Perfect Superstar

Chapter 117

Chapter 117 – Stir Up A Storm

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The battle of Lu Chen’s fan group on the Inspur blog began at 10 o’clock in the evening.

Before that, they have continuously attacked Zhang Xiaoan, Chen Zhenni and Zhuang Hao’s personal blog posts, as well as the official blog post of “Super Singer”. The results of the war were quite brilliant.

In fact, among the four blog posts, the official blog post of “Super Singer” was the most difficult one to attack. The other three are basically vulnerable to attack. Under the attack of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of IDs, all of them have been blown up in a mess.

Afterward, the main force marches into Inspur Blog!

Lu Chen’s fan regiment, and the Lu Family Army has not been established for a long time, but it has developed very rapidly. (TN: Original text is “Lu Chen’s fan group” but I change it to “Lu Chen’s fan regiment” to make it sound more like they’re going to war)

Relying on his abundant popularity resources1 on [Whale TV], the number of members of the Lu Family Army with relatively high loyalty has increased from the initial few hundred to more than 70,000, which has become the most important force supporting Lu Chen.

It was Li Mubai and Li Feiyu who directed the counterattack.

This pair of double Li combination is very strong. Li Mubai sits at the top of the QQ group to control more than a dozen super groups, while Li Feiyu carries on the live broadcast in the studio, encouraging more fans to participate in it.

Lu Chen himself has always stood behind the scenes.

Because his current identity is not the same as in the past. It would be a joke if he himself personally brought people to attack other blog posts.

A star’s image is extremely important. After this storm, Lu Chen will become a little famous. He has also become a rising star in the “Singing China” program.

If he were a signed artist, Lu Chen can be regarded to have officially debut, so he must pay attention to his own words and deeds.

Therefore, if he himself retaliate against his opponent, it will easily give people a bad impression of extreme character and narrow mind, which is not conducive to his future development on the path of being a star.

But fans are completely different. It’s completely natural for fans to protect their idols, not to mention Lu Chen is in the right. If he doesn’t retaliate severely, it will only make people feel he has no popularity resources.

For example, Ling Xiaoxiao, who is famous in “Super Singer”, attacked Lu Chen ruthlessly with his support group.

However, no one said that Ling Xiaoxiao did something wrong, because he had never made any unfavorable remarks against Lu Chen or Stray Cat from beginning to end. And even if the truth came out now, it would not involve him.

In Inspur Blog, someone revealed that Ling Xiaoxiao has signed up with Juxing Company before participating in “Super Singer”. This is also the basis for his rapid popularity in this talent show of Xiangnan Satellite TV.

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And the boss of Juxing Company is precisely Jin Hongwei, who Lu Chen refused to sign with!

Lu Chen is not an idiot. For Ling Xiaoxiao to get involve, he should have someone to rely on.2

Of course, this does not mean that Lu Chen will just watch the fun by the side and do nothing. Through Li Mubai and Li Feiyu, he laid down the basic rules of actions for this counterattack. That is, he only fought back against Zhang Xiaoan, Chen Zhenni, Zhuang Hao, “Super Singer” program team and Ling Xiaoxiao’s support group, and didn’t involve Xiangnan Satellite TV and Ling Xiaoxiao himself.

This is called a directional slap in the face!3

In addition to locking on the targets, Lu Chen also asked his fans not to engage in abusive verbal attacks. On one hand, to avoid being tagged by Inspur blog, and on the other hand, to maintain the overall quality of the fan group.

Although it is impossible for so many fans to follow what he says, but reasonable and correct guidance is essential. Otherwise, it is easy to hurt others and themselves.

With the launch of the counterattack, Zhang Xiaoan’s blog was the first to be captured.

As a result, the well-known host of Xiangnan Satellite TV deleted the original blog post that attacked Lu Chen, closed the comment area and pretend to be a dead dog. Since then, no new blog post has been posted.

Lu Family Army immediately pursued Chen Zhenny and Zhuang Hao under the command of Li Mubai and Li Feiyu, and the latter two responded in the same way as Zhang Xiaoan. They deleted their posts, closed their comment area, and shut their mouths.

In fact, unless they apologize, no matter what they say, they will not be able to change the truth revealed in the video.

At this time, defending or denying will only make their reputation more and more bad!

By the time it was the turn of “Super Singer” program team, the official V of the program team had already established the ban to comment.

So, the lone Lu Family Army launched a general offensive attack on the final goal, namely Ling Xiaoxiao’s support group.

This time, they finally met their opponents. Faced with the army’s flood-like offensive, the fans in the Xiaoxiao’s support group didn’t allow themselves to be seized without putting up a fight, and they launched a rather tenacious resistance.

The two sides fought fiercely in the Inspur Blog, and even landed on the blog hot spot of the day!

However, Xiaoxiao’s support group’s resistance is somewhat just a last-ditch struggle, because the video evidence posted by Stray Cat is so lethal that a colossus such as Xiangnan Satellite TV had to bow its head.

At 11:40 in the evening of July 28. Xiangnan Satellite TV issued an apology statement on Inspur Blog.

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In this blog post, Xiangnan Satellite TV’s Official V expressed that they deeply apologized for the irregularities in the “Super Singer” audition, and extended a sincere apology to the person concerned, Lu Chen.

