Peerless War God

Chapter 662: 662

As Chen Xiao's pills entered the village head's body, his breath became more stable after the efficacy was played out. After that, the people quickly put the village head carefully into the room and lay down.

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Seeing Aya leave with the village head, Chen Xiao is looking at those leopard demons who support the village head back.

"Are you the only ones back? What about the others? " Chen Xiao asked. According to the conversation of these people before, some of them came back first because of the village head, and there were also people from the flying eagle tribe behind them.

On hearing Chen Xiao's words, several leopard people's faces changed again. One of them said in a hurry: "there are many people in the black wolf village. With Uncle Yu's little people, we must go back to rescue them."

Say, a few people turn round is toward the village to run out again. Other people in the village saw this, naturally they also took the guy and quickly followed up.

Just to our surprise, as soon as a group of people rushed out of the village, several werewolves suddenly ran out of the forest. In front of them, there were several flying eagle guys, each with a lot of wounds, and even some were in a coma.

"Uncle Yu!" Seeing these werewolves appear, the leopard demon, who is the leader here, immediately recognized the several flying eagle families. It was Uncle Yu who went out with them.

"Black wolf village, what do you mean! If you rob our prey and kill our people, don't you think our village is easy to bully The leading Panther demon glared at the werewolf.

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However, the werewolf is showing disdain smile, casually will be comatose flying eagle family several people on the ground.

"Cut, fellow of Feibao village, what qualifications do you have to shout at me now? Are you afraid that your village head's body is cold now? As for these, although they are not dead, I will clean them up soon. Do you really think you have the ability to fight me with the rest of the shrimps? " On the other side of the werewolf, a wolf man with thick black hair stepped forward and sneered.

In this case, even if the leopard demons are angry! One by one glared at the werewolf side, but no one rushed up. The other side has something to rely on, and what he said is the truth.

Without the village head and deputy village head, the most powerful one in the village is the nine star martial saint, and he is still in the injured state. How can we fight with each other?

"Black wolf, what do you want?" Oppressed by anger, the leading leopard demon questions the werewolf.

"What do I want?" The black wolf raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I want your village to return to me from now on. At the same time, if you remember correctly, Aya in your village is very beautiful, isn't it? I want her to be my seventh wife

"What are you talking about?" On hearing the black wolf say these, the leading leopard demon almost didn't run away! He never thought that the black wolf had such an idea.

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It is insulting to the whole village to pass the whole war situation of the village and marry Aya as his wife or the seventh youngest wife!

"Black wolf, you really think our village is easy to bully, don't you? I'm really in a hurry. I'll fight with you. Even if I can't win you, I'll give you a bite of meat! " The leading leopard demon gave a strong reply back. Inspired by his words, the villagers behind him raised their weapons one after another, expressing their willingness to fight to the death with the werewolf!

Unfortunately, such a move, in return for the black wolf's sneer.

"Fight with me? Do you really think you have that strength? " Say this, the momentum of the black wolf suddenly burst out, four star warrior God! This guy has reached the level of four-star martial god!

Feeling the huge pressure on the body, the villagers' faces turned pale in an instant. The four-star warrior God is stronger than them. At present, it is absolutely invincible. No one can deal with the black wolf!

"How about it? Who else wants to fight me now? Come on, I'd like to see how much trouble you can cause me With these words, the black wolf licked his lower lip, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Wolf, born bloodthirsty! If there are still unseen guys, the black wolf doesn't mind tasting the taste of blood.

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For a moment, all the people on the side of the leopard clan were quiet and did not know what to do. The village head is still in a coma, and the deputy village head is in the hands of the black wolf. There is no one who can really make a decision. At this time, they are like a group of loose sand. Only a little means can make them hesitant.

Looking at the reaction of the leopard demons, the black wolf was very happy, which was exactly what he wanted to see. In my mind, I even imagined that Feibao village was under his control, and then she married Aya back to bed and pressed her under her body to do whatever she wanted.

However, all of a sudden, the black wolf thought that everything was coming from the opposite direction.

"Four Star Warrior God? If you're not hurt, maybe it's OK. However, you have already suffered a lot of internal injuries. It's hard to say whether you have a star martial god's strength

This sentence, let the black wolf's face changed instantly, and the people in Feibao village heard this, the expression on their faces also became excited. If it is as the voice said, then the black dragon is not bluffing enough! Only one star martial god's strength, Feibao village people really may not be afraid!"Who! Who said that! Dare to say that labor and capital are injured? If you have the ability to stand up, I will show you the strength of the four-star God of labor and capital! " The black wolf yelled. But his words, on the contrary, give people a feeling of guilty, and more sure that he is really bluffing.

However, in the face of the noise of the black wolf, the person who said this really came to the front. When the black wolf saw the man, he couldn't help being stunned, because the other party was not a member of the demon clan, but a human being. A very young man.

It's Chen Xiao!

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"Ah Yes? Am I wrong? Although you are being forced to suppress the injury, there is no problem for the time being, but you really want to fight. In your current state, only one carelessness is enough to seriously injure you. At that time, it is not clear who will win or who will lose. "

Chen Xiao continued to say with a face of indifference, ignoring the clamor of the black wolf. In his divine sense, black wolf body color good situation, Chen Xiao simply not too clear! Even the strength of those werewolves behind the black wolf and whether they are in his hands are clear to Chen Xiao.

It can be said that if we really want to fight, we don't have to be afraid of the black wolf! We can completely rely on the advantage of quantity to solve them.

"Human? Why do you have human beings in Feibao village? " The black wolf exclaimed, and did not respond to what Chen Xiao said.

In fact, Chen Xiao is not wrong. Although he nearly killed Aya's father by sneaking attack in front of him, after all, the other side is also a god level strong one, but there is no need for the black wolf to fall short of the realm. Although the black dragon uses strong poison power, it is not so easy to kill the God level strong in an instant.

In this way, it is inevitable to be attacked. In the hard struggle, two God level strong men worked together to deal with the black wolf, especially the village head with the idea of fighting to death, which hurt the black dragon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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