Perfect Superstar

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 – Come to Taipei to See the Rain in Winter

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Lu Chen had studied how to play piano before, but he didn’t learn it deeply. At most, he was at the level of amateur 4 or 5.

Later, he changed to practicing the guitar, and studying the piano was naturally discarded, and only recently did he pick it up again.

Playing the piano is a very appealing thing, and it is used to accompany excellent songs, especially romantic and lyrical songs. The piano’s accompaniment effect is not the other instruments can compare, so Lu Chen has worked hard to practice it again.

There’s no need to reach a professional level, it’s enough if he can fool an amateur.

The most important thing is that if one put aside the advantages, practicing the piano is actually a very joyful thing. Listening to wonderful piano music flowing at one’s fingertips, one’s heart can be sublimated.

Lu Chen has never played such an expensive piano.

The Steinway has excellent timbre. Even with his unprofessional ears, he can hear the huge difference between the Steinway and the ordinary piano. Its bass was extremely powerful, the midrange was warm and broad, and the treble was bright and resplendent.

In particular, the midrange was the best, with a strong appeal and expressive power, worthy of the name of the piano emperor!

When playing Steinway, Lu Chen felt a lot of pressure.

Fearing that his poor skill would tarnish this million-dollar divine instrument.

But he was still confident. When his fingers gently pressed on the warm keys, his mood quickly calmed down.

And then the prelude was played.

Soothing, soft and uncomplicated structure, the melodious sound of the piano reverberated in the piano room.

The name of this song is “Come to Taipei to See the Rain in Winter”.

“Come to Taipei to see the rain in winter,

Don’t cry in a foreign land.

Come to Taipei to see the rain in winter,

With dreams as the only luggage.

Come back gently without waking up the past,

Just pretend that I’ve never been far away before~

If we come across each other and you hide the words in the bottom of your heart,

No one knows you better than I do!

The sky is still the sky,

The rain is still the rain,

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You are no longer under my umbrella.

I am still me,

You are still you,

It’s just one more winter!


When Lu Chen began to play and sing, Su Daiwan half leaned on Li Murong and looked at him with a smile.

However, when she heard the first line of the lyrics, her delicate body couldn’t help trembling.

There was an extremely complicated look in her eyes.

“Come to Taipei to See the Rain in Winter” is a lyrical song that reminisces the loss of love. Although the artistic conception expressed in the lyrics has a lingering sense of loss, it reveals the singer’s inner melancholy, but still able to face the reality optimistically.

The melody of this song is lyrical and calm, with a kind of elegant beauty, which is very suitable for female voice to sing.

Lu Chen’s singing of this song weakens the sense of sadness and intensify the maturity and deep feeling. With a slightly bitter, clear, and smooth voice, and a slightly lonely emotion in the heart for interpretation, it has different kind of charm.

Because there was no amplifying equipment, he deliberately reduced the sound of the piano, but also reduced the appeal of many works.

But it still poked Su Daiwan’s tears.

Su Daiwan grew up in Taipei. Her family was not well-off. She came out to work before finishing high school. Later, she was discovered by talent scouts and entered the entertainment industry. With her excellent appearance and natural singing voice, her star path was extremely bright.

But only she knew. How hard those days were, what lurked on the surface of the scenery were dangerous currents, a gambling-addicted father, a malicious agent, ruthless signing companies, jealous competitors… It was like a mountain pressing down on her, making her breathless.

Recalling the past, Su Daiwan felt so lucky that she met Li Murong in her most difficult time, and ended up having a lifelong relationship.

She met him on a rainy day.

Li Murong took her and her sister back to the mainland to settle down, and she hasn’t returned to Taipei since she quit singing.

Only in her dreams does Su Daiwan dream about the rain in Taipei and the people she used to know.

It’s difficult to leave one’s homeland.

Li Murong is not her first love either.


Come to Taipei to see the rain in winter,

Don’t cry in a foreign land.

Come to Taipei to see the rain in winter,

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Perhaps I’ll meet you.

The streets are quiet but crowded.

There are memories in every corner.

If we meet by chance, there is no need to run away,

I would pass you by eventually.

The sky is still the sky,

The rain is still the rain,

This city is no longer familiar to me!

I am still me,

You are still you,

It’s just one more winter!”

Unknowingly, sparkling and crystal-clear tears fell from the corners of Su Daiwan’s eyes and she leaned feebly into Li Murong’s arms.

Li Murong hugged his wife, staring at Lu Chen with a fierce look.

Is this kid doing it on purpose?

Fortunately, Lu Chen didn’t repeat the song after singing it once.

Clap! Clap!

Su Daiwan stood up, wiped away the tears from her face, smiled and clapped her hands.

Li Mubai also applauded. He didn’t have the same feelings as Su Daiwan, but simply felt that the song was good.

As for why his sister-in-law cried, Student Li Bai would not think about it.

That’s big brother’s job!

Lu Chen stood up and said, “Sister-in-law, I’m really sorry. This song is not very appropriate.”

Just now, he had a feeling in his heart, and he suddenly thought of this song and took it out without thinking too much.

