Peerless War God

Chapter 573: 573

Yinsong didn't expect that Murong Yi would ask Chen Xiao to come to the stage to compete. He is deeply aware of Chen Xiao's power. When Chen Xiao is still a seven star wuzun in front of him, he can easily get rid of him. And now further promoted to eight star wuzun, the strength is definitely stronger!

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Of course, Yinsong does not deny that Murong Yi's strength is not bad. However, in his opinion, Murong Yi at most belongs to the category of genius, and the existence of such monster level as Chen Xiao is not at the same level at all!

"Brother Murong, why do you have a good competition? What's more, brother Qingxiao is just a martial master. You are also a semi saint. There is a big gap between them. Why don't we come and have a fight? " Yinsong quickly opened his mouth to stop.

On the surface, Yin song thinks that this competition is not good for Chen Xiao, but in fact, he is for Murong Yi.

How about fighting with monsters?

Looking at Yinsong's reaction, Murong Yi confirmed his guess more. Chen Xiao's strength is absolutely strong! And, better than the silver pine!

However, Murong Yi is also confident of his own strength. Although he is only a half saint, but if he really wants to break out the real strength, the five-star martial saint can completely achieve it!

Naturally, Murong Yi rejected Yinsong's proposal: "brother Yinsong, what's the matter? I'll discuss with brother Qingxiao, and I'll control my strength at the same level as brother Qingxiao, and I won't take advantage of him."

This word hears silver song to pull the corner of the mouth.

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Will the strength be controlled at the same level as Chen Xiao? Murong Yi made a mistake at all, OK!

However, Murong Yi did not give Yinsong a chance to continue to speak, but turned to Chen Xiao: "how about it? I wonder if brother Qingxiao would like to have a duel with me

Looking at Murong Yi, the provocation in his eyes is too obvious. This makes Chen Xiao feel a little funny.

However, Murong Yi actively asked to compete with himself, which is in line with Chen Xiao's idea.

"Yes." Chen Xiao nodded. Yinsong on one side sees him nodding, leaving Murong Yi to seek more happiness for himself

In the challenge arena, Murong Yi and Chen Xiao stand away from each other about three Zhangs away, and the onlookers gradually become more and more. As soon as I heard that Shao mainly competed with others, none of these disciples wanted to miss. What is Murong Yi's identity? The future successor of Wanzong sect must use different skills from those used by ordinary disciples. If you can learn something from his battle, it may be another breakthrough!

"Brother Qingxiao, we don't need weapons in this competition. After all, swords have no eyes. Do you think it's ok?" Murong Yi said.

It's true that you won't get hurt just with your fists. But in fact, if you really want to kill a person, for the strong, let alone no weapons, even if you don't need fists and feet, you can crush them with only one finger!

"All right. I don't mind using weapons. " Chen Xiaoying said.

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His return surprised Murong Yi. However, he didn't tangle with Chen Xiao at this point, but mentioned the aura in his body: "brother Qingxiao, be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, Murong Yi rushed out like lightning. With such speed, he pulled up a string of long shadows behind him! Only with this speed, the majority of the audience exclaimed!

But looking at Murong Yi rushed over, Chen Xiao's expression is suddenly become strange. Because Murong Yi's footwork is no other than his own liuyunbu.

How can one's own liuyunbu fall into the hands of Wanzong?

Doubt flashed in the heart, but the action was not any delay. Murong Yi has already rushed to Chen Xiao, raised his right hand, and pressed his palm on Chen Xiao's chest. And the spiritual power fluctuation in the palm means that the power of this palm is absolutely not small!

However, Chen Xiao was surprised that Murong Yi really just played the strength of eight star wuzun.

This makes Chen Xiao have a slightly different view on Murong Yi.

Seeing that Murong Yi's palm was less than a foot away from him, Chen Xiao suddenly stepped down a little, and his body quickly fell back. With Chen Xiao's current strength, Murong Yi wants to catch up with him, and how can it be so easy?

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However, under Chen Xiao's deliberate suppression, the distance between him and Murong Yi is always kept at one foot, no more, no less!

Aware that his speed can not compare with Chen Xiao, Murong Yi immediately changes his moves and suddenly raises his leg and kicks Chen Xiao's abdomen in the past.

The speed of this foot, also very fast, but how fast, also can't compare with Chen Xiao's speed! Just as Murong Yi lifted his feet, Chen Xiao rose from the air, and his toes accurately pointed on Murong Yi's lower legs and turned over his head.

However, Murong Yi's reaction is also very fast. Chen Xiaogang passes over his head. This guy has already turned around, and his right hand has changed from palm to claw. He grabs Chen Xiao's lower leg. Moreover, the strength he uses has reached the realm of nine star martial arts!

Obviously, Murong Yi has realized that he can't touch Chen Xiao by relying on eight star wuzun.

Strength up, Murong Yi's hand speed is also naturally faster! This catch almost makes the onlookers can hardly see the trajectory of the shot. However, what surprised them even more was Chen Xiao's responseMurong Yi is very fast, Chen Xiao is faster than him! Before Murong Yi grabs him, he turns around in mid air, and once again points his toe in the palm of Murong Yi's hand.

Just feel a pain in the palm, Murong Yi can't help but take his right hand back, and Chen Xiao has already opened the distance with him, falling several feet away.

"I didn't expect that Qingxiao brother should be so powerful. It's my pity." Murong Yi looks at Chen Xiao in surprise. I didn't expect that the first round of the fight, he actually suffered a loss, "in this case, then I will not be polite with brother Qingxiao."

With that, Murong Yi rushed up again, and his momentum rose again. He completely reached his present state, half saint!

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The speed of the semi holy state is nearly half faster than that in front of it. At this speed, people around him can hardly see his figure. It's a distance of several feet, but in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Murong Yi will liuyunbu play to the extreme, on this point, Chen Xiao or very admire him. It's not easy to learn footwork.

However, if you want to deal with Chen Xiao just by liuyunbu, you think too much.

But in fact, Murong Yi did not want to deal with Chen Xiao through speed. When he rushed out, he raised his right hand again and hit Chen Xiao with a fist!

At the time of boxing, the forces of heaven and earth around him were instantly pulled by Murong Yi. In a flash, they gathered together and formed a huge fist shadow. With the momentum of collapsing mountains and splitting the ground, Chen Xiao was instantly enveloped in it!

Looking at Murong Yi's moves, Chen Xiao changed his face again.

Murong Yi is too familiar with this punch! This move is nothing else, it is the most commonly used move when he first practiced, avalanche fist! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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