Peerless War God

Chapter 702: 702

"Oh? The ant demon tribe has also been added? " An unexpected look appeared on Lingxiao's face.

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For the demon clan, although the above adult did not show too much concern, but a lot of things related to the demon clan, that adult still told Lingxiao, so that Lingxiao had enough understanding of the demon clan.

Among them, in addition to the spirit animal heart, also includes the ant demon clan.

According to the information given by the adult, the ant demon clan is the existence of the law enforcement hall among the demon clans. Moreover, the queen ant of its family is not inferior to the demon emperor. If there is her joining, then it is likely to affect the relationship between miezong and the demon emperor.

Even the queen ant has the ability to make the demon emperor change his attitude towards meizong. The demon Emperor himself has never really trusted miezong. In addition, Lingxiao suddenly sends someone to the land of the demon clan, which is bound to make the demon emperor have more resentment against him.

This point, from the demon emperor has not contacted himself, Lingxiao can be judged.

"Crazy tiger, I'm going to pass you a set of secret ways to track people. You can get that boy back to me as soon as possible." After thinking about it, Lingxiao thinks that Chen Xiao is the most important thing.

The emergence of ant tribe is definitely a variable. If simply lost the control of the demon clan, Lingxiao to do not feel what. But if because of this and make crazy tiger can't catch Chen Xiao back, Lingxiao will feel very uneasy.

Chen Xiao in his heart, that is absolutely a thorn in the heart, if it can not be solved, Lingxiao will certainly be affected. But it may not have an impact on future plans.

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Soon, Lingxiao will teach the secret method. With the strength of the wild tiger, it is easy to master.

"Crazy tiger, use this secret method to find Chen Xiao as soon as possible. Remember, when you are looking for it, don't let the demon emperor get involved. You can lead people to find it secretly. " In order to avoid unnecessary situations, Lingxiao specially ordered.

In this regard, the wild tiger naturally follows suit.

Waiting for the end of the call, crazy tiger immediately launched the secret method taught by Lingxiao. Soon, he sensed the position of Chen Xiao indistinctly. Thinking in my heart, it's really amazing that it was taught by Lingxiao adults.

After locking Chen Xiao's position completely, crazy tiger put away his secret method and waited for dark. He took people into the yellow sand maze to find out Chen Xiao and solve it.

New troubles have locked Chen Xiao

Night came again. With an afternoon of time, Chen Xiao has been the current strength is completely stable. Because of the breakthrough, all the negative effects left by the fighting in front of us have been recovered.

At present, his state, even in the fierce tiger, is still the capital of the first World War.

"Chen Xiao, I've packed the room for you. You can have a rest." Just when Chen Xiao is thinking about how to deal with the crazy tiger again, Aya's voice comes out of the room. This broke Chen Xiao's mind.

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Slightly sigh in the heart, Aya is also a trouble.

Since Chen Xiao lives in the pagoda house, Aya is naturally the same. Fortunately, there are enough rooms in the pagoda house, otherwise Chen Xiao and Aya will be in the same room. And really want to make such an arrangement, Chen Xiao thinks that Aya will not refuse.

"What's the matter? You're still thinking about those people, aren't you? " Aya comes out of the room and looks at Chen Xiao.

"Well." Chen Xiao nodded, followed by a pause, and then said, "Aya, come and sit down. I want to talk to you about something."

If they continue to drag on, it is not good for Chen Xiao or Aya. So, Chen Xiao, I'd better just order it. There is a way that the long pain is better than the short pain. It is not necessarily a good choice to cut off the mess with a sharp knife.

Aya sat down obediently and looked at Chen Xiao curiously, waiting for him to continue.

"Aya, I know you like me. But there are some things I have to make clear to you. In fact, I already have a favorite. So, I can't stop accepting you. " Now that he has decided to say it, Chen Xiao naturally says it simply and simply.

Hearing Chen Xiao's words, Aya's face immediately turned pale, but what Chen Xiao didn't expect was that Aya returned stubbornly: "I know. But I don't care

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Don't care? What does that mean?

Chen Xiao felt that Aya must have misunderstood something, and continued: "Aya, no matter what you think, I will not stay in the land of demon clan for a long time. I am destined to be just a passer-by in your life, so I hope you can understand that there is no possibility between us

This time, Aya's expression completely turned pale. Chen Xiao, this is a total refusal, completely do not want to give a little more opportunities of the kind!

"I I... " Aya didn't know what to say. For a while, his expression darkened. "I see."

With these words, Aya got up and went back to her room.

Looking at Aya's lonely back, Chen Xiao's heart is also helpless. But he knew that if she went on like this, she would probably get more and more hurt. It's better to clarify the relationship as soon as possible.Sighing slightly, Chen Xiao also went back to his room. Looking at the bed made by Aya, he had a bitter smile, but he didn't think much about it. He lay on the bed and decided to have a good sleep and have a rest

However, when Chen Xiao is resting, Aya is standing by the window, two lines of clear tears appear on her cheek. Thinking of her own and Chen Xiao from the encounter to now, two people's experience is not small. Especially when Xiaohei is killed by the crazy tiger, Chen Xiao protects her behind her. At that moment, Aya really thinks that she can find someone to rely on.

But I didn't expect that all this was just her wishful thinking. At the end of the day, she didn't like her.

Depressed in her heart, Aya felt lonely for a moment, as if her father could show up at this time and give her a hug. It's a pity that Kangshan may appear? I can't point out where I can find her disobedient daughter.

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With a bitter smile, Aya turns to rest. Take a good sleep, maybe all the troubles will be forgotten.

However, she had just turned around and didn't take a few steps when a light wind broke out of the window. Before she looked back to see what was going on, a dark shadow suddenly came in from the window and hit her in the back of her head. Aya only felt the darkness in front of her eyes and immediately lost consciousness.

The shadow took Aya in his arms, followed by several dark shadows, but it was no one else, it was the crazy tiger and his men!

Relying on the secret method taught by Lingxiao, crazy tiger spent a lot of effort, and finally only found here. Then, very carefully into the village, and found here.

Now, looking at Aya in his arms, the wild tiger immediately recognized that she was the leopard demon above the sun and moon shuttle.

In this way, the tiger can not help but show a smile , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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