Now that he thought about it, he felt it was a little inappropriate.

“No, no!”

Su Daiwan said without hesitation: “This song is very good, very good, I like it.”

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She looked at her husband, pouted playfully and said, “Don’t be upset. I think I want to release another album.”

Li Mubai supported: “Sister-in-law is mighty!”

Li Murong couldn’t help but stare at Lu Chen, the culprit, and said with a wry smile, “As long as you like it.”

Li Murong knew that Su Daiwan was actually very lonely following him. She has no relatives or friends on the mainland, and she became even lonelier after her sister went abroad. He is often busy with work and socializing, and he doesn’t have much time to accompany her.

And he didn’t only have Su Daiwan. He has three wives.

Most importantly, they haven’t had children for so long.

The guilt in his heart made Li Murong diminish his resentment towards Lu Chen, and he didn’t hesitate to agree to her request.

Su Daiwan said happily, “After the album, I’m going to have another concert or a fan meeting. I wonder how many people still remember me? Lu Chen, please write two more songs for me!”

Lu Chen couldn’t help looking at Li Murong.

It looks like a big deal!

Su Daiwan hugged her husband’s arm and said with a smile, “You have to promised me that you won’t interfere in my affairs. I’m almost bored at home, so why don’t I just get a job? Okay?”

The tears on her face were still wet, but her smile was as gorgeous as spring flowers and has a captivating charm.

Li Murong sighed: “Can I say no?”

Su Daiwan shook her head: “No!”

Li Murong nodded.

Li Mubai just wanted for the whole world to be in chaos: “Sister-in-law, when you release an album and start a concert, I will pull all my friends to support it!” (TN: (唯恐天下不乱) To wish for the whole world to be in chaos – wanted to stir up trouble.)

Lu Chen had a feeling of opening Pandora’s box and hurriedly said, “it’s getting late, Brother Li and sister-in-law, I’ll go back first.”

Su Daiwan reminded: “Don’t forget to write songs for me!”

Lu Chen coughed twice and said, “Un, I’ll write it and ask Mubai to give it to you.”

He winked at Li Mubai.

Li Mubai wasn’t too stupid and immediately said, “Don’t worry, sister-in-law. I’ll be responsible for supervising Brother Chen in writing the songs. I’ll take him back. It’s not easy to take a taxi here.”

Li Murong waved his hand: “Go! Go!”

He was a little tired of looking at these two lords!

Lu Chen was relieved and hurriedly left with Li Mubai.

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Su Daiwan and Li Murong sent him to the door.

After Li Mubai drove Lu Chen away, Su Daiwan asked Li Murong, “How do you feel about Lu Chen?”

Li Murong said ill-humoredly, “Not much!”

Su Daiwan was surprised at first, and then immediately trembled with laughter: “You’re not jealous, are you?”

Li Murong kept a calm face and didn’t speak.

Su Daiwan wasn’t afraid because she knew her husband very well. She knew that Li Murong was deliberately pretending.

She said with a smile, “What do you say I introduce him to Little Qian?”

Li Murong froze and said, “Do you want to introduce Lu Chen to Chen Qian?”

Su Daiwan was a little unhappy. “What’s with that look on your face? Isn’t my sister good? Little Qian is so beautiful. She just loves to play. Lu Chen is tall, handsome, talented, steady and sensible, which is rare. He should be able to control her.”

Chen Qian is Su Daiwan’s own sister, but Su Daiwan takes her father’s surname and her sister takes her mother’s surname.

Li Murong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He never understood why women always loved to be a matchmaker for others.

However, introducing Lu Chen to Chen Qian… that sounds very interesting!

He couldn’t help touching his chin and said, “Okay. I’ll Listen to you, but I’m afraid Chen Qian will not have a liking for Lu Chen.”

Su Daiwan said confidently, “She will listen to me.”

Li Murong shook his head secretly. He suddenly bent down and picked up Su Daiwan and said, “Don’t talk about them. Let’s do our own thing and stay here tonight!”

Su Daiwan giggled, her eyes were as soft as water, and the air seemed to have more charming flavor.

And at this moment, Lu Chen didn’t know that he was being thought about.

He was riding in Li Mubai’s sports car, speeding along the second Ring Road.

Li Mubai said while driving: “Brother Chen, you have to help me with the website. My big brother is going to cut off my pocket money. My life is over!”

Lu Chen thought for a moment and said, “If you can get the protection certificate, the online crowdfunding is very promising. In fact, you don’t need to personally manage it. You can hire professional managers. Usually, all you have to do is to pull in business.”

In any business, having connection early is very important. As long as a few powerful large clients can be pulled to expand the online crowdfunding in the early stage, and put the brand on the track, the business will be very easy to do later.

“Pull in business?”

Li Mubai was immediately relieved: “That’s simple. I still have a lot of friends in Beijing.”

He knew that personal connections can make money, but he has never thought of making money through personal connections before.

Lu Chen said with a smile, “Our first business has already begun. In a few days, my album will be on sale on QQ Music. I want to launch a crowdfunding campaign for records at the same time, hoping to get a good start!”

Having prepared for such a long time, the real test time is coming!

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