Perfect Superstar

Chapter 2.2

Perfect Superstar Chapter 2: Nepenthes bar (2)

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But it is not over yet , he strongly resisted his excitement and holding the left mouse click on the copyright register.

Copyright registration fee is much higher than the cost of a query, a work needs 500 Yuan, and each year you need to pay filing fees in order to avoid abuse.

Lu Chen became the great China very early member of the music library, has just been through the query, so after paying 1000 Yuan, with two songs registrations records to his name with complete copyright confirmation!

Lu Chen was finally relieved when the registration prompt box appears.

But his joy increase because he had determined his dream memory is real!

Leaning against the chair, Lu Chen took a long breath.

He reached out, pulled a small desk drawer and pulled out a bucket of instant noodles and sausages.

Lu Chen thought for a while and then took out a ham-and-happy snack! He got up to the bathroom to pick up water, the kettle plug power will soon be boiling hot water into the bucket.

In the air, there is the familiar smell of instant noodles and ecstasy!

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It’s not that Lu Chen doesn’t want to go out to eat a real meal outside the United States, but he used all of gis money in copyright enquiries and registration fees, leaving no more than 100.

As for pocket change, not even 50.

There is half a month until his pay day!

This money is not sufficient to eat, but Lu Chen is  not flustered, he pour water and eats the instant noodles. After cleanly tidying up, he carries the guitar to leave the basement.

He took the subway and when Lu Chen arrived to Houhai Nepenthes bar,it is already almost 8:00.

Houhai sea is in fact a huge artificial lake, before the imperial family used it, it is also part of Shichahai.( Tl: I’m guessing that Shichahai is a country or something I used Bing translator so if you know please tell me. )

Houhai in the Yuan dynasty was the city’s prosperous business district, pub and shops are everywhere along the coast workshop and to this day it is still the center of the city.

Houhai is now more prosperous than ever, at night all the bars are lit up with signs to welcome the customer to the night life.

Houhai snacks are famous, but the bar is more famous.

Nepenthes bar is one of the hundreds of bars in Houhai, Lu Chen work’s place.

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“Xiaolu, how late? ”

Standing in front of the bar the waiter came in a hurry to see Lu Chen and ridiculed: “You’re not always the most punctual? Today beauty lost track of time? ”

Lu Chen gave him a stern look but did not speak, he reached out and opened the door into the bar.

This guy is Lu Chen age, working in Nepenthes for a longer time than Lu Chen, the two had no grudge, but was late for work the boss a few times and was critized so he had a grudge against Lu Chen.

Because the bar owner always teach him, Lu Chen is always on time to work as a contrast, Lu Chen is a target for his anger.

There is also another important reason, that is in all the waiters in Nepenthes, Lu Chen is the most handsome, that guy facehas a lot of acne and Lu Chen usually earn tips on his face.

Xiolu harbor grudges, so he caught the opportunity to critize Lu Chen, but Lu Chen knew that he was jealous but he did not want to provoke a fight, so they treated each other as air.

Disregard, it is actually a very powerful counterattack!

The night during prime time, there were not many guests at the bar.

Nepenthes in Houhai bar size is moderate, it is an an old converted warehouse, inside the six-meter tall room is divided into two layers and furnished with stage, light, theatre curtain and so on facilities.

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Around the central stage is placed dozens of sets of one-tier and two-tier total table wine bench and bar, can accommodate up to 200 guests, all decoration is said to have spent nearly 2 million.

Lu Chen came in when bar owner Chen Jianhao is calculating accounts behind the bar, a charming woman sitting beside him, slowly sipping a blue cocktail.

Lu Chen hesitated, walked carrying a case and said: “Sorry boss, I was late today. ”

His work time was 7:30, now it is 8:00, he was 30 minutes late.

Chen Kun-ho is 40 years old, a middle-aged man, but seems to be just 30, his body proportion and dresses are very well designed and has the elegance and shimmy of a successful man.

After working for over six months in Nepenthes bar, Lu Chen knows his boss does not like others being late and he also does not like others glossing over one’s, therefore simply direct sincerely admits mistakes.

Chen Kun-ho put down his pen, lightly saying: “Forget it, i’ll just let you off this once. ”

In accordance with the rules of the bar, the waiter arriving late to work have his wages deducted, but Lu Chen has a good performance and since it is his first time committing the mistake, he just a way out.

Lu Chen was secretly relieved, he said: “Thank’s, boss. ”

“Yes …”

Chen Kun-ho said: “Madonna and Xiaoshuai will come later, tonight you play at night. ”

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Lu Chen nods: “Yes! ”

Unknowingly, he discovered that the charming female standing beside Chen Kun-ho is looking toward him, a faint smile on her face.

The woman is in a blue dress, hair in delicate chignon,her eyes is enchanting on a fine face with pale makeup, the beautiful woman has fox like pupils.

The corner of the charming woman lips curve as she winked at Lu Chen, her fox eyes bewitching , revealing a hint of seductive sly.


Lu Chen’s heart suddenly jumped and he quickly turned to walk towards the background.

He feared that if he and this strange female looks at each other more, he will have a boner at the scene and be rude.

Witch-like figures, not mortals can see!

Behind him, came a woman giggling laughter.

Chen Kun-ho helplessly watched her and said, “Xiao Mei, why did you make my man do that? ”

The women lifted his graying wavy hair with her right hand, left hand lightly shake his glass and said, “Because I like it…”

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