Peerless War God

Chapter 610: 610

For the fight between the two vice presidents, the elders on the scene naturally knew it for a long time. Such scenes, in fact, have long been expected by them.

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"Vice President sun has some truth. But is the power of chaos only once? I'm afraid vice president sun has forgotten how many times we have been in the mysterious place? "

These elders know about the mysterious place. It is also one of their responsibilities to take people below the level of the gifted. However, limben did not know that the mysterious place would not be opened again in the future.

Looking at Lin Ben's retort again, sun Haohan is very angry. His eyes did not turn to Chen Xiao, if he did not appear. The position of the new elder can only be sun Hou's.

"Vice President Lin, it's useless for us to quarrel. It's better to choose directly. I believe the Presbyterian council here knows which one is better. " Don't want to argue with Lin Ben any more, sun Haohan did it.

It's just, it's very ugly.

Lin Ben saw this and laughed. He could not remember how long he had been oppressed by sun Haohan. It's hard to take a breath now. I feel very comfortable.

"Since Vice President sun has said so, let's ask all the elders to vote." Lin Ben looks at the elder.

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The voting method is very simple. Lin will read out the names of the candidates one by one, and the elders present will vote directly by raising their hands. In this way, we can avoid the operation behind the scenes when voting.

"Well, first of all, please raise your hand if you agree to become a new elder." When he came up, Lin Ben read out Chen Xiao's name first. The six in front of them were ignored directly. The elders on the scene knew that the final choice was only Chen Xiao and sun Hou. Two vice presidents recommended, others dare to fight?

With Lin Ben finished, Chen Xiao's side Li Lao took the lead in raising his hand, followed by Chen Xiao saw the elder Wang. After that, another elder raised his hands. In a flash, more than 30 people raised their hands.

Seeing more and more people raise their hands to agree, sun Haohan's face is more and more ugly. However, as the ten rest time passed, a banter smile appeared on his face.

Forty seven elders raised their hands.

There are more than 100 elders present, but now only 47 people support Chen Xiao, not even half of them. For sun Haohan, this is undoubtedly an indication that his plan can go on smoothly.

Such a situation was not foreseen by sun Haohan, and for Lin Ben, it was also unforeseen!

Lin Ben's expression became very ugly. I didn't expect that half of the people agreed. For a moment, he was stunned.

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"This is bad." Old Li's face was also ugly. Chen Xiao certainly understood what he meant by this.

However, Chen Xiao is not in a hurry. Although the elder status of the Auction Association, even Zhuang Yu has told him to try his best to win it. But in Chen Xiao's own opinion, this thing is not so important in fact. Helping linben bring back so many chaotic forces, just this favor is enough for him to get enough help from the auction.

This is enough for Chen Xiao.

No matter how powerful others are, they are only others. Only by building up our own power is the most realistic.

"Ah Vice President Lin, what's the matter? Are you all in a daze? Disappointed, right? Ha ha, I said, capable people are definitely more supported than opportunistic ones. " Sun Haohan stood up and sneered. Then he looked at the elder and continued, "OK, next, please raise your hand if you support Sun hou to become a new elder."

As soon as sun Haohan finished speaking, a dozen or so elders under his command raised their hands first. Under their guidance, other elders also raised their hands. After a while, more than 40 elders raised their hands.

However The smile on Sun Haohan's face froze again.

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Forty six elders raised their hands. Only 46 people approved of sun Hou becoming a new elder!

How could this happen? There are not more than 100 elders in total. The total number is less than 100!

Sun Haohan, however, has forgotten that the elders can choose to give up their vote.

Chen Xiao also did not expect things to happen such a reversal. This is his new elder. Lin Ben in front of him also showed a sigh of relief on his face. Who can think of such a thing?

"Vice President sun, it's a pity that there is only one vote short." Lin Ben is lucky to say.

"No! I don't want this vote to take effect! " Sun Haohan actually said so. And this, let a lot of people present are stunned, even Lin Ben did not expect sun Haohan will say so.

Immediately, Lin Ben's expression cooled down: "Vice President sun, is there a clear stipulation in the guild for the selection of elders? However, after the election, no matter what the result is, the majority should be subordinate to the minority. If you suddenly say that the election cannot be effective, it will make people question whether there are rules in our guild. "

The tone of limben's words was very impolite."Well, Vice President Lin doesn't need to put such a big hat on me in a hurry." Sun Haohan said coldly, "there are more than 100 elders present, but only about 90 elders make choices. That is to say, the remaining elders who have not made a choice are still in a state of hesitation. So, I don't think this election is the final result. Just one vote gap does not mean that Xiao Chen is more suitable to be a new elder than sun Hou. "

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"What does vice president sun want to do?" Lin Ben directly left the problem to sun Haohan.

"This vote will be treated as invalid, giving those elders who did not think well of one day to think, and tomorrow we will make a new choice. If it is still Xiao Chen who has a large number of votes, even if he has only one more vote, I will never say more. " Sun Haohan said decisively.

Lin Ben frowned, but he agreed directly: "good! Let's make an exception today and do what vice president Sun said. But if vice president sun still refuses to accept it after a new vote, I will not be soft hearted about what to do according to the regulations. "

This makes sun Haohan's heart not from a tight. He can't bear to deal with it according to the regulations

Waiting for all the elders in the meeting room to leave, Chen Xiao and Li Lao walked towards Lin Ben.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, I'm really sorry. I almost had an accident today." Said limben apologetically. He thought it was very easy for Chen Xiao to become a new elder, but he didn't expect that he almost had an accident.

"It's OK. Vice President Lin as long as he wants to do it, is to need, I will give full cooperation. " Chen Xiao replied. And in this case, let linben listen and nod. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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