Peerless War God

Chapter 700: 700

Night falls, outside the yellow sand maze, several simple tents stand there, one of which, the demon emperor is sitting inside, eyebrows are not showing.

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After a few days, there was still nothing for Chen Xiao and the ant demon clan, which made the demon emperor feel very worried and worried about whether there would be any accident in the heart of the spirit beast. After all, he was counting on the heart of the beast to find a way out of the demon land.

For a long time, the demon emperor took out the token to connect with Lingxiao, but he did not inject spiritual power, but hesitated.

At the thought of the appearance of a few crazy tigers, the demon emperor felt that he had a thorn in his heart.

"Why, is this token of any special use?" Just when the demon emperor was still hesitating, a beautiful woman's voice suddenly rang out from behind him. The sudden sound made the demon emperor jump forward and quickly turn around. His momentum suddenly rose to the strongest.

Can quietly appear behind their own, after all, the other side is a master! How dare the demon emperor relax?

However, mention the momentum of the demon emperor to see the appearance of people, not from a Leng. A beautiful woman in a red dress, giving a cold feeling of beauty. This is no one else. It's queen ant, Bai Yi.

"Who are you? What can I do for you? " The demon emperor is not stupid. The other side appears here, but he doesn't fight against himself. There must be something wrong.

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However, Bai Yi did not immediately answer the question of the demon emperor, but looked up and down at the demon emperor, and then slowly opened his mouth: "are you the demon emperor now? The strength is OK. It's just that it's not a good choice to hook up with outsiders. "

Bai Yi's words, let the demon emperor Leng, did not understand what she meant. Immediately frowned: "what do you mean by that? And who are you? "

After thinking about it, the demon emperor thought it was better to find out the origin of the other party first.

"Me? Well, it seems that the last demon Emperor didn't tell you a lot of things. I am the queen of the ant demon tribe, and also the guardian of the holy land. Well In general, you can understand that. " Bai Yi added a sentence after it.

"Queen ant?" The demon emperor opened his eyes, but he immediately froze down with his expression, "say I collude with outsiders? Hum! You ant demon has just rescued the human who robbed the spirit beast's heart from my hand. It seems that you are not right about this. "

Think of this, the demon emperor's tone to Bai Yi becomes very bad.

However, Bai Yi gave a casual smile: "what? You want to blame me for this? Oh It seems that the last demon emperor did not do a good job in inheriting and inheriting it. "

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This word lets the demon emperor frown, the heart is not happy. However, Bai Yi is not wrong. The demon emperor in front of him died suddenly because of some accidents. After that, he became the demon emperor, which made him totally unclear. For example, what kind of existence is the land of the demon clan, and where is the holy land? All these are the edge information that the demon emperor spent a lot of time and manpower.

Naturally, Bai Yi did not know about these things about the demon emperor. She stopped and continued: "first of all, although the spirit animal heart is called a sacred thing, in fact, it has no other practical significance except some special. If you really want to say something, it may be just like a thing of inheritance. "

Is the heart of spirit and beast just a kind of inheritance used to make appearance?

Hearing Bai Yi say so, the demon emperor was stunned on the spot. It's totally different from what the book says, right?

"Secondly, as the queen, I am not inferior to you in status. Even I have the full power to decide to whom to assign the things in the holy land. Well For example, if I want to give the heart of a beast to a human, you can't stop it Bai Yi continued.

The demon Emperor didn't know that. What's more, Bai Yi said so. The hidden meaning of the words is clearly to give the heart of the spirit beast to the man named Chen Xiao?

"Well. I don't know if you're telling me the truth The demon emperor replied, but his expression was very ugly. No matter whether Bai Yi's words are true or false, he can be sure of at least two points: first, Bai Yi is better than him; second, Bai Yi stands over Chen Xiao.

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"Ah..." Bai Yi sneered, "believe it or not. Anyway, I'm stronger than you. If you want to continue, I'll beat you to the point where you dare not. "


The demon emperor was ashamed. He did not deny that Bai Yi was right. Do you want to say it so directly? At least he is the demon emperor! Although he didn't really master every demon village, if he really stood up and raised his arms, most demon clans would still stand up and support him, OK?

"By the way, if you want to understand. As the guardian of the holy land, our ant demon clan is actually the law enforcement hall. If the demon emperor makes any big mistakes, I have the right to kill the demon emperor and choose another one. "

When he said this, Bai Yi's body was obviously full of killing intention.

At this moment, the demon emperor is sure that no matter what Bai Yi said is true or false, she definitely has the strength and courage to kill herself.

"But you don't have to be nervous. At present, you have done nothing wrong." Bai Yi showed a smile, but then became cold again, "but you have to be honest and honest about the origin of those human beings.""This..." The demon emperor hesitated. He couldn't be sure whether Bai Yi's words were true or false, but somehow, there was a hidden meaning in his heart that made him believe what Bai Yi said. In addition, he also wanted him to be honest about his relationship with the extermination of the clan.

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Forget it, whatever she says is true or false. Maybe I told her, but it's not a bad thing.

Thinking of this, the demon emperor no longer hesitated. When he was about to tell the story carefully, he also said what he had done in recent years, including his idea of leaving the land of demon clan.

After listening to the demon emperor, Bai Yi's head hurt a little.

Is there a way to get out of the land of the demon clan? This statement, also thanks to that Lingxiao can be found.

Yes, there is a saying in the heart of spirit and beast. If you find it, you can find a way to leave the land of demon clan. But in fact, it was just the ant demon clan, the Nine Tailed Fox clan and the original demon emperor when they came to the land of demon clan. The purpose is to make a group of demon clans who just came into the land of demon clan at that time feel that this is not a prison cage, they can still leave here.

After all, if they didn't say so at that time, there was no other way for the demon people to stop thinking about the nurses. After all, what happened at that time, if the demon clan really joined in, it would certainly bring huge trouble , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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