Peerless War God

Chapter 560: 560

I didn't expect that something could survive under the force of destruction. Chen Xiaozheng was curious about what it would be. He suddenly moved up and arrived in front of the thing.

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It's a fist size cube that emits golden light.

"What is this?"

Chen Xiao is the first time to see this thing. Just want to see a few more eyes, the small square suddenly rises from the sky and goes out towards the outside. And Chen Xiao unexpectedly followed the small square.

In a twinkling of an eye, Chen Xiao appeared in front of an exit, he and small square came out from there, looking back, he actually ran out of the mouth of the evil dragon!

This is something that the evil dragon can't digest, so it's vomited out?

There's an explanation coming out of my head. And the spit out of the small square, back to its position in front of the chaos around the force, spontaneously towards the small square in the past. However, the speed of convergence is very slow

Next, Chen Xiao felt that the flow of time became much faster. Under the influence of chaos, the small square becomes bigger and bigger, and then becomes a sphere again. Finally, it turns into a world space again!

"Isn't it? Is this how high-level world space formed? "

Chen Xiao widened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. From such a small block into a world space, this is actually chaos space itself. So, what about those small worlds that have been opened up by the strong?

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Doubts arise again in his heart, and the environment around Chen Xiao changes again. In front of another small square, however, this square, compared with the previous one, a little smaller, and there are also some cracks on it.


Don't wait for Chen Xiao to think about what, that block broke, turned into a large number of pieces, scattered in the chaotic space. However, some of them are still attracted by the space of the past, and some of them are not attracted by the space around them.

Without Chen Xiao's control, he had come to a piece of debris, and finally saw what the fragment was.

It's nothing else. It's the core of the world used by the powerful gods to open up a small world!

"That's how the core of the world comes from." Seeing this, Chen Xiao is really scared. I didn't expect that the core of the world came out of the belly of the demon dragon.

However, until now, Chen Xiao still did not understand why he came here.

After seeing the origin of the fragment, Chen Xiao saw another flower in front of him and went back to the original place again. There was a vast darkness around him and nothing could be seen.

"Back to the belly of the demon dragon?" Chen Xiao thinks so.

However, when Chen Xiao thought of this, there was a lot of destructive power around him. After these forces appeared, they gathered again towards Chen Xiaohui!

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At the next moment, Chen Xiao is stimulated by a deep pain. The power of destruction had an impact on him!

How? Don't the front not affect me?

In the agony, Chen Xiao thinks so. But he can only think of such a moment, and then, the endless pain will instantly submerge him! No more energy to think

Chen Xiao doesn't know how long the time has passed. He only knows that his sharp pain has never stopped and has been stimulating him. He can't tell whether it has been a long time or not.

But what he didn't understand was why he had not been destroyed for so long. It's a powerful force that can easily destroy the world space! With his current state, he should not be able to carry it down!

However, in fact, Chen Xiaozhen carried it down. This once made him feel that he had an illusion because of the unbearable pain, but in fact, when he began to feel that the pain was not so unbearable, Chen Xiaocai was surprised to find that he had adapted to the pain brought by the power of destruction!

No! It should not be said to adapt, more precisely, it should be that he felt numb to the pain!

Such sharp pain has reached the degree of numbness, Chen Xiao dare not guess how long he has suffered.

As the pain is no longer unbearable, Chen Xiao can finally think again.

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Up to now, Chen Xiao still did not understand what happened, and he was suddenly tortured by the power of destruction, which made him feel inexplicable. Now what Chen Xiao wants is how to leave here. He didn't want to wait until, like world space, he would be turned into a small square by the force of destruction.


When Chen Xiao thought of the small square, suddenly there was a tremor around him, followed by a strong light on his head, which covered him in an instant!

In the dark, I don't know how long out of Chen Xiao, in the face of sudden strong light, instinctively closed his eyes

"Young master! a young master! Are you all right? "

A familiar voice reached Chen Xiao's ear. Chen Xiao felt the existence of his body again. Then, he raised his eyelids with difficulty. In front of him, Lei Chenlong looked at him worried."Good, young master. It's very kind of you to be OK Seeing Chen Xiao wake up, Lei Chenlong is relieved at last.

"Clan leader Lei, this is Where is it? " Chen Xiao did not respond for a moment. I'm back?

Hearing Chen Xiao's question, Lei Chenlong was stunned and quickly asked, "young master, are you ok? Did you get hurt? This is just the end of the explosion. " Said, leichenlong quickly a spirit into the body of Chen Xiao, check whether he is injured where.

To tell you the truth, Chen Xiao didn't have anything under the Meng captain's self explosion. Lei Chenlong was quite surprised. Just now, we can see the influence of the self explosion power of the God level strong man. Not to mention that Captain Meng had been thinking of pulling Chen Xiao on the back.

Maybe this is the so-called auspicious people have their own nature.

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Lei Chenlong thinks so in his heart.

And Chen Xiao heard leichenlong said, this just understand, he is still in the array, and the time has just passed, Meng captain blew himself up so little. So, what happened to him?

Although his body is very weak, but the force of destruction into the body of that kind of pain, Chen Xiao still clearly remember, it is not his illusion! It must have been a real experience!

It seems that, temporary, Chen Xiao is unable to think of a reason, his previous experience, can only be put in the heart, to see if it will have any impact in the future.

With the help of Lei Chenlong, Chen Xiao sees the big pit in front of him. The self explosion power of the God level strong man is really terrible. The fact that I was able to survive this explosion is probably related to the previous experience.

As for those experiences, Chen Xiao's biggest suspects are the empty tower and the demon dragon in the sea of knowledge.

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