Perfect for me

Chapter 8

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Once set on the ground he grabbed a spoon removed the foil on the brownies and took a bite. Swatting his hand I said, "That's for later." Looking upset he said, "If you say that I will want to eat it even more." With that, he dug the spoon back into the brownie and took another bite. Laughing I asked, "Would you like to cook with me?" Smiling Nick nodded with his mouth full he said, "I would love to cook with you once again." With that, I reached into to a drawer gabbing a knife and said, "Then put that spoon away mister and let's start cooking." Reaching into the fridge I grabbed out two steaks, an onion, tomatoes, celery, carrots, and 3 apples. With all of the food in the fridge out, I reached into a cupboard and started to grab seasoning. I grabbed garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, chives, cumin, paprika, and ground nutmeg. With those ingredients out I grabbed another knife and handed it to Nick. Knowing what I was making Nick started to dice the vegetables while I cut up the apples and seasoned the steaks. With the apples done and the vegetables done I grabbed two separate bowls and put the apples in one and the vegetables in the other. With that, I grabbed a metal skillet and started to heat the pan. With the pan at the right temperature, I put in cooking oil for the steak and put slid them into the pan. The meat started to sear and cook and then I put the apples into a different pan and put it on low. Grabbing a stick of butter I cut a sliver of the butter and put the rest of the butter back into the fridge. heating the pan I put the butter in it and powdered the top of the apples with cinnamon and brown sugar. Grabbing a lid I let the apples cook in their own juices. returning to steak I saw the side that was in the cooking oil almost done so I flipped it over and added the vegetables. Grabbing a lid I covered the skillet. seeing that I covered the food to cook Nick snuck up on me and wrapped his hands around my waist. Snickering I was holding a spatula for the apples that was clean I swatted his hand lightly. Laughing he said, "I won't let you go." With pure joy on my face, I leaned back into his touch and said, "I'm cooking." Kissing my forehead he said, "No, we are cooking."

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At that moment I felt that he was too perfect for me. I still felt that I should stay in his arms I want to stay in his arms forever. Grabbing my hand with the spatula he removed the lid from the apples and started to stir them holding his hand over mine. Once he was done mixing the apples he put the lid back on them and removed the lid for the steak. Grabbing the other spatula he flipped the steak and mixed the vegetables. Leaving the lid off the steak he turned the heat on the steak on low. He started to waddle us out of the kitchen. Following his lead, he led us to the living room with that he had us sit on the couch. Tuning on the TV which was still on a chick flick he looked at me and patted my head. Grabbing the remote once more he changed to the channel to triple D another one of my guilty pleasures especially when we have food cooking on the stove.

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Watching the food being cooked we both grew hungry with that we ran into the kitchen and checked to see if the food was done. Since we were both practically torturing each other watching people eat delicious looking food. Looking at the food the steak and vegetables seemed to be done and the apples needed a few more minutes. Gabbing plates we started to eat the vegetables and steak after moving in front of the TV once more. Watching Guy Friere eating all those delicious foods make our mouths water for that food but we still ate what we made. After a while, we ate our fill of the steak and watched our fill of triple D. Switching channels we brought up animal planet although we most likely won't actually watch it. By we I mean Nick he will most likely play games on his phone. Getting up I grabbed two bowls of apples and separate slices of brownies. Handing one plate to Nick he dug into his food like a savage animal which was humorous. Mainly because he got chocolate all over his face. For your information, I did turn off the stove. Taking slow bites of the dessert I finished my food and grabbed Nick's plate. Shaking his head Nick followed me into the kitchen and opened up the cabinet and pressed his hand against our secret hatch in the wall. Seeing it slide open Nick grabbed a small little box and handed me the box after I set the dishes down. With that Nick said, "Happy 26th birthday my little minx." Pleasantly surprised I opened the box and said, "I'm not that much of a minx." Laughing at me Nick impatiently said, "Just open the box and look inside already." Opening the box completely what I saw inside was a glass rose that looked so beautiful that I thought it was too perfect. It almost didn't feel right for me so I said, "Its too perfect." Knowing what I meant Nick said, "No its just right." Kissing my lips he grasped my hands which were holding the glass rose. Bringing a smile to my face I whispered, "Thank you." Kissing Nicks cheek I slid my hands out of his grasp and stashed away the glass rose. I still felt that the glass rose was too perfect but I kept my mouth shut about it.

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