Peerless War God

Chapter 658: 658

The next morning, fox Mei Er came to Chen Xiao again. However, she did not come to find Chen Xiao, but to look for Xiaomao.

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Xiaomeow is not like Chen Xiao, who is still in a weak period. Naturally, she can start practicing immediately. As for how to let the little guy agree to practice, fox Mei Er uses the simplest method.

"Xiaomao, your father was bullied. Are you angry?"

"Very angry!"

"Do you want to be more powerful and help your father beat the bad guys in the future?"



Well, fox mei'er took Xiaomao away in two simple words. Let Chen Xiao have to admire fox flatter son's means.

Without xiaomeow around, it is a good thing for Chen Xiao in turn. In this way, he can concentrate on his recovery without thinking about taking the time to spend with meow.

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I just ate something. Chen Xiao sat down again and entered the sea of knowledge.

In the sea of knowledge, the empty tower still stands there, and the evil dragon wrapped in it is still the same as it was, without any change. However, Chen Xiao clearly remembers that after Qingxuan was hit by an old woman, he was so angry that he really let the evil dragon react.

In this way, the exterminator dragon may be able to move itself, but it doesn't like to move at ordinary times.

However, Chen Xiao tried to make the black dragon move again, but he didn't respond. Obviously, it is not so easy to control the demon dragon.

Without wasting time outside, Chen Xiao quickly entered the third floor of the empty tower, full of space full of destructive power.

Although Chen Xiao's strength has regressed a lot, but the law of destruction is firmly grasped. With the protection of the law of destruction, the power of destruction will never hurt Chen Xiao. On the contrary, Chen Xiao can use the destructive power to recover his own strength.

Don't think that the power of destruction can only be used for destruction. With Chen Xiao's deeper understanding of the law of destruction, he found that the power of destruction was more useful than he had imagined.

Just, this is only for Chen Xiao. Who made him master the law of destruction?

While absorbing and refining the destructive power, Chen Xiao divides a small part into his own body and solves the weak feeling in this body. And under the effect of destructive power, the recovery effect is quite good. Soon, Chen Xiao again felt that his body was full of strength.

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Of course, there is still a long way to go before we can fully recover

A morning time passed quickly. After withdrawing from the third floor of the empty tower, Chen Xiao's strength has been restored to nearly half of the total. He had never thought of such a recovery speed. Even he was surprised at the effect of the restoration of the destructive power.

After a break, Chen Xiaoyi felt a sense of idleness.

It doesn't need him to do anything to revive Qingxuan. The training of Xiaomao is arranged by Fox Mei er. However, he just needs to recover, but he comes out of the empty tower and has to wait three days to get in. In this way, it seems that he really has nothing to do.

Therefore, Chen Xiao can only be a person in the end some boring fox Fawny son of the village wandering around.

The village is not very big. After a little stroll, Chen Xiao has a total of hundreds of people. However, we have to admit that the fox demon clan has an advantage in appearance. Along the way, all the women are charming and moving, and the men are as beautiful as demons. Chen Xiao before his appearance or very confident, the results and these fox demon together, he and ordinary people no different.

For a human coming out of the village, fox demons also expressed great curiosity. Chen Xiao's eyes would follow where he went, which made him feel embarrassed. So, after a circle, he directly lay down on the grass at the end of the village.

A brief relaxation.

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The sky was blue, the grass was soft, and the breeze was blowing. This moment, Chen Xiao inexplicably want to have a good sleep. However, when I think that Outland will be opened in less than three months, I can't relax completely.

Three thousand years later, Yueyao was trapped in the town demon tower for such a long time. I don't know how she is now. Is that good? Still bad?

Take out the star moon bracelet, staring at it for a long time, Chen Xiao heart can only hope that Yue Yao will not have anything. At the same time, the heart is determined to enter Outland, we must use the fastest speed to find the town demon tower, to save the moon Yao from it!


After clenching his fist and waiting for the rescue of Yueyao, it is time to find Lingxiao for revenge. Once the gratitude and resentment, Chen Xiao must be the original to get back! Dare to betray those who framed him, will never let go!


A burst of wind sounded, accompanied by a fragrant wind into Chen Xiao's nose, fox Mei son so out of thin air sat Chen Xiao's side.

"Xiao brother, you are here. I thought you'd gone alone Fox Mei Er smiles a way.

Chen Xiao picked her eyelids and said, "sister Meier, do you have something to do with me?"In the morning, fox mei'er takes Xiaomao away. Now she comes to look for him. It is unlikely that it is because of Xiaomao.

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Hu mei'er didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Xiao brother, although with the help of our holy land, it's not a problem to revive sister Qingxuan. However, if we can get some more things to match, it will not only revive faster, but also greatly improve the strength of sister Qingxuan. It's just

"As a weak girl, I want to help you revive younger sister Qingxuan, and help you teach Xiaomao. Xiaoxiao, you can't work hard alone, sister?" Said finally, fox Mei son made a poor expression, let Chen Xiao is a burst of loss of mind.

With a wry smile, Chen Xiao shook his head and said, "sister Meier, you are deliberately teasing me, aren't you? If you are a weak woman, what am I? Just say what you need me to do

Clearly know that their own strength has not been restored, but fox Mei Er is still some deliberate use of fox flattery, how to let Chen Xiao not feel helpless?

In fact, Chen Xiao misunderstood fox. For Fox charming son, she really did not use seductive technique to Chen Xiao. It was simply that she was too charming, plus her natural charming temperament, that would make him mistakenly think that way.

"Hee hee, I know that Xiao's younger brother is reluctant to give up her sister's hard work alone." Fox Mei Er Jiao said with a smile, "in fact, I just want Xiao brother to help me collect some precious herbs and come back. No matter what kind of medicine, as long as it is precious, and the more the better. "

Is it that simple?

Chen xiaoleng, did not understand the meaning of the fox. If you want to talk about medicinal materials, there are a lot of things in his storage ring. If you really need them, can he still hide them? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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