Peerless War God

Chapter 583: 583

The weirder is still ahead.

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After the gap disappeared, but for a while, Chen Xiaomeng felt that his divine consciousness suddenly jumped to a far away place. And it was just a moment.

What's going on? Is there a transport property in the gap?

Chen Xiao thinks so.

According to his weak sense at this time, this part of divine consciousness must be at least thousands of feet away. How can you run so far? Shouldn't the chaotic force causing the gap dissipate directly?

It's full of weird mysteries.

However, Chen Xiao did not care too much about this situation. Because, with the disappearance of the gap, a green energy about the size of a fist appeared in front of him, and the breath of that energy was very familiar to Chen Xiao: it was nothing else, it was the chaotic power that the people who came in here wanted!

This chaotic force appeared without warning. Chen Xiao didn't notice how it came into being.

"Qingxuan, let's go and have a look." She says to Qingxuan that Chen Xiao is already leaning up.

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Falling in front of this chaotic force, Chen Xiao carefully observed.

Such a small mass of chaotic force, attached to the leaves. At a glance, it looks like liquid. It will shake a little among the leaves. If it is not for the breath it sends out, it is really the power of chaos. Chen Xiao can't believe it will appear like this.

"What's the matter, young master? You seem confused Next to Qingxuan can see that Chen Xiao's expression is not right. Little girl and Chen Xiao get along so long, and very familiar with him.

Chen Xiao really must feel puzzled: "this chaotic force, is too quiet."

Chen Xiao has not been exposed to the power of chaos, but the power of chaos is the primitive and fundamental force. The first reaction to the appearance of foreign objects is to eliminate them. How can they be attached to the leaves like they are now? It's so quiet that it doesn't seem like the force of chaos.

Although the same quiet power of chaos, Chen Xiao's body is not without, his Dantian within the regiment has been very quiet. But quiet to quiet, that group of chaotic force, in Chen Xiao need, burst out of the power is still quite strong! Chen Xiao did not rely on this force to solve the problem.

On the contrary, in addition to being quiet, the chaotic force in front of us has not even a vanishing fluctuation. And that's why this chaotic force is attached to the leaves. It's more like a simple mass of energy now.

No wonder the chaotic force can be exploited by them. It's the same thing.

Another question in my mind. But then there comes a new question - why does the force of chaos become like this? How is the part of the vanishing power contained in it eliminated?

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If Chen Xiao can understand this problem, he may have the ability to absorb the power of chaos.

For now, of course, he can't find the answer.

Take out the bottle to collect the chaotic force, Chen Xiao or put the chaotic force back first. But when he picked up the bottle and began to absorb the chaotic force, the chaotic force was already sucked into the mouth of the bottle, and suddenly made a turn and got into Chen Xiao's Dantian.

Such a sudden situation, let Chen Xiao can't help but be scared, backward two steps.

"Young master! Are you all right? " Qing Xuan, who also saw this scene, was concerned for the first time.

"It's like It's nothing. " Chen Xiao is not sure.

He was really shocked. Although the power of chaos was very quiet, Chen Xiao was quite clear about the power of chaos. No matter how it becomes, the name of its chaotic force makes people have to be careful!

Fortunately, after the chaotic force entered, it really did not cause any accident, but was directly absorbed by the chaos force of Dantian and merged into one.

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Another situation that Chen Xiao doesn't understand

In order to avoid a similar situation, Chen Xiao gives the bottle to Qingxuan. She is responsible for collecting the next few chaotic forces. And the forces of chaos are the same as when they were first discovered. Except for different sizes, there is no vanishing nature in them. This makes Chen Xiao more and more curious about the mysterious place.

A few hours passed quickly, and a lot of chaotic force was put into the bottle given by Mr. Li. But on the way to collect the power of chaos, Chen Xiao did not meet other people, which still made him a little surprised. Obviously, they are all going further.

Looking up at the sky, the sky is still full of stars, and did not usher in the day because of the passage of time, which makes Chen Xiao feel what is wrong. But for a while, I couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Chen Xiao has always been in the space world of night, and some other God level strong men occasionally create a world with only day and no night or only night without day. But those small world, Chen Xiao see that the sky will not be like a mysterious place, there is a kind of illusory feeling. More let Chen Xiao care about, after this period of observation, he is feeling the illusory night sky, also has a real feeling.The combination of true and false, the coexistence of illusion and reality.

This kind of feeling, let Chen Xiao always feel very uncomfortable.

With this feeling, Chen Xiao has been moving forward, but also has been sensing the surrounding environment, trying to find any special place from it.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance. This let Chen Xiao instantly raised eyebrows: this way, he did not even encounter a creature, good end, how suddenly there will be explosion? Is it that the people who come in attack each other and grab the power of chaos?

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Such a guess, Chen Xiao felt unlikely.

Chen Xiaoduo doesn't need to say that, as soon as he runs out, Qingxuan also follows him. After a few breaths, they saw the cause of the explosion.

The man in Xuanyuan palace is fighting with a beast shaped monster composed of dark green energy. After a little induction, you can be surprised to find that the beast shaped monster is completely formed by the force of chaos!


Chen Xiao is surprised to see that chaotic beast, very curious how this thing is formed.

The Xuanyuan palace woman on the edge of the battlefield noticed when Chen Xiao and Chen Xiao approached, but only aimed at the two people, and did not make any response. On the other hand, the men on the battlefield are fighting with chaos beast continuously. One man, one beast, can't be separated from each other. The energy fluctuation scattered out must be the strength of five-star martial saint or above!

What a great guy!

Chen Xiao said in his heart. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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