Peerless War God

Chapter 490: 490

Under the huge severed finger, the force of heaven and earth exploded, and Chen Xiao seized the opportunity to rush down!

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However, before he rushed down far away, the forces of heaven and earth around him mixed with the laws of heaven and earth, and in an instant formed a more powerful group, blocking Chen Xiao!

Damn it!

Chen Xiao has a dignified expression. When the channel detects that someone wants to go down, it will consciously and crazily gather the power of heaven and earth, and users block it. For example, Chen Xiao is now in this situation. Compared with the power of heaven and earth which was broken by him, the power of heaven and earth contains more than several times more energy!

If you continue to use the broken soul finger, you may be able to break the force of heaven and earth again, but it is only to break this group. There will be new ones coming up later. Therefore, Chen Xiao changed his tactics decisively!

The spiritual power in the body converges to the right hand, and takes a decisive palm out!

Futian zhenhunjue, Fantian Tower!

A black Pagoda with nine layers formed and appeared in the breath under his palm. With the improvement of Chen Xiao's strength, the height of the pagoda has also increased. Now it is more than three feet high, and will reach four feet!

The pressure of heaven and earth attached to the tower is also much stronger than before. Now the pagoda falls on the power of heaven and earth. With the power of the tower, the power of heaven and earth is still easily smashed. In addition, the sky climbing tower broke down several meters with strength, but it did not give the power of heaven and earth a chance to gather together again!

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Chen Xiao of course will not miss such an opportunity, followed closely in the sky tower, quickly narrowed the distance with the little meow.

At this time, the small meow, waving limbs of the range has become smaller, a pair of cat's eyes are about to close, at any time to mix over the appearance.

The power of the world around him is still preventing Chen Xiao. Fantian tower is very strong, but in how strong, in the face of a large number of forces of heaven and earth, after all, it can't be stopped by it.

Chen Xiao didn't have any hesitation, but he made another move. But this time, the sky tower is only broken less than two feet away, and it is worn away by the force of heaven and earth!

Within the channel, the gathering speed of the force of heaven and earth becomes faster, and the pressure caused by it is also stronger and stronger! Chen Xiao feels that the speed of spiritual power in his body is beginning to be affected!

The right hand swings out, and the chiyun sword is in the hand immediately. When holding the sword, a lot of black fire will appear on the sword.

"Break it! Burning the sky

With a vigorous sword, the dark red flame suddenly appeared all over Chen Xiao's body, and in a twinkling formed a flame sword shape, which chopped down at the force of heaven and earth under his feet.

The power of the best immortal tool and the edge of the chiyun sword are mixed with the breath of the power of chaos. Even in the powerful force of heaven and earth, there is no qualification to stop it! Once again, Chen Xiao broke through the barrier and continued to rush out!

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Chiyun sword, Chen Xiao is finally rushed to Xiaomiao side. The little meow had fainted and was pale. Under the pressure of the force of heaven and earth, the petite body trembled consciously, as if a twinkling of an eye would be destroyed.

Chen Xiao does not dare to waste time. He grabs Xiaomao with his left hand, and his mind moves. The second floor of the void tower in the sea of knowledge opens again, trying to suck Xiaomiao in. This is the second time he has put meow into the void tower.

However, what Chen Xiaowan didn't think of was that when he urged the empty tower, an accident suddenly happened!

He has not yet given xiaomeow to the second floor of the empty tower, the laws of heaven and earth in the passage suddenly converge towards Chen Xiao's eyebrows! And didn't receive any obstruction, they all went in!

Chen Xiaolian had no chance to think about this. At the next moment, he felt the whole sea of knowledge vibrated violently and lost control of the void. Then, his whole head seemed to explode! The unbearable pain made his eyes red with blood in an instant!


Can't control, Chen Xiao issued a roar, the spiritual power in the body under the roar, violently toward the surrounding burst out! Unexpectedly, he forced all the forces of heaven and earth around him to retreat out! Within two Zhang, there is not a trace of the force of heaven and earth!

Fortunately, in this state, Chen Xiao's subconscious is still protecting the little meow, also did not drop the chiyun sword.

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But although the power of heaven and earth was shaken open by him, the law of heaven and earth has not been affected in any way! Still crazy from his eyebrows into the sea of knowledge! There's no intention of stopping!

"Chen Xiao!" When people outside the array heard Chen Xiao's roar, they found that his situation was wrong. Xiao Ling, the nearest one, was about to rush into the passage, but he was stopped by Shangguan rebellion in time.

"Don't go in! At this time you go in, not only can't help him, may also bring him more trouble! Only by himself Shangguan had a dignified look on his face.

He has the ability to enter the passage, but he knows that he does not have the ability to help Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao's strength does not know how much stronger he is. If Chen Xiao can't solve it himself, then what help can he get in?

However, Xiao Ling didn't listen to Shangguan's words at all. She yelled "get out of the way" and slapped him in the face. But with Xiao Ling's strength, where is Shangguan's opponent? A side to avoid her attack, Shangguan inverse with momentum will Xiao Ling given in place.Xiao Ling's identity is very clear to all present. Can prevent her from taking risks, but never dare to hurt her!

"Don't Don't go in Come on Ah

Chen Xiao, who is struggling to endure the pain, shouts out the words with difficulty, but he just finished saying this, and again issued a cry of pain!

His toughness is very strong, in the white jade bridge, he is relying on his far more powerful endurance than ordinary people to resist the pressure of heaven and earth. However, the present situation is not a matter of toughness at all!

In the whole sea of knowledge, just like the sea surface ravaged by hurricane, the strong wind and waves, everything on the sea surface will be destroyed in an instant! Swallowed up!

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And Chen Xiao now, the bad situation in the sea of knowledge, prompted his spirit is also concussion up! Because of the injection of a large amount of the force of heaven and earth, the body is already bulging up! Become a big balloon, may be so close, will explode!

If it goes on like this, he may really explode and die!

However, Chen Xiao did not know what to do at this time! The sea of knowledge was turbulent. Don't say that he can't feel the empty tower, even the existence of the black dragon is not aware. And with his own strength, let alone the laws of heaven and earth are constantly infiltrating in. Even those laws of heaven and earth in his knowledge of the sea are not what he can handle!

Bursts of pain continue to stimulate the brain of Chen Xiao, his consciousness is beginning to become fuzzy, Chen Xiao clear, in this way, he can not hold on for long! If you can't think of a way to deal with it before you lose consciousness, let alone go to six domains. He and Xiaomao will die in this channel!


Suddenly, Chen Xiao thought that there was another energy in his body, and this energy might help him to solve the problem in front of him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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