Peerless War God

Chapter 496: 496

Looking at the maid with the medicine bottle in, Gao Li came back for a long time, staring at Chen Xiao, and did not dare to say anything more for a time.

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However, waiting for a long time, the maid has not come back, which makes Gao Li unable to help.

"Cut Stinky boy, I'm lucky to have a bottle of good pills. I think it must have been stolen from somewhere. The next thing I'm going to take out is all those junk pills. " Gao Li sneered again.

Chen Xiao really can't pick up the idea of taking care of Gao Li. As his strength grows stronger and stronger, this kind of clown has completely failed to enter his eyes.

Even with Gao Li nonsense idea are not, Chen Xiao quietly waiting for the maid to come back.

"Let me guess that Chen Xiaoli's idea made me feel more like this? As a newcomer, can you still produce a lot of leakless elixir? Stop teasing me! If you can take it out, I can go out of the door and walk backwards! "

Gao Li's words finally let Chen Xiao have a little reaction.

"Then you can prepare first, and then you should go out and walk backwards."

"What?" Chen Xiao opened his mouth again and let the people around him be stunned again. This means that all he took out was the miraculous elixir without leakage?

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Gao Li Dun, followed by a laugh: "ha ha ha! Boy, you can pretend! Just how much you can take out... "

The words behind Gao Li have not yet said, but an old man rushes out from behind the counter, grabs Chen Xiao, and says in an excited voice, "this little friend, are you refining those leakless elixirs?"

In a word, Gao Li's laughter stopped for a moment, and his mouth seemed to be blocked by flies flying in. The whole person was stupid there and couldn't believe what he heard.

People around naturally heard the old man's words, one by one in shock at the same time, looking at Gao Li's eyes is just like looking at a fool. Nothing to know bullying was, now good, just finished the words of the front foot, the back foot was mercilessly slapped in the face!

It can't be! He is a new man from the lower world. How can he bring out so many leakless elixirs in one breath! By the way, he must have stolen it! It must have been stolen! I'm not sure it was picked up! "

Gao Li said to himself nervously. It's just, he just said that.

"Noise! What are you arguing about! If you quarrel again, I'll have you kicked out! " Old Li glared at him rather impolitely. This old Li, Gao Li or know, their wild beast Gang is usually associated with it.

But I didn't expect that old Li would be angry with Gao Li because of a new comer! Yes, there is nothing wrong. Gao Li can clearly feel that Li Lao is very angry with his behavior!

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This time, Gao Li was honest. Even if the heart of Chen Xiao no matter how much resentment, at this time also dare not show.

Chen Xiao this meeting is some accident, in front of the old man's appearance, he did not expect his own a few bottles of pills to take out, actually let the other party directly come out to look for him. Can we say that the alchemy technology of Sanyu is lower than before?

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao admitted that these pills were made by himself.

No matter in the small world or in the former six regions, even in the three regions now, Chen Xiao thinks that the power of auction houses must be a neutral force independent of the three forces. Now, he needs to quickly understand the situation of the three regions. If there is a neutral force, it may be more convenient.

"Yes, I made them myself. What's the matter? " Chen Xiao said.

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Li Laoxin simply did not know how excited! Such a young alchemist, if his income in the auction house, his status in the organization will certainly rise a lot!

"Xiao Liu, go and get me a membership card." Li Lao said directly to the maid in the counter. But this word, actually lets the person around be stunned again.

Supreme membership card, which is the highest grade membership in the auction house! As far as we know, there are only six people with this membership card. Three of them are leaders of the three forces.

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Now, just a one star wuzun, a young man who just came to Sanyu, actually asked Mr. Li to buy him a supreme membership card! It's just like a dream. Is it just because the young man can refine eight kinds of leakless elixir by himself?

Indeed, it is not enough for Chen Xiao to get the supreme membership card only by refining the eight products of no leakage elixir. At most is a senior membership card, and then give some benefits to attract Chen Xiao to join.

However, they did not know that the last bottle of pills identified by Mr. Li was not eight grade pills, but nine grade pills! Moreover, it is still a leakless elixir!

An alchemist who comes up from the lower world is actually able to refine nine level leakless elixir. What kind of alchemy talent is needed to achieve this? Especially when Mr. Li saw that Chen Xiao was so young, he decided to attract him to the auction house.

In this way, we have the idea of giving Chen Xiao the supreme membership card.

We must not let Chen Xiao fall into the hands of other forces. This is the firm idea of Mr. Li!

Although the maid was surprised that Mr. Li wanted to give Chen Xiao the supreme membership card, she did so. Not long after, a crystal card surrounded by spiritual instruments was handed over to Mr. Li by the maid."Xiaoyou, this is the supreme membership card of our auction house. If you hold this card, no matter which auction house you go to in Sanyu, you can get the best reception. At the same time, you can borrow up to 10 million cents from the auction house when you need to Li said the role of the supreme membership card.

And his explanation, let the surrounding people listen to, again widened their eyes. Before and after this is more, they are shocked by Chen Xiao more than they have experienced, remember more!

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But they really can't do not shock, a supreme membership card, directly from the auction house to borrow 10 million cents! Such a terrible number, for all the people present, it is a number they can never earn.

The role of the supreme membership card, Chen Xiao is also surprised, did not expect the other party to give such a weight gift. But he is very clear, the other party will do so, absolutely not without purpose.

"I don't know what to call this old gentleman? I'm Xiao Chen. " Chen Xiao still gave a pseudonym.

"Ha ha, it's Xiao Chen Xiaoyou. Just call me Li Lao. I am the chief appraiser of this auction house, and I can be regarded as the general manager. " "Xiao Chen Xiaoyou's Alchemy technology is the highest in my life. It happens that I also like to make pills. I don't know if I can go in and have a talk with me."

Mr. Li's words seem to be inviting Chen Xiaochang to talk about it. In fact, the olive branch is already quite obvious.

Can be seen by Mr. Li, people around Chen Xiao's eyes have become envy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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