Peerless War God

Chapter 79: 79

With a little hesitation, he took over the skill in Chen Xiao's hand. After a glance, Chen Zhiyuan's eyes suddenly widened.

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Raised his head and looked at Chen Xiaodao with an incredible look on his face: "Xiaoer, is this skill at least up to Xuan level?"

"Well, this is what my master passed on to me. Just relax and practice. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me!" Chen Xiao smiles. Seeing Chen Zhiyuan's look at the monster, Chen Xiao realized that he had made a slip of the tongue. He quickly added, "I can ask my master for you. He has a very high level of cultivation."

"Good!" Chen Zhiyuan nodded with a smile and silently wrote down the first level of the skill. Then he put it aside and slowly took off his clothes.

Seeing this scene, Chen Xiao is a little funny and simply turns around.

Sure enough, as soon as Chen Xiao turns around, Chen Zhiyuan's speed immediately speeds up a lot, and in a twinkling he jumps into the water tank.

At this time, Chen Xiao turned his head again. He looked at Chen Zhiyuan with a smile on his face. He said in a soft voice, "now start practicing the first level of skills. I'll protect the Dharma for you. Don't be distracted. Slowly guide these energies to repair your body's veins."

Chen Zhiyuan nodded slightly, slowly closed his eyes, and began to practice again according to the skill he had just checked.

It is not necessary to start from the realm of martial arts. It is just to refine the original state again, and to make use of the internal cultivation of some channels that have not been opened.

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Because you already have enough accomplishments, the whole process will be very fast if you practice again.

For example, a general can be familiar with a new skill in a few days without any accident, and can connect all the threads needed in his body.

This is just like a person at the beginning of cultivation, can only use a cup of water to impact the meridians in his body, and they are all fragile meridians that have not been moistened by true Qi, and the progress is naturally slow and abnormal.

Re cultivation means that the body has accumulated enough true Qi, and the body becomes extremely strong under the nourishment of the true Qi, which is equivalent to using a jar of water, even continuous water, to repeat the original practice. Even if it is necessary to re open the meridians, under the action of the continuous source of true Qi, it is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Chen Xiao watched in silence until about a stick of incense. At last, Chen Zhiyuan felt the way of the skill, and his body began to exude weak suction.

This suction not only absorbed the aura of heaven and earth around the room, but was swallowed up by Chen Zhiyuan. Even in the water tank that Chen Zhiyuan was immersed in, the dark blue liquid medicine was continuously absorbed into his body.

About half an hour or so, Chen Zhiyuan's breath gradually stabilized and his face began to blush.

Seeing this, Chen Xiao didn't take care of anything. He went to one side, ignited the furnace again, and quenched out a large amount of liquid medicine again.

This refining process is very troublesome. It takes three days. The required liquid medicine must be able to absorb for at least three days. Otherwise, the quenching effect may not be satisfactory.

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In addition, Chen Xiao soon finished refining several other medicines. Then, after looking at Chen Zhiyuan, who was unknown to the public, Chen Xiao turned his hand and took out another medicine, which was also used to refine the body.

The difference is that Chen Xiao is used to refine his body.

Although the empty body training is extremely domineering and can be used to refine one's body by continuously swallowing other people's true Qi with the help of black fire, it is not as fast as direct physical stimulation after all.

Chen Xiao was not satisfied with the original speed of cultivation and the strength of his body. Therefore, he decided to make use of the quenching methods he had learned in his previous life, so as to make his body strong and powerful as soon as possible.

Today's warriors focus on cultivating the true Qi in the body, or the utilization rate of the true Qi. 3000 years ago, there were many physical exercises, and the physical body of these physical training was very strong.

Some of them are highly gifted, and even have the physical body hard to regret the strong at the same level. What's more, the true Qi in the body belongs to the realm of King Wu, but the physical body may already be comparable to that of Emperor Wu.

Now, Chen Xiao's body is at best equivalent to the realm of cultivation, or barely strong on the front line. Naturally, Chen Xiao is not satisfied.

It took Chen Xiao three hours to refine the medicine he needed.

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Fortunately, during these three hours, Chen Xiao refined ten small bottles of the medicine he needed, and then took time to add some liquid to Chen Zhiyuan's water tank, and stayed with him until the next morning, when he arranged for someone else to take over. Chen Xiao returned to his cabin again.

There is no problem with Chen Zhiyuan. As long as you continue to practice according to the skills, it's only a matter of time before you recover.

Chen Xiao is coming back to solve the problem that Qingxuan can't practice.

Originally, his accomplishments were insufficient, but now he has reached the level of five-star generals. Chen Xiao's grasp is even greater.

What's more, Chen Xiao's time is very urgent now. After offending the Fang family in Los Angeles, the Fang family will definitely send someone over. Maybe the Fang family's people will arrive in the next two days. Chen Xiao needs to take time to deal with the affairs of Qingxuan and others, so that he can concentrate on dealing with the Fang family.After all, Chen Xiao is absolutely impossible to give up his mind when the fangs are so calculating on him.

First, he went back to say hello to Qingxuan and told him not to go out and walk around at will. After that, Chen Xiaocai directly turned around and walked toward Wushi.

Qingxuan is born with dark body, and her internal channels have been opened to 7788. But Qingxuan is now 14 years old. After all, she has missed the best training time for so many years. If she wants to catch up with her now, it will be impossible.

for the sake of Qingxuan's future, Chen Xiao needs to buy some herbs to specially regulate Qingxuan's body, So that Qingxuan can practice faster.

With Chen Xiao's current speed, it's only half a column of incense from Chen's family to Wushi.

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Along the way, almost the vast majority of pedestrians who meet Chen Xiao will notice Chen Xiao.

Without him, Chen Xiao's performance two days ago was so dazzling that now the whole Qingyang City does not know Chen Xiao.

However, for these, Chen Xiao is not too concerned.

After he came to Wushi, he first picked a series of herbs and some good things. He bought them all. Anyway, he had some money after robbing those people of Zhao family yesterday.

After about an hour, I finally bought all the herbs I needed and was ready to go out. However, I suddenly saw an old man in a big gray robe on a stall beside his eyes.

This discovery, immediately let Chen Xiao eyebrow tip a pick, turned to walk in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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