Peerless War God

Chapter 633: 633

Under the fury, Chen Xiao's speed was almost no one could catch. He could only hear bursts of wind breaking. Then, "bang bang bang" sounded four times. All the four martial gods who wanted to escape were beaten back, covering their chest, and their faces were pale! It seems to have been hurt a lot!

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When the audience saw such a scene, they all took a breath. They had guessed that Chen Xiao's strength was very strong, but they didn't expect that Chen Xiao's strength would be so strong!

Kill the three-star Wushen with one hand, and subdue the four martial gods in a moment. Even if it is a five-star martial god, it may not be able to do so!

However, after solving the four guys, Chen Xiao didn't stop. Liuyun Xianbu continued to start and rushed towards the three star martial god who was still mixed in the crowd.

This guy in Chen Xiao violent attack, began to quietly run out, obviously want to escape! If he didn't do anything wrong, how could a good man want to run away?

When Chen Xiao came to him, the three star martial god's face turned white around and was no longer hidden. His momentum burst out in an instant and flew out at full speed in a direction!

Unfortunately, his speed, where can compare with Chen Xiao's speed? After just a few breaths, I saw a figure falling from the air and hitting the four martial gods. It was no one else, it was the three-star warrior God.

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At this moment, the group of people who came with them were all stunned at the same place. Shengsheng was shocked and didn't know what to do! But surprisingly consistent, none of them wanted to run.

It's not that they don't want to run, but they know they don't have to run. Even the three-star martial god has been caught back, they these even God level strength of the guy, then what to run? As for the fight, it's just a joke.

However, for these Saint level onlookers, Chen Xiaogen did not want to deal with the idea, cold spit out a word.

"Go away!"

This made them stupefied again. After the reaction, no one dared to say more and left here quickly with the fastest speed in their lives. I'm joking. If I don't run now, I'm waiting for the other party to change his mind, but I'll run away with my life

Just for a while, those guys who were driven by several martial gods were polished. Among them, including their own training of the subordinates, but in the face of Chen Xiao's strong strength, there is no courage to stay. This makes several God level strong person, pale at the same time, the expression is even more ugly.

"Next, tell yourself, what should I do with you?" There is no onlooker, Chen Xiao this just falls on a few martial god body, the eye is cold.

And this made their faces pale again.

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"Elder brother Chen, you must punish them severely. These guys dare to attack xiaorou's sister and hurt my father." This angry words, is thunder that boy said. He was held hostage as a hostage, obviously let his heart hold a fire.

However, he just finished speaking, leichenlong will carry him in the past.

What does Chen Xiao want to do? Where does he come to point out?

"Little friend, this is a misunderstanding. I didn't do anything." The three-star martial god took the lead to speak, and his tone was as gentle as possible, but he could still be seen to be guilty.

To this, Chen Xiao didn't care to smile: "since nothing has been done, you just saw me, run so fast to do what?"

In a word, it immediately embarrassed the martial god of Samsung and didn't know what to say. On the contrary, it was the two Star Warrior God who was quite tough.

"Hum! I recognize that skills are not as good as people. If you want to kill, you can do it. Anyway, this is the world. You have a good reason to force you. " Two star martial god is very single, directly a set of arbitrary disposition posture.

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But in fact, Chen Xiao really didn't want to kill these guys. Otherwise, they would have been a corpse long ago, and would not be here to talk to him.

"Well, I'll give you two choices. The first is to die. " Chen Xiao erect a finger, said words, let a few people's face is changed again, but this change is not big.

But Chen Xiao didn't care, but continued: "I will destroy your soul completely, and then refine your body into a puppet for me to drive."

At the end of the speech, several people's faces were finally unable to resist. Refining into a soulless rune is the last situation for any God level strong man.

"Second..." Chen Xiao put up the second finger, "open your mind, I will do some hands and feet, and then, you obediently do my servants."

The second one changed. However, compared with the first one, it has been eased a lot. No one wants to die, especially the stronger the guy, the less he wants to die for nothing. It's not easy to cultivate the current strength. How many people are willing to die without enjoying enough?

Therefore, waiting for Chen Xiao to ask them about their choice, the five gods have already made a choice, and all have chosen the second way.Chen Xiao was not surprised. That's what he wanted

Put a trace of destructive power into these guys' divine consciousness, Chen XiaoSuan completely controlled their life and death. It's convenient, but Chen has the power to control. Just put a little bit of it in someone else's body, it's enough to play a fatal threat, and the other party has not the ability to dissolve it. This is much more effective than Chen Xiao's other means of control.

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Soon after the completion of the control, the five God level strong men followed Chen Xiao with a face. I'm afraid a few martial gods have never thought of their final appearance.

"Well, let's break up and do everything we should." Chen Xiao said to the people of the thunder clan. A group of people immediately spread out cheering and set about repairing the temporary residence.

"Clan leader Lei, come with me. And the rest of you, too The crowd dispersed, but Chen Xiao pointed out a few of them and planned to order something.

Lei Chenlong naturally understood Chen Xiao's meaning at the first time and led him to his own tent.

"What's going on today? Tell me more about it first. " Once in the tent, Chen Xiao took the lead in raising such a question. He doesn't believe in good things. These God level strong men will suddenly come to fight with the thunder clan. Even if it is coveting this place and Tianlei Jue, it is impossible to do so simply.

You know, the temporary residence is not closed to the outside world. Other practitioners just want to come in and practice. Chen Xia is welcome.

After all, if you want to develop a force, you can't rely on the Tianlei people alone. You have to absorb some foreign personnel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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