Peerless War God

Chapter 669: 669


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The chiyun sword splits on the wolf's claw and makes a metal collision sound. To Chen Xiao's surprise, the black wolf actually blocks the chiyun sword! The hardness of the wolf's claws is OK!

However, the chiyun sword was just blocked. Chen Xiaojin kicked out his right foot and accurately put it in the black wolf's chest. At the same time, all the black dragon scales were stimulated. The power of terror didn't kick the black wolf out of the room unexpectedly!

"Pen! Pen! Pen

Even broke three big trees, the black wolf finally hit the fourth tree to stop, but the body is also embedded in the trunk. We can see how terrifying the power of Chen Xiao's foot.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the black wolf's face turned pale.

"No way! How can you be so strong! " Black wolf looks shocked at Chen Xiao. He thought Chen Xiao was no matter how strong he was, that is, a Star Warrior God. But the reality is not like that at all, facing Chen Xiao, he actually solved it once! Even if there is no serious injury, but this foot, is to let him play the strength is reduced by a section!

Moreover, if Chen Xiao comes to a few feet again, with that strength, no matter how strong the body of the black wolf is, he can't carry it.

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"As I said, you are such a dog head man, you can't stand a blow in front of me." Standing there with the sword, Chen Xiao didn't mean to continue to attack. He was completely crushed by a peerless strong man, which shocked many demon clans!

However, Feibao village was shocked by Chen Xiao's strength and felt that the village was saved, while the black wolf village was shocked and felt that they were going to die.

"Damn it! Devil wolf! Ah, woo Under the fury, the black wolf raised his head and let out a howl. At the next moment, his body expanded rapidly, and his clothes were all burst off in a flash. He himself became a huge black demon wolf with red eyes and sharp teeth, staring at Chen Xiao.

"No! The black wolf will become a monster Looking at the black wolf turned into a black demon wolf, Kang Shan lost his voice immediately!

"Daddy, what's going on? What is the monster transformation? " Nearby Aya quickly asked.

Kang Shan immediately explained: "monsters change, or hidden in the body of the demon magic, every demon people have. However, not every demon clansman can understand the transformation of monsters and beasts, because the skill of understanding the transformation of monsters and beasts has been lost for a long time, and at least a few demon clans can be lucky to start the transformation. And start monster transformation, will become the most original monster form, strength will be at least 10 times

"Ten times at least!" Aya's eyes widened. To calculate the strength of the black wolf's one star warrior God, if you turn it up ten times, you will have to be nearly four-star martial god! And this is only the least multiple, no one knows how many times his magic wolf change is to enhance the strength!

At this moment, Aya's heart has been mentioned in her throat, staring at Chen Xiao, praying in her heart that there will be a miracle. Otherwise, after today, I'm afraid there will be no more Feibao village

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"Boy, this is the magic wolf change I just learned yesterday. You should be honored to die under my move! Next, I'll tear you up a little bit! " At the next moment, the figure of the black wolf suddenly disappeared. Only a burst of breaking sound was heard around Chen Xiao, which was caused by the rapid movement of the black wolf. However, a lot of demon clans could not even see the shadow.

"Ha ha! Boy, can you see me? Magic wolf changed me, the speed is absolutely no worse than the nine star martial god! Can you catch me with your strength? "

The voice of the black wolf sounded again, but the sound was heard from all directions at the same time.

Compared with the speed of the nine star martial god, let the expressions of the people in Feibao village change again. Can Chen Xiao cope with this speed?

"Son of a bitch, go to hell!" As like as two peas of the wolf, the sound of the wolf again rang from around. At the next moment, there appeared more than ten black devil wolves around Chen Xiao. Relying on the speed of terror, the black wolf actually created a dozen shadows out of thin air! And these shadows, one by one, look like real!

At this moment, a touch of despair appeared on the face of Feibao village. In their view, such a powerful black wolf, Chen Xiao is no matter how powerful, also can not be the opponent!


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A dull sound without warning, and then, a huge figure fell from the sky, heavily hit the ground, causing a deep pit out!

At the same time, the crowd glared at the same time, and there were some guys with big mouths. Lying in the pit, the black wolf turned into a black demon wolf! What's more, he doesn't move where he lies. He seems to have no life on him!

Black wolf, is that how you get killed?

"I thought it was good. It turns out that it's still such a waste. " In the air, Chen Xiao looked at the body of the black wolf calmly.

Compared with the speed of the Nine Star Warrior God is really fast, Chen Xiao wants to catch up with such a speed, it is really impossible. But for the black wolf, there is no way. When the front and the old woman fight, he can get rid of it, let alone a black wolf? Voringta only needs to launch at the moment of his attack, which is enough to capture his movements clearly. After that, a soul tower will directly solve the black wolf!The one who solves the problem will be killed!

The wolf demons in the black wolf village are all stunned in situ. For a long time, a burst of cheers reached their ears. It was from the people in Feibao village.

Now that the black wolf is dead, what spray can the remaining wolf cubs turn out? In an instant, all the people in Feibao village were staring at the wolf demon one by one, with a look of indignation and a posture of turning them over at any time!

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The wolf demons retreated. Without their leaders, their combat effectiveness has been reduced by at least half.

However, no one noticed that Chen Xiao in the air did not fall down after solving the black wolf, but looked from the place behind the wolf demon. Then, spit out a sentence.

"Hiding behind for so long, do you really want me to pull you out?"

This makes people in Feibao village feel surprised. Is there anyone else? But before they thought about it, a voice came from behind the wolf demon.

"Your strength is really surprising. I didn't expect that the black wolf who used the magic wolf was solved by your one move. Great, great. "

The voice was low, but not bad. Along with the sound, a dark shadow appeared and stopped in front of Chen Xiao several feet away. It's a mysterious man wrapped in a black robe.

"Who are you? You instigated the black wolf clan, right? " Slightly clench red cloud sword, Chen Xiao's expression appears some dignified. The moment he opened the tower, he found out the existence of this guy through his absolute control of the surrounding energy. And the other side can hide so long to be found by Chen Xiao, his strength, is not Chen Xiao can despise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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