Xiangnan Satellite TV has suspended Zhang Xiaoan’s hosting work, and unilaterally terminated the contract with Chen Zhenni and Zhuang Hao. They will no longer serve as judges in “Super Singer”.

Xiangnan Satellite TV also expressed its appreciation for Lu Chen’s talent in singing. Unfortunately, the two sides have not been able to cooperate. At the same time, they look forward to the opportunity to invite Lu Chen to participate in Xiangnan Satellite TV program in the future!

At the end of the post, the Official V also @Lu Chen FMX and Stray Cat.

Then the Official V of the “Super Singer” program team posted the same blog post.

As a local satellite TV station, Xiangnan TV’s crisis public relations ability is undoubtedly strong. As soon as this apology statement came out, the storm that have risen against them in Inspur blog immediately calmed down a lot.

Lu Chen, who had been sitting in front of the computer, watching the progress of the situation, of course, also saw it. He thought about it and wrote back a short blog.

He expressed that he accepted Xiangnan Satellite TV’s apology, was satisfied with the handling of the incident, and looked forward to the cooperation between the two sides.

Because Lu Chen knows very well who is the real culprit behind this incident. If he poured out all his anger on Xiangnan Satellite TV, it would be exactly what the man behind-the-scenes wanted.

Xiangnan Satellite TV’s influence in the industry is enormous. Many star idols are proud to participate in Xiangnan Satellite TV programs, and countless three or four lines of people are breaking their head, wanting to squeeze in.

Although Lu Chen does not need to deliberately please Xiangnan Satellite TV, but reconciling with them is undoubtedly the wisest choice.

At 11:50, 10 minutes after Xiangnan Satellite TV’s apology statement was issued, Beijing Satellite TV spoke.

At first, during this storm, Beijing Satellite TV and “Singing China” program team have been silent.

Now that the dust has settled, “Singing China” program team’s official V immediately announced a very intriguing piece of news.

Beijing Satellite TV has signed a copyright licensing contract with Lu Chen, one of the top 16 contestants in the “Singing China” Beijing singing area. His original work “Life On A String” will become the new theme song for “Singing China”.

In addition, Beijing Satellite TV will also invite Lu Chen to participate in the performance of the 11 National Day party!

Similarly, in the end, Beijing Satellite TV’s Official V also @Lu Chen FMX.

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Lu Chen immediately responded to express his thanks and was very happy to establish a good cooperative relationship with Beijing Satellite TV.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is the rhythm that Beijing Satellite TV should strive to hold on to Lu Chen.

Xiangnan Satellite TV’s “Super Singer” won a new star, Ling Xiaoxiao. So, it’s not unusual for Beijing Satellite TV’s “Singing China”, which is competing with Xiangnan Satellite TV, to also win a newcomer.

The ratings of the two variety shows are very close, and they are fighting very hard. And after a few days, the second showdown between the two sides will undoubtedly be very exciting!

At 11:54, Tan Hong, who has more than 20 million fans, encouraged @Lu Chen FMX to work hard, and create another great achievement in “Singing China” Beijing singing area top 10 of the 16 competition.

At 11:57, Chen Fei’er, who has more than 13 million fans, also updated her blog, saying she liked @Lu Chen FMX’s works very much and hoped to hear his new work in the competition on the 31st.

The two pop music superstars supported Lu Chen at the same time, which made Lu Chen’s reputation in Inspur Blog suddenly increase. In just half an hour, the number of blog fans has increased by more than 100,000, and it is still increasing.

Lu Chen also immediately expressed his thanks to the two judges.

With the statements of Xiangnan Satellite TV, Beijing Satellite TV and the two superstars, the storm that lasted for two days finally came to an end, and Xiaoxiao’s support group of fans died down.

The counterattack action of Lu Family Army’s fan group was declared a great victory!

It was just after 12:00. In [Whale TV], the atmosphere in Lu Fei’s live broadcast room has become extremely hot.

Countless fans are celebrating the victory.

“That felt so good, killing those guys like that!”

“When the army goes out to battle, it is invincible!”

“Hahaha, I hope this kind of action happened a few more time. I didn’t get enough fun.”

“Well, the opponent is too weak and lacks challenge.”

“Unexpectedly, Xiangnan Satellite TV apologized. Our anchor was so awesome!”

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“Haven’t you seen Tan Hong and Chen Fei come out to support our Lu Fei? If he’s not awesome, then who is?”

“There’s no suspense in the top 10 of 16 competition, General Lu will win!”

“What song do you think the anchor will sing in the following competition?”

“I like “Those Flowers”.”

“The Bright Times of Early Youth!”

“It’s better to listen to “Love in The Wind”.”

“No matter which original work, our Lu Fei will win, throwing Ling Xiaoxiao by three blocks!”

“Throwing Ling Xiaoxiao by three blocks +1!”



Lu Chen watched this like a tourist in his broadcasting room, feeling the joy of his fans.

Of course, Lu Chen was also very happy, because in this storm, he is undoubtedly one of the biggest winners.

And at the same time, Lu Chen also became very clear-headed.

Whether it’s the support of Beijing Satellite TV, or the strong support of Tan Hong and Chen Fei’er, it is actually empty. Like a castle built on a beach, a wave may come and break it apart.

As an independent singer, Lu Chen can only really rely on his own strength.

On this road covered with thorns and flowers, he needs to take it seriously if he wants to go further.

Work harder!

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