Perfect Superstar

Chapter 126

Chapter 126 – Fervent Support

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The last time Lu Chen was attacked, Beijing Satellite TV did not speak.

But it would be a big mistake to think that Beijing Satellite TV does not attach importance to Lu Chen, or that it has been indifferent to his experience, especially when it violates their interests.

If a tiger doesn’t show its prestige, others will treat it as a sick cat.

Beijing Satellite TV is a flood dragon in Beijing. Once it gets angry, it also has the power to overthrow mountains and seas!

At 11:15 on the same evening that the “Singing China” program team arrived in Bihai, Beijing Satellite TV Official V issued a stern announcement on Inspur Blog.

In the announcement, Beijing Satellite TV said it had noticed what appeared on the Internet and launched a serious investigation in response to the public opinion of Lu Chen, a contestant of “Singing China”.

After a careful investigation by the “Singing China” program group, it was confirmed that contestant Lu Chen owned all the copyrights to the songs he wrote (including, but not limited to, the copyrights that had been transferred). Copyright registration websites are the “Greater China Music Library” in China and the “Global Music Library” in the United States, both of which are the most authoritative music copyright organizations.

Beijing Satellite TV therefore determined that Lu Chen did not commit any plagiarism in his creation, and the blog post of “Wandering Singer Lao Hai” and the story of “In Spring” in Inspur blog has serious problems of confusing facts, misleading netizen, and fabricating obscure stories.

In order to defend the honor and reputation of “Singing China” contestants, Beijing Satellite TV, together with Lu Chen himself, reported to Inspur blog, requesting Inspur blog to conduct an open and fair investigation!

At the end of the announcement, the copyright documents of 10 songs, including Chinese and English, were attached.

This is called a well-founded, well-informed, and truthful statement!

As soon as the announcement of Beijing Satellite TV Official V was made, a large number of forwards and comments were immediately received.

There was an uproar in Inspur Blog, because no one expected that Beijing Satellite TV would strongly support Lu Chen!

In fact, people who understands variety talent shows know that Beijing Satellite TV is supporting Lu Chen, not because they are defending his reputation, but what they are really defending is their own interests. Anyone who touches the dragon’s reverse scale will be killed.

11:35 pm. Inspur Blog posted an announcement on their homepage.

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The content of the announcement was not long. Inspur Blog officials said that after investigation, the blogger “Wandering Singer Lao Hai” and blog post “The Story of Me and In Spring”, through Beijing Satellite TV official V report, did made a violation. Therefore, a deletion process was given.

In addition, through technical tracing, the IP source of “Wandering Singer Lao Hai” is in Huhai, which is identical to the IP of the well-known blogger “Rice Ball”. The account of “Rice ball” has also been temporarily closed.

If the previous announcement of Beijing satellite TV official V sounded the horn to counterattack, then the official announcement of Inspur Blog is to directly capture the flag and immediately cut down the head of the culprit!

And to even cleanly dig up the skin.

Rice Ball is a big V in Inspur blog with 7.5 million fans, and he is also a famous marketing giant.

Wandering Singer Lao Hai is actually his trumpet. Many people feel that they have been fooled.

Didn’t you say you were a wandering singer for more than 20 years? How did you suddenly become a famous big V?

This is simply cheating others!

The people who had forwarded the post “The Story of Me and In Spring” were deleting their post, removing their likes, and acting as if nothing had happened.

Some of them reacted slowly, or were offline. As a result, their comment was blown up – are you still concern about face?

As for the Rice Ball’s blog, it was smashed by thousands of Lu Chen fans and passers-by!

Because Rice Ball’s account had been blocked, he couldn’t even close the comments or delete the blog, so he had to watch himself being whipped and beaten.

This big V is basically abolished.

In contrast, Lu Chen’s blog has returned to normal. Many passers-by who had scolded him because of the misunderstanding came back to apologize to him and praised him. The atmosphere in the comment area was warm and peaceful.

The black tide, which had been directed at Lu Chen, had disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This is the trend on the Internet, it often come and go quickly, unless someone adds fuel to the flame, otherwise the duration is very short, not to mention now that it was beaten to death by a stick.

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At 11:47, Tan Hong, who has 20 million + fans, spoke on his blog.

He expressed his support to Lu Chen through his blog post, hoping that the latter would not be affected by this plagiarism incident and not affect his performance in Bihai Singing Area competition in the night after tomorrow. Otherwise, it would be really a shame.

Tan Hong also deeply laments the goodness of many netizens, who are too easily misled and moved by a fabricated story. As a result, a very talented young man was mistakenly wronged.

In fact, the biggest loophole in “The Story of Me and In Spring” is that the so-called Beijing drifting singer did not register the copyright after he created his work, and did not even do the online filing, which is totally against common sense.

