Peerless War God

Chapter 704: 704

Crazy tiger's speed is very fast, as soon as it retreats and enters, it is almost finished in a flash. He decided to fight Bai Yi. He didn't have any strength to reserve! The power of the fight, compared with the original time to deal with Chen Xiao, is strong two points!

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In the face of the crazy tiger, Bai Yi's expression unexpectedly becomes a little dignified. At this time, the strength of the wild tiger burst out, really let her have to take it seriously. After all, she has not recovered completely. If she is really hit by him, she will still hurt her!

Immediately, Bai Yi's right hand lifted, a group of yellow sand appeared in front of her palm. In the twinkling of an eye, the yellow sand turned into a huge sand shield and ran straight towards the wild tiger.

But for the sand shield, the fierce tiger did not dodge, but directly met it with his fist, intending to fight against Bai Yi!

In the next blink of an eye, the fist and sand shield collided.


A loud noise spread all over the ant demon village. Under the impact of the wild tiger, the sand shield was broken and turned into dust all over the sky, wrapping his whole person in. But the next moment, the wild tiger rushed out of the sand and continued to rush towards Bai Yi.

Bai Yi seems to have predicted that the sand shield can't stop the crazy tiger. After Sha Dun was launched, she launched a second move.

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More sand gathered around her, and then, when the tiger rushed within a foot of her, his right hand aimed at the void. The yellow sand of the whole body is all converging towards the crazy tiger in an instant. It turns into a huge palm, just pinching the whole crazy tiger!

"Sand burial!"

Bai Yi spits out these two words, and the huge yellow sand palm is constantly pinched, as if a real hand is exerting force, and there is a very uncomfortable friction sound between the sand.

However, the palm of the hand just started to exert force, and after a while, the yellow sand began to drum up.

"Peng" a sound, the palm of the whole explosion, into yellow sand scattered down. The wild tiger in the palm of his hand continued to rush up towards Bai Yi, and finally brought Bai Yi into his attack range, aiming at her heart to kill her!


Crazy tiger's fist, without any obstruction, easily pierced Bai Yi's chest. This made him stunned. The feeling that his fist came back was not the feeling of breaking into the flesh.

The sound of "Hua Hua Hua" was turned into a pile of yellow sand by Bai Yi, who pierced her chest, and spread to him along the arms of the wild tiger.

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This is just like a fake body of yellow sand condensation!

Crazy tiger did not expect that Bai Yi would have such a hand, immediately detonated the spiritual power in her body, and forced the yellow sand entangled to open. But he just controlled the spread of the yellow sand, and suddenly formed a long sword formed by the yellow sand, and all the points of the sword were his crazy tigers!

Crazy tigers are not stupid enough to think that these sand swords have no power!

"Out!" Bai Yi's voice rings from around, and those sand swords stab the wild tiger with the sound. The speed is so fast that there is no room for him to dodge! As for the number of sand swords, there are more than ten waves!

This move, has been Bai Yi used the current eight success force out of the use. In order to get rid of the tiger as soon as possible, she did not consider the energy consumption.

But Bai Yi did not expect that, waiting for the end of his attack, crazy tiger is already the whole package in the yellow sand time. The huge sand ball exploded suddenly again! Crazy tiger is not dead yet!

Although the tiger is not dead, but his state is quite in a mess. His clothes were ragged and tattered, and there were many wounds on his body that were bleeding out. His momentum was also reduced a lot. It seems that he has been seriously injured!

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Open the sand ball, crazy tiger decisively to Bai Yi is both fists out. And this time, it is no longer a simple boxing shadow, but with hands on the tiger head boxing set also flew out!

This pair of tiger head fists was given to him by Lingxiao himself after the crazy tiger completed an important task. Its quality is a medium level immortal. Each fist has the soul of a fierce beast with white stripes and fierce tiger. In addition, this boxing set has a high affinity with the skills he practiced. In this way, it gives the tiger the chance to work out this move.

Two tigers share food! Summon the fierce tiger with white stripes in his fist to attack the enemy!

"Roar! Roar

Two roars of tiger sound, boxing in the way of flying out, turned into two huge white tiger, one left and one right to Bai Yi rushed past. From their breath, Bai Yi felt a lot of pressure. Obviously, it is not easy to solve it easily.

However, the crazy tiger who made this move, then made an unexpected action.

Turn around and run away.

There's nothing wrong. At this moment, crazy tiger chose to run away. Although he knows very well what punishment he will get if he fails to complete the task assigned by Lingxiao, what does it matter if he is killed? Living is better than anything!

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Turning around, the tiger immediately burst out of the fastest speed, just a breath of time, is already a dozen feet away. At this time, Bai Yi just got entangled with two fierce white striped tigers. There is no way to chase the tiger.At this moment, crazy tiger is very glad to wake up in time, did not fight Bai Yi to the end. If his injury is more serious, it will inevitably affect the speed of his escape, and it is likely to make him unable to leave safely.

Fortunately, it's all hypothetical. The reality is that he had a chance to run away.

It's just Just thinking like this in his mind, a figure suddenly appeared about two feet behind him. He had a long black sword on his hand, which broke out a black flame, and condensed a flame sword shape of more than three feet in a flash! After that, the flame sword shape did not stop, and it chopped down at the crazy Tiger

Crazy tiger only felt a burning feeling from his head swept to his feet, and then his body seemed to have something cracked. Then, he found that his left eye and right eye saw things completely different. Finally, under the guidance of a sense of falling, he completely lost his meaning.

Crazy tiger, dead. Chen Xia seized the opportunity and split it in two!

When crazy tiger and Bai Yi fight, his three subordinates are naturally against Chen Xiao. Unfortunately, with their strength, it is too difficult to deal with Chen Xiao. Not to mention that Chen Xiao, without any hesitation, directly launched a complete frenzy and knocked down all three of them at the fastest speed - but he did not kill all of them, but deliberately left one.

But solved these three people, Chen Xiao looked at Bai Yi to deal with the crazy tiger has no difficulty, so he is not in a hurry to help. At the last moment, he just missed the tiger , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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