Perfect Superstar

Chapter 113

Chapter 113 – Point of Explosion

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Inspur blog is the largest blog website in China and can be considered as one of the most important fronts of new media.

Any slightest sign of trouble here could be artificially amplified and spread like wildfire.

In Inspur blog, there are also a large number of marketing account and online speculators. Once a hot event is triggered, whether it involves their own interests or not, they will often intervene in it to promote the flames or fish in troubled waters. (TN: marketing account refers to an unscrupulous self-reported account that relies on traffic to make money.)

Lu Chen getting eliminated on “Super Singer”. The initial trigger was undoubtedly Stray Cat’s blog, but what really ignited it was the three statements made by the program officer V of Xiangnan Satellite TV’s “Super Singer”.

The first statement was issued at 11:02 on the evening of July 27. The content was very simple. It was a public statement on Stray Cat’s blog, saying that the so-called inside story disclosed by the other party was pure nonsense and was not worth refuting. It also warns some people against malicious speculation.

Just 20 minutes later, at 11:22, Officer V of “Super Singer” released a new blog post, which was also a detailed criticism of Stray Cat’s blog post.

It’s kind of like hitting their own face.

In the second blog post, the program team pointed out that the audition process of “Super Singer” is open and fair, and there is no possibility of behind-the-scene dealings, let alone malicious suppression of newcomers.

In fact, it is precisely the emergence of this reality show that has made an indelible contribution of original works on domestic pop music. It has made more and more outstanding creative talent to stand out!

As for Lu Chen, who had participated in the audition of “Super Singer,” the program team said they regretted that they had missed the rather excellent creator. “In Spring” is an excellent original work.

But Lu Chen did not sing the song at the audition of “Super Singer,” but chose another one. His performance at that time was not recognized by the judges, so he was eliminated.

And this just reflects the fairness and preciseness of “Super Singer”. This is the reason why the ratings of this program have been rising steadily. The program team’s reputation cannot be discredited and smeared.

The truth is that simple.

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“Super Singer” program team issued a stern warning to the Small V Stray Cat of Inspur Blog, demanding the latter to eliminate the bad influence in the blog, apologize to them, and reserve the right of legal accountability!

Xiangnan Satellite TV is a well-deserved leader in domestic local satellite TV stations. It has a very strong public relations and marketing team, and it responds very quickly to adverse events. The slightest sight of symptom will be smothered in the bud.

On the other hand, Xiangnan Satellite TV is an official Big V in Inspur Blog with more than 10 million fans. Once the two posts of “Super Singer” official V were published, they received a lot of likes, comments and reposts.

Including many of the stars in the circle, industry celebrities and Big V bloggers!

The media influence of Xiangnan Satellite TV is not something that a Small V such as stray cat can compete with at all. The two blog posts were crushed directly. The latter’s blog was instantly blown up into a mess, with all kinds of cynicism in the comment area, along with Lu Chen and Beijing Satellite TV.

At 11:55, “Super Singer” program team issued their third blog post.

This post strongly praises Ling Xiaoxiao, believing that he is the leading figure in the new generation of singers, both in talent and character, and that his original works are very much in line with his age temperament, and will therefore have strong popularity and loyal fans. They wished him great success in the upcoming National Final.

This meaningful blog also @Ling Xiaoxiao himself and Xiaoxiao’s support group!

Xiaoxiao’s support group is Ling Xiaoxiao’s fan group. Now, it has more than 100,000 members and is very active on the blog.

Ling Xiaoxiao himself responded with a smiling face and the word “Thank you” two minutes later.

But his fans were less understated. Under the group’s top management organization, they flocked to fight at Stray Cat and Lu Chen’s blogs, fighting from the early morning until the next morning.

They directly spurted a stream of abuse on Lu Chen!

Since the three posts of Xiangnan Satellite TV was release after Lu Chen’s live broadcast, he did not know this matter that happened in the blog, and he still relied on Li Feiyu to remind him about it after he had come back from his early exercise. Only then did he know he was attack.

Li Feiyu was simply filled with indignation that he pounded the table and said, “These brain-dead fans are really ridiculous. Stray cat is right, in terms of talent, strength and appearance, you can completely throw this Ling Xiaoxiao by three blocks!”

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Lu Chen can’t help laughing.

Ling Xiaoxiao is a of Shanghai native. He graduated from the Music Department of Shanghai Media University at the age of 21. He is handsome, fair-skinned and stylish. He is the most popular type of fresh meat in the entertainment industry. He is very capable of attracting fans.

So, in appearance, he and Lu Chen are different. Lu Chen is tall, handsome, healthy, and sunny type.

It is difficult to compare the two directly. After all, there are many differences in the public’s aesthetic taste.

In terms of height alone, Lu Chen actually have no problem throwing Ling Xiaoxiao by a block. According to the internet, the latter only has a height of 1.67 meters, adding the high shoes he’s wearing, it reaches to 1.72 meters, but Lu Chen, even if he took off his shoes, his height is 1.82 meters.