Even if it’s a first draft, as long as it is uploaded to a big website such as QQ Music for record, one can prove the originality of one’s work without spending too much money, and it is also legally effective.

This is the basic copyright knowledge and only few singers don’t know this, so one could comprehend the truth of the story. But ordinary netizens do not understand this, which leads to the spread of the plagiarism uproar.

Tan Hong sincerely hopes that similar incidents will not happen again and will not damage the original works in China.

On the surface, Tan Hong’s blog post was posted a little late, and the content was also a bit of suspicious.

But in fact, while he laments the goodness of netizens who don’t know the truth, he is also slapping the face of those people who forwarded the original blog post – yes, they do not understand, but do you also not understand?

It’s nothing more than ulterior motives!

None of these people dared to jump out to refute it. Even if they were slapped on the face, they could only swallow blood.

Tan Hong has many fans, and Lu Chen’s popularity on Inspur Blog has soared again, and in a few hours, he actually appeared on the front page of the celebrity list!

After that, Chen Fei’er, Lin Zhijie and Zhen Zhen all sent blog posts to support Lu Chen.

The next day, the third page headline of an entertainment newspaper was: “Singing China” four judges supported the newcomers!

And in the morning, Lu Chen also posted a blog post.

At this time, the storm has basically calmed down. And because of the support of Beijing Satellite TV, Tan Hong, and other big shots in the circles, so whether it is the blog, post bar or forum, the criticism of Lu Chen has disappeared.

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In his blog post, he first thanked Beijing Satellite TV and then thanked Tan Hong, Chen Fei’er, and the other judges.

Then Lu Chen said that after the two storms about himself in the Inspur Blog, he has a better understanding about the dangers and complexity of the world, so he was extremely grateful to those fans who have always trusted and supported him.

He wanted to tell all his fans that although he was slandered, misunderstood, humiliated and cursed…

He still has the dream of pursuing music, a pure heart that always persist and will never change!

Tomorrow night, Lu Chen will dedicate a brand-new work to all his supporters in the last round of “Singing China” national tournament.

Please look forward to it. Thank you!

Finally, he also @ Beijing Satellite TV, “Singing China” program group, Tan Hong, Chen Fei’er, Lin Zhijie, Zhen Zhen, and Lu Chen support group, that is, Lu Family Army group V.

Lu Chen’s long blog post, entitled “Thank you”, was quickly forwarded after it was posted.

Beijing satellite TV and other large and small V’s that have been @ have given encouraging or supportive replies.

In just a few hours, the number of posts forwarded and comments exceeded more than 100,000!

What Lu Chen’s fan talked about the most is his new work. They are just waiting for the mystery to be revealed.


On the evening of August 20, “Singing China” Bihai singing area tournament, which is also the last national tournament, was broadcasted live on time to hundreds of millions of viewers across the country in the indoor hall of Bihai Gymnasium. (TN: Tournament = knockout competition or PK)

The indoor hall of Bihai Gymnasium can accommodate 5,000 spectators and has become a huge performance stage after a temporary renovation.

The 5,000 seats were packed, all 24 cameras were in place, and all the staff of the program group were on duty. And when the clock jumped to 07:30, the theme song “Life On A String” suddenly sounded in the venue.

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The host of the scene appeared on the stage, read the short advertisement with intense speed, and then invited the judges to the stage.

Tan Hong, Chen Fei er, Lin Zhijie, and Zhen Zhen…

The four judges, who are already familiar to the national audience, appeared one by one, and each of them drew enthusiastic applause and cheers from the audience, especially for the Heavenly King and Heavenly Queen.

Next, there is the exciting tournament draw. (TN: Who will face who)

The fate of the 10 members of the tour team VS the top 10 contestant in Bihai singing area lies on the small control button in the hands of the four judges.

Tan Hong was the first to press the button to pull out the first pair of competitors tonight.

The large screen immediately displayed the photos of the 20 contestants, which were split to the left and right, and were rolling up and down.

Until Tan Hong presses it again, and it stop!

The first pair of competitors emerged in an instant. The tour team, Zhang Junhua VS Bihai top 10 Lin Meiru!

The two appeared separately, singing their own songs, which were then scored by the judges and the audience on and off the site.

Those with high scores will win and be in the top 10 in the country.

The losers are naturally eliminated, and there is no revival segment in the competition, so it is extremely cruel.

Such a rule is undoubtedly not entirely fair, because two of the strongest singers may bump into each other, and then one of them is bound to be kicked out, either in the top 10, or the team singing. (TN: No clue about the team singing)

However, this just improves the excitement and appreciation of the competition, and increases the interest of the program.

Along the way of the tournament, many of the eliminated contestants are very regrettable.

It is not that they are not strong, but that they have unfortunately encountered a stronger opponent and have no luck to move on.

And Lu Chen is undoubtedly the most formidable opponent!

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