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Lu Yimo had never been a fan of Lu Xia. The girl was intelligent and likeable but for all the good those talents had done her, Lu Xia was also completely unhinged.

No one could control the girl or tell her what to do but what was worse was that Lu Xia had taken a liking to Lu AnLing...

However, Lu Xia was not the only one, Grandma Lu, Lu Xiaoling and even her eldest brother Lu Xing had liked the girl and this bothered Lu Yimo to no end.

Thank god Lu AnLing was not a biological family member, because if she had been, Lu AnLing would be the biggest threat to the happiness of both of her daughters and Lu Yimo would not be able to stand this.

All Lu Yimo had ever wanted was for her daughters to live lives of happiness and luxury and now that Lu Xinya was loved by her grandfather and Lu Jiayi was the first to get married, Lu Yimo thought that her dreams where finally about to come true...

Though, as Lu Yimo's eyes fell upon Lu Xiaoling, she did not want to start believing she had won just yet. So instead of causing the altercation between her daughters and Lu Xia to worsen, Lu Yimo smiled and said, "Xinya, calm down. I'm sure Xia doesn't mean anything bad by it."

Hearing this, Lu Xinya frowned but she did not back talk to her mother.

Seeing this, Grandpa Lu frowned. "Lu Jian, this daughter of yours, why is she here? She's ruining the family meeting."

Lu Jian frowned. "With all due respect father, she deserves to be here. Xia is the smartest out of her cousins and she's already an accomplished surgeon. Wouldn't it be better to put the grudges of the past aside?"

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Lu Jian was a serious man and when he had said this, he stared deeply into his father's eyes and his voice did not waver at all.

He was convincing but Grandpa Lu did not say a word, instead, Lu Yimo interrupted.

"Now now Jian, Xia might be intelligent but she knows nothing about business. Just because she's your daughter doesn't mean that she will succeed in running the family business." Lu Yimo said smartly. She knew that Lu Jian wanted his daughter to succeed him but Lu Yimo would never allow such a thing. All her life Lu Xiaoling and Lu Jian, her two younger siblings, had walked all over her and had gotten exactly what she had wanted.

Lu Yimo didn't want the same to happen in her daughter's generation.

Lu Jian: "Oh really? Then who do you want to get the company? Your daughter?"

Lu Yimo gave a dry laugh before she looked towards Lu Jiayi, " My daughter would be an amazing candidate. She studied business in one the best business schools in the country and she's been working her way up in the company for years. She's by far the most qualified."

"You're only saying that because she's your daughter" Lu Jian scoffed.

"And so what? Aren't you doing the same for Xia?" Lu Yimo retorted.

Listening to her siblings argue, Lu Xiaoling frowned. She didn't want to listen to the nonsense anymore but she didn't put an effort to end their battles either.

From the sidelines, Grandma Lu watched her children interact with one another and frowned. She really wished that they wouldn't turn every family event into a bickering contest but that was the life within the Lu family. It had been like this for the longest time...

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Thinking of old time, Grandma Lu looked at the door before her eyes shifted to a seat where Lu Xing would have sat. Seeing that Lu Xing had not shown up once more, Grandma Lu did not know whether to be happy or sad.

But before she could process the thought, Lu AnLing and Xu Sheng pushed through the doors.

Seeing the two enter together, Lu Yimo sent a strange look Lu Xiaoling's way but her sister completely ignored her. Instead, Lu Xiaoling's attentions were focused on her daughter.

Back at Grandma Lu's birthday party, Lu Xiaoling had not been able to really examine her daughter's face but right now was the chance. As she looked at Lu AnLing's face, seeing how bright the girl was, something slightly moved within the woman's heart but Lu Xiaoling did not believe it was a big enough reaction to be love, so the woman ignored it.

As soon as she had entered the room, Lu AnLing had seen a strange expression on her mother's face and this had almost stopped the girl in her tracks.

Looking at Xu Shen, Lu AnLing felt herself hold her breath on instinct.

Had her mother gotten the wrong idea? Lu AnLing did not know but she felt a slight bit of fear in the deepest parts of her heart.

Lu AnLing had been a bit reluctant to enter with Xu Shen. She was afraid of what had been said about him in the past, resurfacing in the present, but the man had been so adamant about it that Lu AnLing had found it hard to refuse.

Stopping to look at the table, Lu AnLing examined each and every one of the faces of her close relatives.

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After this, Lu AnLing greeted the relatives, taking extra time to greet Lu Duyi more warmly than the rest, before she went to take a seat. Before she did, Lu Xia grabbed onto Lu AnLing's arm.

Seeing Lu Xia, Lu AnLing cocked her head curiously before she said, "You've been welcomed back?"

"Apparently I was never kicked out." Lu Xia said with a shrug.

Lu AnLing gave a dry laugh before she said, "Well... don't we all learn something new every day."

After this was said, Lu Xia and Lu AnLing took seats at the table.

Looking around the table, a cold expression formed on Lu AnLing's face. As her eyes swooped over the relatives, most of them felt the sudden urge to shiver. They had never seen such a look come from Lu AnLing before and while most believed that it was best not to confront the girl about it, Lu Jiayi frowned.

"So you actually came..." Lu Jiayi said.

Lu AnLing: "Do you have a problem?"

"Isn't it a bit convenient for you to only come around when we're talking about inheritance? Also, I heard you came back to the country because grandmother was sick..." Lu Jiayi said as her eyes sharpened. She was insinuating that Lu AnLing had a pitch black heart. That she did not care about the family members, but rather about the money.

It was true that this could seem so to some pair of eyes, but the ones who knew her knew that Lu AnLing was not that kind of person. And truly, Lu Jiayi knew this too but Lu AnLing threatened her place and sanctity of mind. There was no way Lu Jiayi was leaving Lu AnLing alone.

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By her side, Lu Xinya sat on one side and Lu Jiayi's husband on the other.

Seeing the glared the three were giving her, Lu AnLing rolled her eyes. "So what? Even if I did come here only for the inheritance, it's my right."

"How shameless of you!" Lu Xinya practically screamed, making sure that rather than sounding angry, she sounded afraid and disbelieving.

On the opposite end, seeing Lu AnLing alone, Grandma Lu frowned. Ignoring Lu Xinya who had finally snapped and spoken, Grandma Lu asked, "Where is Jun?"

Following her grandmothers lead, Lu AnLing ignored Lu Xinya and then smiled. "He's here,"

Hearing the name Jun, Xu Shen scratched his head, laughed awkwardly and said, "It seems like Yuxi had gotten a bit attached to him..."

As soon as those words escaped Xu Shen's mouth, the doors of the room opened swiftly, revealing the figure or a tall built man who exuded coolness and sex appeal without even trying.

In his arm, the little girl laid, looking up at the man as if he was a celestial being.

No one had known who the other seats were for, so as soon as the door opened, all eyes turned to the door, and when they say the figure, many eyes widened at the sight of the man.

When her eyes fell on the handsome man, Lu Xinya's mouth flew wide open and she said,

"Is that Kang Jun...?"

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