Perfect for me

Chapter 5

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Grasping Nick's hands I felt happy and no longer did I feel lonely. I wanted to grasp that feeling and keep it for myself. In one way or another Nick freed one of his hands and touched my cheek in a loving cherishing way. Leaning into his hand I released a sigh of happiness and content. His thumb slowly traced across my cheek in loving strokes and I looked up. Leaning down Nick kissed my lips gingerly and straightened up. With that, he grabbed my hands with both of his and lead me into the kitchen. Not having the will to object I followed. Once in the kitchen Nick pulled out one of the chairs and seated me down. Looking at his face I saw the emotions which were incomprehensible in his expression. With that, He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "I will love you forever and always remember that." With a blush on my face, all I could think about was his loving words and the feeling of his breath tickling my ear. Turning towards the table nick served me steaming hot egg-fried rice with sushi. Once I smelled the aroma of the food I clasped my hands together and said, "You spoil me so much." Smiling at me Nick responded, "You are worth spoiling. Now dig in I specifically made your favorite food." Laughing I quirked my brow and said, "I love food, in general, I am a black hole when it comes to food. Maybe I love food more than you?" With a quick twitch of his nose, Nick said, "Than maybe I should start making terrible food?" Shaking my head I said, "No you won't besides, you love food just as much as I do. I love you more than food so I'll eat whatever you make even if it kills me." Smiling at my words Nick stole one of my sushi rolls. Surprised I exclaimed, "Oi that's mine!" Trying to get it back from Nick before he eats it, but it was too late by then and he had already eaten it. With that, I reached over and grabbed one of his egg rolls and stuffed it into my mouth. Looking at me with a dumbfounded expression he started to laugh and asked, "Seriously?" With a serious expression, I responded with sarcasm, "I am always serious." After saying that I made a silly face and started to eat my own food. Laughing at what I hoped was my cuteness Nick started eating his food.

After eating we spent hours sitting at the table laughing and talking. We even played cards against each other winding up with me losing most of them. We were happy and having fun. With that, we both sat down in front of the TV as I relaxed in Nicks embrace. Being relaxed and comfortable after a while I fell asleep in his arms hoping that the night will never end. When asleep Nick kissed my forehead and lifted me in his arms. My head leaned on his chest as he carried me bridal style towards our bedroom. I was too asleep to wake up. Setting me on the bed Nick left the room to take a shower. While he was in the shower I could faintly hear the ringing of his phone. That's when the water was shut off and all I could hear was the muffled sound of Nick talking. Being too tired to get up and try to overhear the conversation I fell back to sleep. It felt like hours had passed and nick was still not in bed yet. All I know is after I fell back to sleep Nick left for some important business. The time was about to hit midnight when Nick arrived home. Knowing he was back I stood up in my Pj's and decided to go back to sleep. After a while, I felt the bed shift and I knew that Nick was about to lay down and fall asleep. Rolling over I plopped myself on his chest giving him a little startled. It only a few seconds for him to lean in my general direction and embraced me in a lazy hug. With that, we both fell asleep embracing each other.

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