As for creative talent, Li Feiyu has even more to say: “Take a look at this post, it says that Ling Xiaoxiao’s three songs are copied from two albums released by former South Korean male group KDK on 2003 and 2005. Many passages obviously imitate KDK’s songs. How dare he say that he is the leading figure in the new generation?”

The Greater China Music Library is mainly aimed at domestic original music works, but foreign works can also be registered through agents, and copyright is also protected.

However, due to the current weak crackdown on music piracy in China, not many people in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea are willing to put their works in the “Greater China Music Library” for copyright registration, because the interests involved are very limited. Moreover, the cost of copyright registration and subsist is also high, which makes the relevant parties lack the motivation to safeguard their rights. (TN: Subsist = how long the copyright is in effect)

Therefore, this has formed a loophole, resulting in many people in the domestic industry to follow with the foreign trend. People who are concern about face will buy the copyrights, while those who aren’t concern about face will directly plagiarize, make some superficial changes, then ostentatiously promote it as their own work, and formed a streamline packaging marketing model.

This model is short-lived and fast, with low cost and quick results, and is regarded as the winning  magic weapon by many entertainment media companies.

Fast-rhythm songs, divine tune, catchy songs, rap… What is popular abroad, the trend first affects the country.

The result of the spread of the same magic weapon is that it has severely damaged the original works of the country. Except for a few top creators, most of the lower and middle-level songwriters find it difficult to get enough food and clothing. As a result, they have changed careers one after another.

Regarding this phenomenon, there are also many insightful people in China who strongly appeal for the revitalization of original works. Some even say that the laissez-faire of copyright in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea is a deliberate act, which stifle local originality!

This statement may have the smell of conspiracy theory, but it is an indisputable fact that plagiarism and imitating the ethos of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea is pervasive. However, not many fans of idols care about this. The focus of their pursuit is on the star’s appearance, scandal and gossip. Having the talent and skill to sing and dance is enough!

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Of course, many media and musicians are resisting this phenomenon, and those who have experienced the endless emergence of popular classics in the 1980s and 1990s, after the initial sense of novelty, are disgusted by the foreign trend of the entertainment industry.

The fact that “In Spring” is at the top of the original list is enough to tell the story.

This is the era of change, the worst era of pop music, but also the best era!

And Lu Chen is precisely in this era!

Li Feiyu said, “Many of Ling Xiaoxiao plagiarism posts and blog posts have been deleted. The strength of Xiangnan Satellite TV is great. Big Chen, are we going to send a blog post to fight back?”

He goes to the studio very early in the morning. So, when he turned on his computer and saw the news in the QQ Group, only then did he know that Lu Chen’s blog had been attacked. It was not easy to figure out the origin and development of the matter. He was also very annoyed in his heart.

“Super Singer” eliminated Lu Chen in the audition, and even made false accusation. The meaning in the third blog post, as long as it can be seen by anyone with discerning eyes, is simply unbearable!

Li Feiyu has blocked and reported a lot of IDs in the comments section, but he can’t stand up to the other party’s offensive at all.

His heart was completely full of fire.


Lu Chen thought about it and calmly said, “Don’t worry, wait until I figure things out.”

Li Feiyu was annoyed, and now he was even more annoyed!

Others are knocking at your door to slap your face. If you didn’t have a temper, would you still be a man?

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Lu Chen may not have practice any superb skill on enduring things. (TN: Like those in cultivation novels)

But since stepping into this circle, he is bound to face the ups and downs in the circle. Not only it is useless to lose one’s temper alone, but one can also easily fall into the trap of other people and plunge oneself into a more disadvantageous situation.

Therefore, a counter-attack is definitely a must. The key is how to make a good counter-attack.

But one must know that what he is facing is Xiangnan Satellite TV, this colossus. So, without hard material to depend on and just relying solely on empty words, it will be impossible for him to gain the upper hand in this battle of public opinion.

And the attitude of Beijing Satellite TV is also very important. Since Beijing Satellite TV has not responded, will he not become a target of attracting firepower by rushing ahead?

Li Feiyu hesitated for a moment and asked, “Would you like to close the comments section first?”

Closing the comments section means that even if people wanted to scold, they won’t be able to, and is also a way to calm down. Out of sight, out of mind.

“No need!”

Lu Chen flatly vetoed: “Let them scold, the fiercer they curse now, the more satisfying it is to slap their face in the future!”

He took out his cell phone and dialed a familiar number.

Lu Chen speculated that 90% of this might have been done by this man. He has this hunch early on.

Now is the time for an explanation.

“I thought you were going to call me last night…”

On the other side of the phone came Chen Jianhao’s voice. He laughed and said, “I didn’t expect you to be so late. This made me a little disappointed!”

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