Peerless War God

Chapter 570: 570

Chen Xiaowen, soon found the reason. It turned out that there was a stall selling stinky tofu in front of them.

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Chen Xiao has never eaten this kind of food, so he doesn't understand why this kind of food with strange taste will be sold on the street. The point is, the business of that stall is still very good.

"Dad, what's the matter with those people? Why do they run to buy such smelly things Small meow stares at the person in front of the stall, curiously way.

Chen Xiao naturally did not understand why, turned to ask the guard around.

"Young master, stinky tofu is a kind of snack that smells and tastes delicious. For ordinary people, it's a very popular snack Reply respectfully.

Smells bad, tastes good?

Chen Xiao was surprised by the guard's explanation. Is there such a magical food in the world? Looking down at meow, he found that the little guy was also staring at himself, and his face was eager to try.

"Well, let's go and try one." It's rare to be able to relax. Chen Xiao also wants to try to see what the taste of the food is.

On the other side of the street, a handsome young man accompanied a beautiful girl to come. Behind the two, there are two middle-aged men following, a five-star martial saint and a one-star martial god.

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With the martial god as a bodyguard, in the city can have treatment, as we all know, only wanzongmen can do it! In this way, the identity of the young men and women is very curious.

"Sister Qingxuan, what do you think of my Wancheng? People live and work in peace and contentment. All these are the efforts of our ten thousand families. " The young man spoke to the girl beside him. His identity is the successor of the future leader of Wanzong sect, that is, Murong Yi, the son of Wanzong sect leader.

At present, Murong Yi's strength is only half saint, which is required by his father Murong Kangping. Otherwise, there is no difficulty in breaking through the martial Saint realm with Murong Yi's talent.

As for the reason why he was not allowed to break through, he naturally wanted to enter the mysterious place and collect the power of chaos.

"It's really good." The girl next to her, Qingxuan, nodded slightly.

Qingxuan and his party came to wanzongmen. According to zongmen's meaning, this time the mysterious place was to arrange some of them to go inside to see and see.

Originally, yinyuezong didn't care about the mysterious place. As a hidden force, yinyuezong has been adhering to the principle of not participating in most activities of the outside world, and it exists stably.

But not long ago, a strong man in Houshan suddenly said that he wanted to send the youngest generation of yinyuezong into the mysterious place, so that Qingxuan and others left yinyuezong. As for what we want from wanzongmen, we should enter the mysterious place with them.

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How can such a precious thing as the power of chaos be known all over the world? Naturally, it is firmly in the hands of several big forces. So far, in addition to the three domain forces, there are auction guild, task guild and two other hidden forces. Now with the addition of yinyuezong, there are just eight forces in total.

Seeing Qingxuan nodding, Murong Yi quickly said: "sister Qingxuan, since you think my Wancheng is good, otherwise you don't have to go back, just stay here with me. As long as my father says to the silver dust elder, he certainly will not refuse. "

Murong Yi's proposal makes Qingxuan frown slightly.

What does Murong Yi mean by this? Why does Qingxuan not understand it? Since the day after she came to Wanzong family and was met by Murong Yi, he would come to Qingxuan almost every day, either to send things or to make excuses to ask her out for shopping. With such a straightforward approach, Qingxuan, no matter how simple, has to understand that Murong Yi is in love with her.

Unfortunately, in Qingxuan's heart, there is no room for another person except Chen Xiao. Even if Murong Yi is distinguished.

"More kindness from master Murong, but Qingxuan is a disciple of yinyuezong. If she doesn't go back, Shifu will be worried. Qingxuan can't make Shifu anxious." Qing Xuan declined.

"Sister Qingxuan, if you refuse so simply, it will make me sad." Murong Yi makes an exaggerated look of extreme sadness.

Qingxuan said with a smile: "Mr. Murong, you said that. After all, Qingxuan is a disciple of yinyuezong. This time, she was ordered to come out. Wait for the task to be completed. It's impossible for other martial brothers to go back. I'll stay. "

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"Why not." Murong Yi immediately retorted, "as long as sister Qingxuan is willing, I will definitely have a reasonable reason to ask your master to agree. Even your family will be willing to stay."

What Murong Yi said, of course, was that he and Qingxuan had become a couple. If we can get together with Qingxuan, on the one hand, he has a beautiful wife who is born with mysterious body; secondly, wanzongmen and yinyuezong have become relatives. In the future, not to mention one of the three regions forces, is to directly exterminate the other force. In a word, it is completely possible to become the capital of the three regions!

This is why Murong Kangping ordered Murong Yiduo to contact with Qingxuan, and even use some means to obtain it when necessary.Naturally, Qingxuan doesn't understand the inside story, but Murong Yi knows what she said if she wants to.

"Mr. Murong, I'm really sorry. Qingxuan still wants to go back to zongmen. After all... " In the middle of the conversation, however, Qingxuan suddenly stops. Her eyes pass through Murong Yi and fall on a small stall not far away. There, a familiar figure of her back is reflected in her eyes.

"Sister Qingxuan, what's the matter?" Seeing Qingxuan stop suddenly, Murong Yi asks.

But Qingxuan didn't answer his question. Suddenly, an excited expression appeared on her face. She walked directly past Murong Yi and ran towards the figure in sight.

"Young master!"

Before the girl approached, the clear voice passed through first. And such a pleasant voice naturally attracted the eyes of passers-by.

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"Qingxuan!" Chen Xiao, who has just taken out the money and handed it to the stall owner, is stunned when he hears the voice and turns around. It's really Qingxuan.

Seeing that it's really her own young master, Qingxuan ignores the passers-by around her and can't help but want to rush into Chen Xiaohuai. But when he saw the little meow in his arms, he was stunned.

"Young master Is she? " Looking at Xiaomao occupying Chen Xiao's arms, Qingxuan is a little disappointed.

Chen Xiao naturally noticed the change of Qingxuan, and said with a smile: "she's a little meow, which can be regarded as My daughter. " When it comes to the identity of Xiaomao, Chen Xiao is still a little unnatural. After all

"Dad, what a beautiful young lady and sister meow." Xiaomao pokes her head and stares at Qingxuan.

Sure enough

Chen Xiao is helpless. Xiaomeow is good at other things. He always cares about the beauty around him in terms of address. For example, calling Chen Xiao a father, but calling Xiao Ling becomes a sister , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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