Peerless War God

Chapter 742: 742

When the eldest princess arrives, Chen Xiao exits naturally and opens the door quickly. He has recovered a lot of time, but he has recovered a lot. It will not be difficult to recover if we adjust it later.

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No injury is the main reason to be able to recover as soon as possible.

"The eldest princess, what has been interrogated?" Since the eldest princess will come to find her, the interrogation is over compared with the three martial gods.

However, in the face of Chen Xiao's problem, the eldest princess shook her head and said, "the three martial gods have all swallowed poison and committed suicide."

"Suicide?" Chen Xiao surprised way, can't help but think of the assassin who met in front, the man was also caught, immediately swallowed poison suicide. Are these warriors and the assassin the same?

Chen Xiao thinks this possibility is very high.

But now all three of them have committed suicide. If they want to find the person behind the scenes, there is no clue. This is a headache.

"But no clue has been found. But something has been discovered. " The eldest princess said again, "those guys are all foreigners, none of them are from the sea."

"All outsiders?" Hearing this, Chen Xiao's brain immediately began to associate with what kind of strength can shoot more than a dozen martial gods in one breath. Among them, including the destruction of Lingxiao.

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According to Chen Xiao's knowledge, exterminating Zong is definitely the most likely one.

But the eldest princess didn't seem to think to miezong: "I have asked people to collect all the corpses of these people, although nothing useful has been found from them. However, I can roughly guess who is planning this ambush. "

Chen Xiao was surprised: "the eldest princess already knows who it is?"

"In general. It's just, there's no evidence to prove it, but I can't do it to that guy Speaking of this, the eldest princess locked her eyebrows together. After a while, she relaxed her eyebrows and looked at Chen Xiao again: "in short, thank you for your help today. I will deal with the latter affairs by myself, so I don't have to trouble Mr. Xiao any more. "

Thank you again.

"In addition, if Mr. Xiao wants to, I hope Mr. Xiao can join me. With your strength, I can guarantee that you have a position in the haihuangzong that others can't match. " The eldest princess invited Chen Xiao again. On their way over here, the eldest princess invited him more than once.

Chen Xiao shook his head decisively: "the eldest princess, I have already said that I don't want to have too much involvement with your haihuangzong. I will be here just because I promised someone to help take care of the emperor. I'll leave from haihuangzong as soon as the time is up. "

As soon as the time in Chen Xiao's mouth comes, it is naturally the time for Outland to open. The calculation time is half of the past three months. It is getting closer and closer to the opening of Outland.

"Well. I won't force Mr. Xiao. " The eldest princess showed a look of disappointment, "then Mr. Xiao, you should have a good rest. I'll have you invited to dinner later. Tonight, I want to thank Mr. Xiao for saving his life. "

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Said, the eldest princess has turned to leave

The news of the eldest princess's assassination spread quickly. As soon as the news came out, many people in the sea clan were shocked and hated the assassins! Most of the commanders said they would try their best to find out the assassin and the host behind the scenes.

However, in some yard, a man was sitting on a stone bench in the yard, his face was rather ugly.

He should look ugly, after all, his two handed arrangements did not achieve the expected results. On the contrary, it is not just a simple action failure, but even his people are killed by people!

But he managed to arrange those people through his own energy, and now they are all handed over. This is not a matter of heartache, but a complete mess of his whole plan! The kind that can't go on!

"No. With elder sister's intelligence, I'm sure to associate it with my side. It's going to be trouble again. I have to think about what to do. " The man frowned. The elder sister in his mouth is not someone else, but the eldest princess Haiqiu who was assassinated.

This man is the fourth son of the emperor of haihuangzong, haibaifan.

Pressing the temple, the fourth Prince felt that he had a headache. With his right hand, he carried the cup of hot tea on the stone table. The faint fragrance of tea made him slightly relieve his nervous tension. After a few sips of hot tea, I feel more comfortable.

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Just at this time, two men outside rushed in at the same time.

"How about it? Have you found out the situation? " Waiting for his men to speak, the fourth prince took the lead in asking.

One of his subordinates immediately reported: "report back to the fourth prince, the eldest princess has already inquired clearly. According to the guards who came after them, there was only a short period of twenty or thirty minutes before and after they heard the battle. And when they passed, they saw a god level corpse. "The answer from his subordinates surprised the fourth prince. A group of martial gods were killed in such a short period of time. It's really weird! Moreover, he knew very well that at that time, there was not a god level guard around the eldest princess. More than a dozen God level hands could definitely kill her at the first time.

This arrangement is also the most sure step for the fourth prince!

But how can you think that this last step will fail so thoroughly!

"Nothing but these?" The fourth prince asked again. In the case of the eldest princess at that time, it should be impossible to kill those martial gods.

"This..." The man thought for a moment, "the guard also said that at that time, in addition to the princess's person and body, there was a human and the princess together."

"Human? Who is it Hearing the second time of human beings, the fourth Prince immediately became nervous. At the same time, a figure appeared in his heart at the first time.

"Yes, it's a human who came to the imperial city with Miss Hai Lan Xin." The man immediately replied. And as he said this, the fourth Prince's face then appeared a clear expression.

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Then the fourth Prince looked at the other man. This man used to ask about another assassin.

"Tell the fourth prince that according to the description of the guard in the hall, when they went inside, they saw the queen, Hai Lan Xin, and a human being." The subordinates immediately report what they have heard. And what he said was that the fourth Prince couldn't help rubbing his temples.

No need to ask, he has already thought about who the human will be.

Unexpectedly, his two-step plan was destroyed by him.

Frowning tightly, for a long time, the fourth Prince spoke again, and said to his two subordinates, "go ahead and stop all the plans at present."

"Yes." The two men were ordered to leave at the same time.

Seeing his men leave, the fourth Prince's expression is very ugly. If he could, he didn't want to stop his plan. After all, he had a hard time getting there. But at the moment, the plan can't go on. The only thing we can do is to wait and wait for the support of our own forces and send people here again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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