Peerless War God

Chapter 595: 595

At this time, the man's limbs of the iron chain has been broken, and attached to the chain above the chaotic force, Chen Xiao all suppressed. Everything seems to be going pretty well.

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However, the next is the most critical time.

In fact, the four iron chains only restrict the man. The real eye is placed on the man's back, which is the reason why the chaotic force will move towards his back.

After breaking free from the chain, the man did not keep up with his action, but slowed down and adjusted his breath. Then, again!

The momentum released is actually up a section, and with the roar of the man, a mark of the formation appears on his back.

"Give it to me, get out of here!"

After drinking a lot, the array mark on the back completely brightened up! At the same time that the array mark is lit up, it is actually a little bit stripped from the man's back!

At the same time, the force of chaos surged out of the man's back at the same time! That weight, even if the four iron chains add up are not comparable!

Chen Xiao's face changed slightly. The chiyun sword appeared in his hand instantly, and the black fire covered the body of the sword. With Chen Xiao's present strength, if you want to exert the greatest power of destructive power, you must pass the chiyun sword to do it!

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The black long sword was standing in front of him. Before the chaotic forces were close, they were swallowed up by the huge suction produced by the chiyun sword. These chaotic forces are the best supplies for chiyun sword.

However, as the array is gradually stripped from the man's back, more and more chaotic forces appear. When the array is half stripped out, the chiyun sword is finally saturated and can not further absorb the power of chaos!

Chen Xiao is not in a hurry. Seeing more chaotic forces coming, he gathers his left palm and takes a decisive palm.

Fu Tian Zhen soul Jue, Tian TA.

Four Zhang high black nine story pagoda appeared out of thin air, crushing all the chaotic forces. For Chen Xiao, who gradually mastered the power of destruction, it is not difficult to integrate the power of destruction into the sky tower!

When the black pagoda appears, the power of chaos is still suppressed by Chen Xiao. Seeing that the array has been separated from three-quarters of the time, the man broke out again! Actually one breath will tear off this last quarter of an instant!

The array is completely separated from the man's back, and the power of chaos suddenly doubled! This sudden change, to Chen Xiao a surprise, Fantian tower was unexpectedly chaotic force to break through!

Well, we can't underestimate the power of chaos!

Chen Xiao was surprised by the unexpected situation, but his hand movements were affected by any kind of influence. He also took a palm. That is to say, at the same time, a milky nine story pagoda covered Chen Xiao with the stripped array.

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Fu Tian Zhen hunjue, Funing Tower!

As soon as the Fuling pagoda comes out, all the energy within the scope will be controlled by Chen Xiao. Even the chaotic force will not get rid of the controlled situation!

It is worthy of the skill of the void tower. It is so powerful that even the power of chaos can be subdued!

Just as soon as the Fuling pagoda was opened, the spiritual power in Chen Xiao's body burned down in an instant! This consumption is amazing!

"Boy, use the rules of creation on the array, turn it into another array and destroy it!" The man who broke away from the array yelled at xuanyuanmu while Chen Xiao shot the Funing pagoda. But Xuanyuan Mu's response is faster than the man's voice.

As soon as the Fuling pagoda came out, xuanyuanmu had already rushed up, and his momentum burst out. A creative law spurted out of his body, and in an instant it was integrated into the array. With the formation integrated into the law of creation, it was extremely unstable, and it would collapse at will. It became more stable immediately.

But the forces of chaos did not stop there. It's far from over!

In xuanyuanmu's creation law into the array, the man who got rid of the chaotic array of destroying yuan didn't even have a breath this time. He quickly turned around and pushed his hands against the array at the same time.

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A terrible aura of spiritual power covered the array and wrapped it in.


When the two palms were pushed hard and accompanied by a low drink, the stable array changed completely and became a strange shape that people could not understand. With this change, the power of chaos suddenly stopped and disappeared in an instant!

Once the power of chaos disappears, Chen Xiao can't help but breathe a sigh of relief and quickly disperse the Funing pagoda. Only for a short time, his spiritual power was consumed by 70%! If this is delayed a little longer, it will be used up.

Looking at xuanyuanmu, his face is not very good-looking. It is not easy for him to use so many creative rules.

However, fortunately, the matter was solved smoothly without any accident."Ha ha! Finally come out! Finally, I got rid of this damned array The man laughed, and it was really exciting for him to be free.

"Thank you very much, both of you. By the way, I'll give you the control experience. " The man is quite straightforward, as soon as he comes out, he wants to do what he promised in front of him.

Jade slips, Chen Xiaoyou, have been carrying on the body, take a few out, the man took four directly. But did not stick it on the forehead, just closed his eyes, just a few breathing time, opened.

"Well, I have put in some cultivation methods corresponding to your current strength. These two are yours, and these two are yours." The man said, the jade slips in pairs to Chen Xiao and Xuan Yuan mu.

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"By the way, I don't know what to call the elder."

At this time, Chen Xiaocai remembered that he had not asked the other party's name, because of the inexplicable good feeling and the man's performance, he forgot to ask the other party's name.

Such a situation, even Chen Xiao himself feel very puzzled: when, his vigilance has become so low?

However, the man is laughing: "boy, you still don't know my name, it's not good for you temporarily. And maybe it won't be long before we meet again. "

See you again?

Chen Xiao frowned and did not understand the man's meaning.

However, he didn't ask any more questions. Since the other party didn't want to say it, there was no point in forcing him to ask , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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