Peerless War God

Chapter 723: 723

Alert to the surrounding wind and grass, but let Chen Xiao surprise is that he has been walking inside for a long time, but there is no thing around him that makes him feel dangerous.

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The blue light didn't appear again.

What's going on? Is it just a few words of corpse?

Chen Xia thought that at that time, not all practitioners were killed, but two lucky ones were all right. If it is said that Blu ray deliberately left them behind, it seems that it does not make sense.

But in this way, blue light makes people more curious: why does it attack practitioners and what is the purpose of absorbing them?

There are more and more questions in my mind, and my curiosity about the relics is becoming more and more intense.

"Wheezing Wheezing... " When Chen Xiao is thinking about these things, suddenly there is a noise in front of Ali. Chen Xiao immediately became alert: "who! Come out

The spirit power in the body works for the first time and is ready to hand. In this mysterious relic, any movement makes Chen Xiao feel that there is a hidden crisis.

"Wheezing." A white rabbit jumped out of the grass. Chen xiaoleng was stunned. He was too nervous. Yes, although his performance seems to have no problem, but the heart is still very nervous. In the face of the blue light, whether he can really carry it down, it is completely unknown.

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Thinking of this, Chen Xiao can't help but think about it again.

But just at this time, in front of a huge figure suddenly toward him, the speed, has been in front of him. A gust of bloody air current hit Chen Xiao's cheek.

It was the rabbit that rushed over, but at this time, it was not the ordinary appearance in front of me. The body soared to a person high, eyes turned blood red, a sharp tooth, you can clearly see the blood residue!


The sound of something sharp entering the meat sounded, and then a stream of bright red blood spilled out. At the critical moment, Chen Xiao's red cloud sword punctured the mutant rabbit's stomach in time, and the spirit power mixed with the destructive power immediately injected into its body.

The next moment, the rabbit's back completely exploded, that spilled blood, it is its.

With Chen Xiao's reaction, the rabbit has no chance to hurt him. But its sudden variation surprised Chen Xiao.

The rabbit body that fell down, motionless, was killed by Chen Xiao with a blow. But a few breathing time passed, the corpse seemed to have let out air, and soon changed back to the original rabbit's appearance.

Chen Xiao was very surprised by this change. There are so many oddities in the ruins.

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Part of the divine consciousness was separated and the rabbit was examined. But to our surprise, there was nothing special about the rabbit. Don't say that there is some kind of energy in the body, that is, after it changes back, the whole is an ordinary rabbit.

"Strange. Why is that? Obviously, it has changed so much just now. " Chen Xiao frowned as hard as he could and looked through all kinds of memories in his head, but he could not find anything that could be relied on in front of him.


Suddenly, a beam of light in the air came down to Chen Xiao. Chen Xiao is about to hit Chen Xiao, but Chen Xiao avoids him in the end.

Blue light, that strange blue light appears again!

However, the target of Blu ray is not Chen Xiao, but the body of the rabbit. After being covered with blue light, the rabbit's body, like the practitioners in front of him, soon melted away. Even the blood sprinkled on the ground is also no longer, completely swallowed by blue light!

While taking advantage of the blue light devouring the rabbit, Chen Xiao quickly put together the divine sense. Take this opportunity to study what this blue light is all about.

It's just Chen Xiao's divine sense is not close to the blue light. After the rabbit corpse on the ground is swallowed up, the blue light actually moves towards Chen Xiao directly! And it's pretty fast!

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At the foot of the spiritual force, the blue light swept through the place where Chen Xiaoxian stayed. Fortunately, Chen Xiao avoided in time and did not give blue light a chance to hit himself.

Unexpectedly, blue light did not hit Chen Xiao, but stopped immediately, locked Chen Xiao again, and swept over quickly. Like a wild animal, found its prey, began to launch a chase general!

With his toes on the ground, Chen Xiao immediately flies backward. At the same time, holding the chiyun sword against the blue light is to chop several sword Qi.

The sword Qi hit the blue light in the next second, but it didn't cause any movement. There was no movement. It was as if the sword spirit hit a place where there was no force.

After a huge sword point, the blue point of Chen's left hand is broken!

Broken soul finger, three fingers return to one!

Without any hesitation, Chen Xiao directly used the strongest move of the broken soul finger. Seeing the broken finger with a wild old breath, hard hit the blue light. But at the moment when the severed finger was in contact with the blue light, the fingertip collapsed, and then from the fingertip to the inside, just a breath time, the severed finger disappeared completely. Don't talk about the movement, not even the energy fluctuation!"How? Is this blue light so powerful? " Chen Xiao has a dignified expression. Just when he was ready to use the power of destruction to try, a figure suddenly rushed out towards him.

"Roar!" A wild animal's roar, Chen Xiao only felt a shadow on his head to cover himself, his eyes looked up, a big mouth, drooling black hair red eyes wolf!

"Get away from me!" Chen Xiaoke didn't experience entanglement with these sudden wild animals. He lifted his body decisively and put his foot in the wolf's abdomen. Shengsheng kicked him out. I saw that the wolf flew a few feet away. After landing, he slipped out for a long distance, smashed several big trees and then stopped.

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That is, when Chen Xiao kicks the giant wolf to fly, the speed of blue light suddenly rises, and suddenly rushes forward, unexpectedly, it is within a foot of Chen Xiao! If it wasn't for Chen Xiao's timely launch of Liuyun Xianbu, I'm afraid it would have been covered by blue light.

Liuyun fairy step open, Chen Xiao also did not have the idea of entanglement with blue light, a few flash, easily throw blue light out more than ten Zhang.

But what Chen Xiao didn't notice was that he got rid of the blue light. The wolf, who was kicked out by him, had already recovered and got up again. But the wolf did not chase Chen Xiao away from the direction of the past, it is very strange to stare at the blue light, eyes become more blood red.

The next moment, the giant wolf is towards the blue light straight up! And blue light should also be aware of the wolf's approach, also gave up chasing Chen Xiao, turned to think of the wolf rushed past.

In a flash, the blue light covered the wolf. Then, the wolf's body soon disappeared, leaving a skeleton of the beast, which also turned into pieces after landing

A strange scene. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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