body of the sword, the space fluctuates slightly, and the force of chaos looms from time to time, giving people a feeling that the space can be split with a wave of one's hand.

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After swallowing enough chaotic power, chiyun sword finally has a breakthrough! Distance artifact quality, further!

At this time, compared with the previous life, although the quality of chiyun sword still has a gap, but in terms of power, the gap is not as large as imagined. By absorbing the power of the nine sky XuanHuo and chaos, the edge of chiyun sword has already exceeded the scope of immortal utensils!

Chen Xiao couldn't imagine how terrible the chiyun sword would be if it reached the artifact quality!

After the breakthrough, the chiyun sword quickly circled around Chen Xiaofei. After a long time, it stopped, which was taken in by Chen Xiao. As soon as he put the chiyun sword away, he suddenly ran up behind him and jumped directly onto his back. His paws were waving in the air, and his mouth was exchanging "fly Flying "is obviously interested in chiyun sword.

Chen Xiao of course won't take the chiyun sword out for Xiaomiao to play with. I'm kidding. That's the magic soldier of six regions. Even his master wants to call the old man of chiyun sword, which shows its high status in Chen Xiao's mind.

Coax coax small meow, take her to cabin inside. Although there is an energy shield outside, relatively speaking, accidents can still happen

In the chaotic space, there is no concept of the passage of time, and we don't know whether it is the past three days or five days or longer. Chen Xiaodu has recovered from the side effect of complete fury, and the empty ship has finally reached its destination, the edge of the dead zone.

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Standing on the deck, you can clearly see the energy of the circle mentioned by the maid. Chen Xiao didn't see the boundary of the huge dark gray energy. Compared with the range shown on the star map, this is totally two cases.

Looking at the place inside the dark gray energy, the chaotic space inside is also covered with a layer of gray compared with the outside. Moreover, there is no star in it. If it is not for the existence of several light spots, Chen Xiaozhen thinks that behind this is a piece of gray, nothing.

It's really a dead zone. It gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

But compared with this, Chen Xiao is more concerned about how to get through the gray energy.

In recent days, he had a new understanding of the death zone from the maid. Although the maid didn't know the name of this circle of gray energy, she unexpectedly learned that the energy was more terrifying than the chaotic force. Even the able man did not dare to contact with him easily.

With such a view, Chen Xiao can only give up the idea of forced breakthrough. But if so, how can Chen Xiao go back to Fengyue?

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Scanning in the chaotic space, Chen Xiao can only play the idea of demon world again.

Through the operation of the void ship in the past few days, Chen Xiao found that the star map has a special function, that is, it can search the small world around. It must be through this function that the sky can find so many small worlds. Now, Chen Xiao is to use this function to try to find the small world where the demons are.

In Chen Xiao's opinion, since the demon world will not appear on the star chart, it is obviously not found. So, what kind of place will let the demon world not be discovered? Obviously, only around the dead zone will not attract the prying eyes of the people in the six regions. Perhaps in their view, there is no world space around the dead zone that is worth exploring.

Turn on the star map search function, Chen Xiao began to control the void ship around the gray energy circle up, hoping that he would be a bit lucky, this morning found the existence of the demon world. Otherwise, he was worried about Xiao Ling, who had never heard from him, how sad he would be.

Fortunately, Chen Xiao's luck is really good this time. We didn't waste too much time. We really found a small world outside the energy circle.The position of this small world can be said to be quite tricky, it is almost stuck at the bottom of the gray energy circle. If Chen Xiao had not searched carefully for something that might have been missed because of his first use of the star map search function, he would not have been able to discover the existence of this small world.

The ship stops outside the small world. Looking inside from the outside, you can roughly see what is inside the small world through another function of the star map.

After a while, Chen Xiao saw a world with a very bad environment. The sun was scorching, and the earth was cracked deeply because of its dryness. There was no green plant or any trace of biological existence.

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Combined with the second prince's description of the demon environment, it is obvious that this is the world where the demons live!

Without any hesitation, control the void ship to enter the small world. Soon, the void boat passed through the barrier of the small world. At the same time, a space crack suddenly appeared in the sky above the demon Kingdom City. Through the crack, you can see the stars in the chaotic space behind. Then, a small black suspended ship came through the cracks!

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The bell of warning against enemy attack soon rang through the whole imperial city! The master in the imperial city first entered the alert state! And what they were on guard against was nothing else, but the suspended ship that had passed through the void!

Thinking that they were held in this small world by the strong people above, is this suspended ship sent down by the upper world again? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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