Peerless War God

Chapter 615: 615


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The body strength of this rune is very high, but it is not invincible! Face by two star martial god a palm, Liu Xing also a mouthful of blood spurt out!

"Go to hell!" At the same time, another two-star martial god suddenly appeared behind Liu Xing. The long sword in his hand stabbed him with lightning. If the sword hit, it would be enough to kill Liu Xing!

Thinking that he just resurrected not a few days ago, and now he will die in a twinkling of an eye, Liu Xing suddenly burst to drink, and the momentum of his body suddenly doubled! This guy has achieved the strength of a Star Warrior God in an instant!

As a three thousand year God level strong man, how could Liu Xing not have the means to protect his life?

Burst out of the strength of a Star Warrior God, Liu Xing's speed was immediately improved, suddenly turned around, one side to avoid the other side's attack, followed by the fist aimed at the heart position to hit in the past.

In the face of Liu Xing's sudden outburst, the two star martial god didn't react at all. Waiting for him to react, Liu Xing's fist has been hit in his chest. Just listen to a dull sound, two Star Warrior God was directly hit fly out.

Fortunately, relying on the strength of the gap, Liu Xing this punch did not cause a fatal blow to him, just suffered a serious injury.

The four-star martial god on the side of the side saw his companion's hand, and his face immediately collapsed. He didn't expect that the four martial gods in the field would be injured. This was just intolerable to him! If you go back after the completion of the task, and your colleagues know it, don't you laugh at his strength?

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Immediately, the four-star martial god a flash, rushed to Liu Xing side, the spear to his head is about to stab in the past.

But just as he shot out the gun, the ruins of the house below burst apart. Chen Xiao suddenly rushed out of the rubble. The red cloud sword in his hand was in the shape of a flame sword, and his momentum was also greatly improved!

Complete fury! At present, Chen Xiao has already started a complete frenzy!

When he rushed out, Chen Xiao took the lead in aiming at the four-star martial god. Chiyun sword was fully cleaved out, and the black fire on the sword directly broke away, forming a flame and sword spirit, which quickly attacked the past. Above, there is also the power of destruction.

The four-star martial god didn't expect that Chen Xiao had nothing to do after he took a blow from the God level strong man. Moreover, his momentum has soared a lot, and he is also quite close to the God level. This still surprised him.

However, in his opinion, the gap of the realm is there, even if Chen Xiao's strength is soaring, it is impossible to really catch up with the strength! Some things, destined not so easy to cross over!

The spear in his hand didn't mean to take it back. He continued to attack Liu Xing. At the same time, he raised his left hand and slapped his backhand against the flame. In his opinion, he can resist Chen Xiao's attack only with his hand.

However, the next moment, waiting for the flame sword spirit to really come in front of him, the four star martial god's face suddenly changed - the destructive power on the flame sword spirit was even stronger!

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Consciousness looked down on Chen Xiao again. The four-star warrior God quickly returned the spear, and the spirit power was injected into it and burst out. He ran into the flame and sword spirit.

Another explosion! Two huge energy collided with each other, forming a huge cyclone, stirring up the aura around. And under the effect of this explosion, Chen Xiao himself once again flew out.

But I don't know if it happened that he flew out in the direction of the second star martial god who was hit by Liu Xing.

Looking at Chen Xiao and the four-star martial god, the other three people can be said to be very surprised, did not expect a small Wu Zun, should have such a powerful force! It's unbelievable!

But looking at Chen Xiao after looking for the fly out, they are still secretly relieved: at least Chen Xiao is not as exaggerated as expected, and he is not able to deal with them.

Seeing Chen Xiao flying towards his side, the two star martial god did not have any hesitation. He steadied himself and rushed to Chen Xiao. However, just as he rushed out, the voice of the four-star warrior God came over,

"don't get close to that boy!"

Such a reminder, let two star martial god Leng next, it is already a step too late!

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When the two star martial god approached Chen Xiaoyi Zhang, he suddenly felt that he had completely lost control of the aura around him, and there was no way to use any spiritual power. It can only activate the spiritual power in your body.

This change, let him be more stupefied. But at the same time, Chen Xiao who flies upside down suddenly turns around and slaps his left hand on his head. A golden streamer flashes past him.

At the next moment, the two Star Warrior God only felt his head hurt, but he lost consciousness completely. He had no vitality.

Fu Tian zhenhun Jue, Funing tower and zhenhun tower are used at the same time!

At this time, Chen Xiao, surrounded by the white tower shadow, once again realized the feeling of being able to control all the energy around him. Because of this, Chen Xiaocai killed the two star martial god.

However, although the two star martial god killed, the use of spiritual power is not small. Just now the two moves were used at the same time, Chen Xiao's spiritual power was consumed by 40% in an instant! Look at each other, but there are three gods! The final 60% spiritual power is not enough to eliminate it.What a trouble!

Chen Xiao once again realized the uncomfortable feeling brought by the lack of strength. If he breaks through to the holy level, he will have a good chance to win even if he is a four-star warrior God after starting the complete fury. Where can be like now, kill a two-star martial god, is all the moves have been put out, spirit power is consumed nearly half.

"Son of a bitch!" The four-star martial god over there watched Chen Xiao kill one of his men, and suddenly burst out to drink. He actually abandoned Liu Xing and rushed to Chen Xiao. The spear in his hand was like half a poisonous snake, which pierced Chen Xiao's head. The powerful momentum of the four-star martial god was all over Chen Xiao's body!

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For a moment, Chen Xiao felt as if he was pressed by several mountains. He could hardly bear to fall down.

But although he resisted the pressure, the spear of the four-star warrior God took his heart position directly!

At this time, in the white jade bridge above the grinding out of the compressive capacity has been the best play!

Compared with the world that he has suffered, the pressure of the four-star martial god is still much worse! This makes Chen Xiao not lose the ability to act. You know, on the white jade wall, after 60 steps, he can only stand still and silently resist the pressure of heaven and earth.

The speed of the spear was very fast, but just when he was about to hit Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao leaned aside in time and avoided the most lethal attack to one side.


The tip of the gun, with a little bit of blood. Although Chen Xiao is not killed by this gun, but the other side is after all four-star martial god, under full attack, how can Chen Xiao really avoid it? A two finger wide wound under the ribs was caused by the blow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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