Peerless War God

Chapter 627: 627

Another five days passed. Chen Xiao, who came out of the secret place with beads of heaven, shut himself into his room for cultivation at the first time.

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As for Xiaomao, she was entrusted directly to President Xuan and Lin ben to take care of her. I don't know if the old man is born with a kind aura or how. Xiaomeow doesn't reject being with them.

After five days of practice, Chen Xiao's strength is only the last point away from the Seven Star martial saint. Just look for another opportunity to make a breakthrough.

However, for Chen Xiao, the promotion of the realm is not what he cares about. What he pays more attention to is the mastery of the law of destruction.

The bead itself contains destructive power, but it will not be released on its own initiative. Only when there is a destructive force in the surrounding environment will it be released. For Chen Xiao, this is not a problem at all.

With the help of Tianzhu, Chen Xiao can try his best to control the destructive power without worrying that his destructive power will not be replenished after it is used up. The third floor of the empty tower had to wait for three days to enter once, but it did not disappear because Chen Xiao became stronger. If there is no pearl, Chen Xiao will have to wait three days before he can go in and replenish once his destructive power is exhausted.

Pushing open the door, Chen Xiao stretched out a lot, and his whole body immediately gave out a crackling pea crackling sound. He had been sitting for five days, and his body felt a little stiff.

However, the harvest is still great.

When he turned his right hand, a black fire immediately appeared in his palm, and the black fire contained the terrifying destructive power. With the backhand to disperse the black fire and form a sword finger, a Chi Sword shaped by spiritual power appears, which also contains the power of destruction.

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For Chen Xiao, now he can control the destructive power as he pleases, without any waste.

"Meow! Dad, you come out at last

In the middle of the air, a lovely voice came over. Chen Xiaocai just scattered the sword shape, and his shoulder sank, and the little meow had already fallen on it. This girl, every time comes, the first time is to fall on his shoulder.

"Xiaomeow, have you got along with two grandfathers when I'm away?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

This problem, in exchange for the small meow repeatedly nodded: "some meow. Xiaomao and his two grandfathers have had a good time these days. "

Well, Xiaomao did have a good time with Chairman Lin Ben and Xuan. It's just that she's happy here. For president Xuan and Lin Ben, they can't help crying or laughing these days.

Either Xiaomao plucked her beard or she broke something. Even, the girl sometimes drew something on their faces with a brush while they were not paying attention. These days, both of them have to hide from others in the guild.

I can't help it. I can't face the ink and let the people below see the joke?

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Of course, Xiaomao was able to do so, but they deliberately gave her a chance. Otherwise, the God level strong person, especially the small meow can succeed?

This is not true. When Chen Xiao went to say goodbye to them, he found that not only their beards were much less, but also there were ink marks on their faces. It made him a little embarrassed

"Xiao Xiaoyou is in such a hurry to leave?" Listen to Chen Xiao come to say to leave, Xuan president and Lin Ben are some accidents.

"Yes. I'm setting up a force of my own outside. I'm going to bring some resources to them and try to make them develop quickly. " Calculating the time, it has been nearly a month since Chen Xiao left the Tianlei clan. The pills and materials left by Chen Xiao should have been almost consumed. It is time to go back and have a look.

By the way, after reading it, Chen Xiao plans to go to yinyuezong and meet Qingxuan.

"Your own power? Well, Xiao Xiaoyou still has a lot of ideas. In that case, I'll ask the people below to prepare more things for you and take them back. Anyway, you are also the vice president of my Auction Association. " Chairman Xuan is very generous.

Of course, with the family background of the Auction Association, he also has the strength to be generous.

Naturally, Chen Xiao would not refuse to accept it. He accepted it

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After coming out of the Auction Association, Chen Xiao went to the Wanzong gate again. When he left with Murong xiangtian, he also asked the location of yinyuezong. In this way, this just finds out the sun and moon shuttle, and Xiaomao and Liuxing, leave from Wancheng.


Just as Chen Xiao set out towards the temporary residence of the Tianlei clan, Qingxuan went to the back mountain to meet his master.

It has been several days since returning to yinyuezong, but Qingxuan always thinks about when Chen Xiaohui will come to see her. In Xiaoni Zi's heart, I wish I could accompany Chen Xiao at that time and not come back to yinyuezong.

But where did she know that after returning to yinyuezong, Yinchen had reported Chen Xiao's appearance to the leader for the first time. Then, the leader reported the incident to Qingxuan's master.

"Master, what do you want me to do?" Qingxuan, holding an old woman with beautiful hair, goes to the pavilion in the bamboo garden and sits down.

Although the old woman, as Qingxuan's master, is as powerful as a God, she still enjoys being supported by Qingxuan. This made her feel cared about by her granddaughter-in-law.Yes, in the eyes of the old woman, Qingxuan is her appointed granddaughter-in-law. Because of this, after she heard about Chen Xiao from the headmaster, she asked Qingxuan to come to her for the first time.

"Qing Xuan, did you get anything out this time?" The old lady didn't say anything about Chen Xiao, but changed the topic.

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"Yes. Qingxuan entered the mysterious place and got the guidance of a mysterious elder. " Qing Xuan replied.

"Oh? Mysterious master? " The old woman put on a smile. "Are you sure it's not some young master?"

This obviously means something, but how could Qing Xuan not know?

"No. Although, the young master also gave a lot of guidance to Qingxuan. " As she said that, a slight blush appeared on Qingxuan's face, but it made the old woman frown secretly.

"Qingxuan. You have been here for some time. Since I took you as an apprentice, I have taught you all my life. As a natural metaphysical body, you are very good at talent, but you also learn very quickly. I am very satisfied with master. In my heart, I really like you The old woman was smiling.

Hearing this, Qingxuan quickly said: "master's concern is naturally kept in mind by Qingxuan and will never be forgotten."

"Ha ha, you're right. The master doesn't ask you for anything in return. " The old woman looked at Qingxuan kindly, "I heard that you met the old master outside. What's the matter? Can you talk to me about it , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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