Peerless War God

Chapter 515: 515

In addition to the one in charge of the Canghai domain, which can be called haihuangzong in the three regions?

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However, many people were very surprised that the Haihuang sect would come to attend. After all, there has always been a lot of gratitude and resentment among the three regions, and now it is the territory of the spiritual realm. The emperor of the sea sent people to participate. If they got Kirin blood in the back, they could take it back to Canghai area.

Can be in the public because of the emergence of the emperor of the time and discussion, there is a carriage directly into the auction house. It was a dark black carriage with a carved pattern of a nine story pagoda.

"The gate of Wanzong in jiuchongyu is coming Someone recognized the origin of the carriage again. As soon as the voice spread, many people were surprised. Unexpectedly, this auction would startle the forces in the other two regions.

But before they could say a word, another carriage drove straight in. This time, there is a sword carving on the body.

This carving is very familiar with many forces in the spiritual realm. However, it is the symbol of destroying the sect.

The three regional forces gathered in an auction, which made many forces unable to imagine what this auction would eventually become

At this time, Chen Xiao, under the guidance of the maid, was already sitting in the VIP room arranged for him by Mr. Li. Within his storage ring, the lower God stone is already lying still.

The second grade God stone is the auction house's own things, Chen Xiao wanted, and Li agreed without any hesitation.

With all the seats below filled, the auction was announced.

At the beginning of the auction, there were quite a lot of people bidding. All the forces at the bottom know that these things are actually auctions, and they will not miss them easily.

The outcry rang one after another, and each item was auctioned out, and the transaction price all exceeded the estimated price of the auction house. However, up to now, none of the three regions has made a voice. It seems that they are waiting for Kirin blood to appear.

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Finally, with the completion of the auction, two maids pushed a table, and a piece of red cloth covered it.

"Good! The atmosphere of today's auction is quite warm. Then, what's next is today's heavyweight... " The maid raised the red cloth at the right time, "Kirin blood!"

On the stage, twenty porcelain bottles were put together in good order.

People's eyes fell on some porcelain bottles at the same moment. They know that it contains the unicorn blood they dream of. Unfortunately, with their strength, they did not have the strength to participate in the auction.

But the host next words, let them see the hope all of a sudden.

"In order to make sure that all of you here don't really have no harvest, the guild held consultations with the three major forces. The first five bottles of Kirin blood will be auctioned as a single bottle, and none of the three forces will participate in the auction. Now, the starting price is five million cents. "

"I'll give you five million!"

"5.3 million!"

"Five and a half million cents!"

"Six million cents!"


The host's voice just fell, the bottom of the bid, a higher than one, and the price is in an instant reached 10 million cents! But the voice of price increase continued. Finally, the first bottle of Kirin blood was sold for 14 million yuan.

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This price, however, is somewhat beyond Chen Xiao's expectation. In the three regions, the highest auction price of Kirin blood was 5000 high-quality immortal stones. If converted into immortal coins, it would be about 5 million yuan.

Now, the starting price is only five million cents. Chen Xiao is not surprised.

However, the auction price of Kirin blood continues to rise.

The second bottle, 15 million.

The third bottle, 17 million.

The fourth bottle, 19 million.

The fifth bottle, 25 million!

Just the first five bottles of Kirin blood brought Chen Xiao nearly 100 million yuan! Such a huge wealth, so many people are envious. And this is only a quarter of Kirin blood. The remaining 15 bottles will be put in the competition among the three regions. The price will certainly be higher!

"OK, the first five bottles of Kirin blood have been sold. Then, five bottles of Kirin blood will be auctioned at one go. The starting price is 100 million immortals. "

Sure enough, as soon as the host came up, the price of each bottle of Kirin blood was 20 million yuan. This price is simply not affordable by ordinary forces!

But as soon as the host's voice dropped, a woman's voice came out of the VIP room above.

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"The first group of Kirin blood, I wonder if Wanzong gate and miezong can give it to my younger sister at a lower price? If you can, I will certainly pay back in the future. " Charming voice, just listen to people can't help but wonder what this woman will look like.

Unfortunately, the woman's voice just fell, a middle-aged man's voice followed.

"I didn't expect that the person who came from the Haihuang sect was a beautiful woman in Hailan heart. However, if you want me to give up Kirin blood easily, you can't just be sincere. Why don't you come and stay with me at night? Hey, hey, hey... " At last, the man laughed.No one thought that the man of Wanzong gate actually said such words as soon as he came up.

"Hum! Wan Guming, are you looking for death? " It seems that the voice under LAN's heart has changed with the coldness of her voice.

"Ha ha, the beauty of Haida is laughing. How can I be upset if I am good? It's just that I miss you very much after I met the beauty of Haida last time. Or, I'll do the East in the evening and invite the beauty of the sea to dinner? " Wan Gu Ming's tone is very frivolous.

"Bah! Who wants to have dinner with you does not see his virtue. Stay away from me. "

"Ah, beauty Hai, you hurt me a lot. But you are crazy about me

Wan Gu Ming is to make a sound again, but a voice interposes horizontally, just interrupted him.

"You two, if you don't ask for a price, then I'm not polite to destroy the clan. 200 million. "


Hear the other party's offer, the voice of the bottom a breath of air rings!

It's worthy of being a force of three regions. Once you open your mouth, you'll double the price! It's overbearing!

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However, where are the other two forces that are not like this?

"Hello, Hello, Zhou Leng, you're boring. Are you like this? I gave 250 million. " Wan Gu Ming's tone was dissatisfied, but he raised the price a lot.

"Well, this is an auction, not a chat. 300 million. " Zhou Leng raised the price again, quite simply.

Looking at this is only a dozen interest time, the price has been tripled, many people below can not bear. Only the forces of the three regions can do so.

But wan Guming obviously didn't want to give the first group of kylin blood to Zhou Leng.

"You've got money, aren't you? I'll give 400 million! "

"Hua ~"

hearing Wan Guming's offer, all the people present were in an uproar again! But Zhou Leng next words, it is to let them have a Leng.

"Good. The first group of kylin blood is yours." Zhou Leng's tone, with a touch of banter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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