Peerless War God

Chapter 585: 585

Looking at the man's hand, Chen Xiao still a little admire each other's actual combat skills, so quickly found a way to cope.

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However, although the chaos beast was broken again, it was reorganized again. Moreover, the speed of reorganization was too much faster than the previous one! Only a few breaths, it has recovered!

Chen Xiao's eyebrows are not affected by a slight frown. Such a strange guy is really rare to see.

With a swing of the right hand, the chiyun sword is immediately in the hand, and the spiritual power at the foot urges the Liuyun immortal step to start instantly. The next moment, Chen Xiao appeared directly behind the chaotic beast, and the chiyun sword in his hand chopped straight at the chaotic beast!

The power of divine sword is unstoppable! Easily cut the chaos beast into two!

However, this curtain fell in the man's eyes, but it flashed a little disdain: he would be in front of chaos beast to grind to pieces, is not it still useless? If Chen Xiao goes on like this, can he kill the chaotic beast?

However, after the chiyun sword split the chaos beast, the chaos beast did not recover. Instead, the chiyun sword suddenly burst out a burst of black fire, wrapping the chaos beast around!

What's the situation?

The man was stunned. But the result soon appeared, in the black fire package, chaos beast divided several energy into the red cloud sword, which was devoured and refined by the red cloud sword!

This scene, even Chen Xiao himself did not think. However, he quickly understood that when the chiyun sword was advanced to the best immortal weapon, he ran directly to the chaotic space to absorb the power of chaos. The power of chaos inside was really powerful! But even then, chiyun sword still devoured a lot of chaotic power!

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For the chiyun sword, there is no difference between the power of chaos and the tonic.

This thought, Chen Xiao thought of the front: the reason why he would actively absorb the power of chaos is that the chaotic force in his body also wants to supplement it?

This conjecture is entirely reasonable. It's just, this is not the time to think about it.

Under the terror of chiyun sword, although the chaos beast contained a lot of energy, it was quickly absorbed and refined by the chiyun sword. After the absorption, Chen Xiao could clearly feel that the chiyun sword had been greatly improved.

With this trend going on, maybe chiyun sword will be back in the list of artifact soon.

"Your sword is really surprising. It can absorb the power of chaos." Chen Xiao has not yet put away the chiyun sword, and the man speaks to him.

But Chen Xiao doesn't want to pay attention to him. He puts the chiyun sword away and flies back to Qingxuan, intending to leave.

"Walk so simply, don't you want to work with me to understand how this place formed?" The man said casually, but let Chen Xiao stop at once.

Turn to come over, some surprised looking at the man, Chen Xiao a little did not understand each other's meaning. Is this an invitation to cooperate?

Chen Xiao did not ask what, but looked at the other side, waiting for him to continue.

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Aware of Chen Xiao's eyes, the man had a rare smile, but the smile was still very cold: "Xuanyuan mu."

"Chen Xiao." Chen Xiao gave his name.

"Chen Xiao? Your strength is good, especially the black sword, which can devour chaos beast. I fought with chaos beast more than ten times, using various methods, but I couldn't find a way to solve it. But with your help, maybe we can find out the secret of this mysterious place. " Xuanyuan Mu said.

"The secret of the mysterious land?" Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Chen Xiao can hear that xuanyuanmu has been in contact with chaos beast more than once. It is estimated that he met chaos beast when he came in front of him.

"That's right." Xuanyuan Mu continued, "you may as well tell you that when I came here for the first time, I ran into chaos beast. And I also deliberately inquired about it. Among all the people who came in, I was the only one who met the chaotic beast. "

Only xuanyuanmu encountered it himself. It was impossible to say that there was no problem. However, why was it met by Xuanyuan mu? One explanation is his strength.

With Chen Xiaoxiang's similar strength, this is certainly the strongest among the people who come in.

But what does the emergence of chaos beast mean?

Chen Xiao did not speak, waiting for Xuanyuan Mu to continue to explain.

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"As for the appearance of chaos beast, I have asked the elders in the clan, but they also don't know what the chaos beast is, and even they haven't even heard of it."

No one's ever heard of chaos? Well, even Chen Xiao himself is the first time to see chaos beast.

"After that, in my repeated contact with chaos beast, I found two interesting things." "One, no matter where I am in the mysterious place, the chaotic beast will appear for the first time. Even if I throw it away completely, it won't be long before it will suddenly appear again."

"Second, when there are outsiders around me, chaos beast will not appear."

Xuanyuanmu said the first point is not difficult to understand, Chen Xiao can even come up with a reasonable explanation. But the second point, let him a little puzzled.Fortunately, xuanyuanmu didn't wait for Chen Xiao to ask questions, but explained himself: "first of all, you have your own opinions. Second, it is not difficult to understand. For example, if there are other forces around me, chaos beast will not appear. But when those people leave, chaos will immediately reappear. And if they come back, chaos will disappear

"In addition, there are certain limits to the category of outsiders. For example, my sister is not in this scope."

Xuanyuan Mu added, as for his sister, in addition to the expressionless young woman, who can it be.

"Why didn't chaos beast disappear when I came here just now?" Chen Xiao finally asked questions.

"I was curious about that at first. After seeing that you can solve chaos beast, I can understand why. It's the same place you're being watched behind the scenes

Behind the scenes?

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Chen Xiao looks at Xuanyuan mu in surprise. How much does he know about this mysterious place?

"In fact, even if you hadn't done it, chaos beast would not have been bothering me for a long time. Each time chaos beast does not appear more than a stick of incense, and at most twice a day. This situation is more like testing me than against me. " Xuanyuan Mu continued.


Chen Xiao didn't expect Xuanyuan Mu to say such a thing. But when you think about it, it's like testing him.

"So what do you want to do now?"

It is undeniable that xuanyuanmu's conjecture is very likely to be right. However, by these alone, we can find out the secret of the mysterious place? Is it too simple to think about?

Unless Xuanyuan Mu knows something else , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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