Peerless War God

Chapter 51: 51

At least, broken arms are necessary!

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Thinking of this, no more left behind, all the true Qi in the body instantly burst out, the fist speed was faster, and he directly hit Chen Xiao's fist.


The clear voice sounded, Murong Xinghua's face changed slightly, and a cold light flashed through his eyes. Chen Xiao actually grasped his fist in an emergency.

However, what Chen Xiao grasped was not the fist, but the elbow. It was such a seemingly casual step that let his genuine Qi which was not easy to condense completely dissipated, and his fist became weak and weak, which was easily blocked by Chen Xiao.

Murong Xinghua doesn't know whether Chen Xiao's fist is a coincidence or that he really saw the flaw of his fist in an instant. However, there is obviously no more time to think about it now. He thinks that there are tens of thousands of people watching the battle, and he immediately smashes the other fist out with a roar, in an attempt to repel Chen Xiao.


With a low voice, Chen Xiao's left fist and Murong Xinghua's left fist collide with each other. With great strength, the two men's bodies were separated in an instant, and each of them stepped back three steps in a row.

The only difference is that Chen Xiao's face is calm, while Murong Xinghua's face is gloomy and terrible.

Chen Xiao is not only a superb swordsman, but also a terrific combination of body skills and boxing skills!

But who is he Murong Xinghua? That's the inner disciple of qinglingzong. How can we have such a simple attack method?

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However, I can't help but admit that I can't bend my hands to see the cruel face of Chen Xiaoran

As a result, Murong Xinghua's hands suddenly waved forward, and the whole person rushed to Chen Xiao. Every step closer, the palms of his hands were slapped in front of him. At the end of the day, even the air was hunting. Obviously, this set of palms is very powerful.

Looking at Chen Xiao's slightly open mouth, Murong Xinghua is very satisfied with the effect of this set of palms.

This set of folding wave palm is a high-level skill of the Yellow level of qinglingzong. It can be said that it can be said that it can be compared with the low-level skill of Xuan level. What's more, this set of palms stresses continuous and vigorous!

Once put out, it will be rolling towards the opponent with overwhelming momentum.

Now that he's done it, Chen Xiao is going to die!

At the moment, Chen Xiao is really very surprised, or say, Chen Xiao is ignorant.

Because, at the moment, Murong Xinghua is creating this set of folding wave palms in front of him by chance!

To be more accurate, Chen Xiao created a set of eighteen overlapping wave palms more than 3000 years ago!

It's a high-level skill of the earth level, which can even be compared with some heaven level skills. Chen Xiao's original use of this set of skills has achieved a terrifying effect. Once it is put into practice, no one dares to respond to its edge even if it exists in the same realm.

The shadow of the 18 overlapping wave palms created by Murong Xinghua is obviously in it. In other words, someone simplified his 18 overlapping wave palms and handed it down!

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So it's embarrassing.

The palm technique itself was created by Chen Xiao, but now he uses the simplest simplified version to deal with Chen Xiao. Isn't that a dagger in front of Guan Gong?

A finger!

Chen Xiao just moved a finger, so there is no fancy toward the dance of the dense wave of the palm is leaning on a little bit of the position in the past!


A crisp voice sounded, seemingly a simple finger, but the right point in Murong Xinghua's palm, that set of seemingly powerful and terrible palm techniques, unexpectedly disappeared in an instant!

"How could it be?"

Murong Xinghua's eyes widened, and his eyes were full of horror.

This set of palms is the skill of qinglingzong, which can't be taught to outsiders. However, Chen Xiao can see the flaws in an instant. How can this be done?

Is this guy really so evil?

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"When you use this set of palm techniques, the true Qi should be compressed more tightly in the Dantian cyclone, and then instantly rush into your palm, and then hit it with a continuous momentum. Even if the enemy changes, you can quickly respond to the changes, so that you can attack and retreat. Unfortunately, you have forgotten the foundation of this set of skills !” Chen Xiao shakes his head slightly, as if remembering something.

"You, who are you?"

Murong Xinghua's eyes are wide, because Chen Xiao's words are noted in the introduction of this skill, and also left by the creator of the skill.

However, he only practiced this in order to increase the attack power, which was regarded as training the ability of close combat. Naturally, he paid special attention to the attack power.

Even if the weakness of the skill is found out, even the original function of the skill is revealed, which makes Murong Xinghua a little unable to accept.However, Chen Xiao did not answer him. It was Chen Xiao's palm that answered him!


The palm of the hand is clearly and incomparably pasted on Murong Xinghua's chest position.

This is just the beginning. Next, Chen Xiao slapped one hand after another, and it turned out that the set of overlapping wave palms exhibited by Murong xinghuashi in an instant. Moreover, it seems that it is much more powerful than Murong Xinghua!

People don't know if this is an illusion. After all, Chen Xiao's accomplishments are so much worse than Murong Xinghua.

But soon, they were sure that this was true, because Chen Xiao hit Murong Xinghua nine times with this set of wave folding palms. At the ninth time, Murong Xinghua's face suddenly turned white, and a large mouthful of blood gushed out.

However, Chen Xiao still didn't stop. After Murong Xinghua vomited blood, Chen Xiao took a slap again. This time, he pointed to Murong Xinghua's Dantian!

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Looking at Chen Xiao to destroy his own elixir, Murong Xinghua's face also suddenly changed.

Even though the body was still in severe pain at the moment, he still forcibly mobilized the residual Qi and directly turned the body to avoid Chen Xiao's attack.

However, Murong Xinghua's body is still stiff and her face shows a look of pain.

Chen Xiao, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly. Although his right palm did not explode on the elixir field, it also touched the side. A flame of black fire directly ran down Chen Xiao's palm into Murong Xinghua's body, and then re drilled back between several breaths.

When Chen Xiao regained his palm and stood up, Murong Xinghua's face was pale, because he could not feel the slightest genuine Qi in his body.

"My accomplishments You, you have abandoned my cultivation? "

Murong Xinghua stares at Chen Xiao with her eyes full of resentment.

"Go away!"

There is no redundant answer, Chen Xiao kick in Murong Xinghua's body, directly kick it off the arena.

At this point, this competition is also a complete end! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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