Peerless War God

Chapter 517: 517

The appearance of this voice made all the people present stunned.

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Two billion?! Did they hear right?

"Two Two billion The host was also shocked by this number. Fortunately, his good professional quality made him recover quickly, "OK! Just now a client bid 2 billion! Is there any higher price? "

The host's voice was so excited that he didn't expect that a black horse would be killed in the end, pushing the price to 2 billion! This number, but the Auction Association has not appeared so far!

People from the three major forces were also shocked by the offer. However, compared with others who were surprised by 2 billion yuan, they were more concerned that some people would dare to fight with meizong.

"Ah I don't know which representative of the hidden forces. If it's convenient, can you disclose your identity? " Zhou Leng uttered his voice.

However, there was no sound coming out of the VIP room, which was calling out the price of two billion yuan.

"Tut Tut, I said, could it be that some young boy sneaked into the VIP room and asked for the price on purpose?" Wan Guming also jumped out.

But as soon as he said this, a voice came out of the VIP room.

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"I'm just a nobody. I just have some spare money and I'm interested in the bracelet."

All the people below were shocked by this. The two billion cents were just some spare money? What is the origin of the speaker.

"Since my friend doesn't want to reveal his identity, Zhou doesn't want to give up the bracelet. 2.5 billion. " Zhou Leng once again quoted a price, and this price, let many people's heart is mercilessly jumped twice.

But their heart just beat so two times, the next moment is directly stopped for a moment.

"Three billion." Chen Xiao in the VIP room, speak again. Star Moon bracelet, he can never let out.

But Zhou Leng was also very persistent about the star moon Bracelet unexpectedly, and opened his mouth again: "3.5 billion."

"Four billion."

Zhou Leng's voice has just dropped, and Chen Xiao has raised the price again. And that price, let Zhou Leng's expression can no longer maintain!

Although miezong is very powerful, the maximum fund he can use now is only 3.7 billion yuan, and the other party's increase to 4 billion yuan at a time is more than his maximum fund!

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Damn it! What is the origin of the other party!

Zhou Leng's face became gloomy. However, he was told to take the bracelet back.

"Ha ha, Zhou Leng, can't you do it this time? Why, no money? Why don't I lend you some without interest. " Wan Gu Ming's voice sounded, but the tone was obviously schadenfreude.

"Shut up." Zhou Leng said in a cold voice, "my friend, if you show your identity and let Zhou go back to work, then this bracelet will make you OK. But if you insist on robbing Zhou, then don't blame Zhou Mou afterwards."

As soon as Zhou Leng said this, people immediately understood that he was threatening the mysterious man. If they really want to deal with someone, even if they get the bracelet, they can't leave the spiritual realm.

Chen Xiao in the house heard this, but sneered: "miezong, this is to rob after the auction, right? Oh, if you want to rob, just come. Just destroy the clan. I haven't paid attention to it yet

Chen Xiao's words clearly spread to every corner of the auction house. The whole auction house is fried in an instant!

Just destroy the clan?! What kind of person can say such a thing!

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Zhou Leng didn't expect that the other party would talk like this, and even miezong didn't pay attention to it. What's the origin of the other party? For a time, Zhou Leng was not sure what to do.

Miezong is indeed one of the three regional forces, but within the three regions, they are not the only ones. Zhou Leng knows that there are several hidden forces similar to the three regions forces.

"Good! Since my friend said so, then don't blame Zhou Mou for offending me

To say this means that Zhou Leng has given up the fight for the star moon bracelet. In the end, Chen Xiao won the star and moon bracelet with the host's hammering down

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, what are you thinking? How can we have a dispute with miezong The auction over there is not over yet. Mr. Li and elder Wang have already rushed to Chen Xiao.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry. I know it's impossible to ask you to help me buckle the star moon bracelet, so I have to compete at the auction Chen Xiao did not mention exterminating the clan.

However, elder Wang frowned. He didn't understand why Chen Xiao finally said such a thing, which seemed to have offended Chen Xiao.

"Xiao Chen Xiaoyou, you are reckless. Although the star moon bracelet can't be buttoned for you, we can also work from the middle circle to avoid you from offending and destroying the clan. In this way, if you know that you robbed the bracelet, you will never be let go. " Elder Wang sighed. Originally, he was very optimistic about Chen Xiao, but he didn't think that Chen Xiao would make such a thing.

The strength of the auction house can indeed match that of miezong, but Chen Xiao offended miezong on his own initiative. The Auction Association has no proper reason to intervene in the enmity between them. Not to mention that Chen Xiao is not their auctioneer yet."Don't worry, elder Wang. In a few days, I will leave the spiritual realm for a while and wait for me to come back. Maybe miezong will forget my existence. " Chen Xiao doesn't care about Tao.

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"This..." After hearing Chen Xiao say so, the two old men looked at each other and knew that it was useless to say anything now. They could only let Chen Xiao avoid Zhou Leng in the past few days to avoid accidents. In the end, Mr. Li also wants Chen Xiao to go to the mysterious world to collect the power of chaos

The hand over of the star moon bracelet is very simple. Since Chen Xiao has photographed it, a maid will send it to him naturally. As for the four billion yuan, Chen Xiao is certainly not so immortal. The amount of kylin blood auctioned off in his hands is the largest of 2 billion yuan. Fortunately, Chen Xiao didn't have any coins, but there was something else to replace him. Another bottle of Qilin essence was given to old Li to offset the two billion yuan.

After that, with the star moon bracelet, Chen Xiao returned to his room

Looking carefully at the bracelet on his hand, Chen Xiao's divine sense did not cause any damage to it, but it was because the spirit of the bracelet fell into a deep sleep that it was degraded to the highest level.

What Chen Xiao cares more about is that there is no trace of moon Yao on the bracelet.

This bracelet is always worn by Yueyao. Unless Yueyao disappears from the world, the breath of Yueyao on it is impossible to disappear!

Can you say that Yue Yao has disappeared!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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