Peerless War God

Chapter 689: 689

Toom didn't know why there were other humans on this side of the Huangsha river. But as soon as the other party came up, he moved towards the sun and the moon, and the target was obviously the young man. This makes him a little tangled. Is this letting the other party find the human? Or stop them a little bit?

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The tangle did not last long, and toom soon had a choice.

Anyway, the demon Emperor didn't say that he wanted to help the human being. Then let these guys who suddenly appeared contact the young man. If the young man really got the heart of the spirit beast, they would know it was not?

Aya, who was in the sun and moon shuttle, did not realize that there was danger coming towards him. Attention always falls on the yellow sand river below, expecting Chen Xiao to fly out from below.

However, before Chen Xiao appeared, the voice of someone falling suddenly sounded above the sun and moon shuttle. Looking back, it was five strange human beings, which made her unable to help being stunned.

"Who are you?" Aya looks at each other with vigilance, and the little black beside him also crouches down and gives out a low roar. However, its reaction is obviously a little afraid, the strength of the other side, it can not cope with.

"Little girl, do you know where Chen Xiao is?" The first one asked Aya. A strong muscle will be tight vest, a piece of muscle gives a strong visual impact. And the momentum of the other side's body, is a faint to Wei Ya a strong pressure, a kind of want to escape the idea.

Just, hear the other side is looking for Chen Xiao, Aya is surprised.

"What are you looking for Chen Xiao? He's not here now. " Aya frowned.

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In response, the other side grinned and showed a white tooth: "you little girl really knows Chen Xiao. In this case, there is no way. Somebody, get her. "

This person said, one of the men immediately disappeared behind him. When he reappeared, he had come to Aya and grabbed her neck! The speed is so fast, there is no time for Aya to react!


Next to the small black issued a roar, suddenly toward the man's paw in the past. However, the other side is not to look at Xiaohei, a wave of left hand at will, a strong wind appears out of thin air. He not only blocked Xiaohei's paw, but also directly blew it out. He turned it over twice on the deck, and nearly fell out of the sun moon shuttle.

"Little black!" Aya exclaimed, but did not wait for her to have the movement, only felt the neck tight, the body next moment was lifted up. But the guy in front of him had already grasped her neck and lifted her up!

"Put Let go of I... " Aya struggled, reaching out to break the other party's palm, but the palm was pinched in her neck, completely unable to break it!


Xiaohei turned over and flew to the other side. He opened his sharp teeth and bit him down.

However, the leading one opened his mouth again at this time: "it's really a disgusting beast."

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The voice just fell, behind him, another of his men disappeared, waiting to appear, just in front of small black less than half a Zhang of the position. Then, he raised his right hand and hit Xiao Hei's head with a fist!


This fist, knot solid hit small black's head. Aya only saw that Xiao Hei's blow flew out again and landed on the deck, sliding to the edge, but he did not move again.

"Little Xiaohei... " Aya hard to say this, looking at small black is, her whole heart is hanging up.

Xiaohei grew up with her since childhood. The relationship between them is absolutely comparable to the existence of relatives! But now, it is for the sake of Aya and is given a punch to fly. How can Aya accept it?

It's just

What can Aya do? In addition to watching Xiaohei lie there, the breath on her body becomes weaker and weaker, she even can't even break the control of each other!

Chen Xiao! where are you! Get out of here!

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At this moment, Aya in the heart of the instinctive cry Chen Xiao. At this time, she found that Chen Xiao had become her biggest reliance!

However, the cry in the heart did not exchange for the appearance of Chen Xiao. Instead, it was the burly man who laughed again.

"Ha ha, it's quiet at last. Next, there is this little girl in the hand, just wait for Chen Xiao that boy to appear

"You Is to deal with Chen Xiao, villain, wait. Chen Xiao must No Let go of you. " Aya glared at each other and said this hard.

This makes the man laugh again, as if to hear a very funny joke in general.

You think you are a little girl? In front of my crazy tiger, he is nothing at all. Just a saint level, don't mention me. It's my subordinates. Any one of them can kill him like an ant. What do you think? Ha ha... " The man, also is the mad tiger, looks disdainful.To be able to make such an expression, in terms of the strength of the wild tiger, is not a bad thing. He does have the strength to say so, because he is in the extermination of the clan, but he has the same strength as ziyaosheng. On weekdays, I can help Lingxiao kill some troublesome guys.

The reason why Lingxiao suddenly sent him to the land of demon clan to deal with a small Saint level character and asked him to live or die to see a corpse. It seems that Chen Xiao is very important.

In this regard, although crazy tiger still according to the requirements of Lingxiao to do, but the heart felt that Lingxiao let himself come over, it is simply overkill. A holy level, no matter how powerful, can it be more powerful than the God level? Even if he is really strong, a god level is not good, send more than a few God level? Where to use a trump like him?

"You..." Hearing this, Aya's face changed. From the other side's face, she really saw the absolute self-confidence, that is a person has enough strength to appear when the expression.

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In other words, the other side is really strong! Better than Chen Xiao?

"I wish that Chen Xiao would show up so that I could catch him and go back to work. Well, this kind of small matter can be solved by my hands at will... "

Before the mad tiger disdained words finished, a figure suddenly appeared in the sun and moon shuttle, and rushed to the guy with Aya at a very fast speed. Then, just listen to "Peng" sound, the figure and the hand of a hand, a strong energy fluctuations immediately burst out!

However, what people didn't think of was that those who flew out were actually the hands of crazy tigers!

"Where are you from? You want to deal with me? " After the other side hit and fly, he opened his mouth directly, and the voice made Aya's face immediately appear a look of joy.

Who else is not Chen Xiao! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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