My Little Girl (95)

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Seeing that Wen Zhigu was being submissive, Ji Xubai felt better. He knew she wasn’t healed yet, and it must be difficult for her. So he let her return to her seat.

Shu Nuan wasn’t let in until the class was over. At that time, Wen Zhigu took a bottle of medicine and went out. A classmate came over to comfort Shu Nuan, saying, “Master Ji should be in a bad mood today, so he took it out on you, and you know why…”

Shu Nunan was silent for a moment, and then she mumbled, “Why me and her?”

“You came from Class 10. And Zhigu’s result was very bad. Let me remind you, in the examination before this one, she scored the highest in the academy.”

Shu Nuan eyes lit up. She was wondering what’d happened to Wen Zhigu. What could be the reason her results declined?

The classmate thought Shu Nuan was annoyed and added, “In fact, Master Ji is usually not like this. He even jokes around with us when he’s in a good mood. And even if you think he’s weird, he’s still very talented, you know? In the past two years, several new policies of Beiguo were put forward by him and Master Li. Although he’s strict, it’s true that he’s an extremely influential person.”

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Shu Nuan gave a casual respond, “Hmm.” 

She opened her book and lowered her head to solve a problem.

She wasn’t interested in whether Ji Xubai was talented or not. So what if he was, since he didn’t set a good example as a teacher. In her opinion, he failed as a teacher.

Therefore, Shu Nuan didn’t want to discuss Master Ji’s personality with her classmates.

…in the end, he wasn’t as good as her Uncle Sheng.

Just as the sudden thought entered her mind, it startled her.

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Feeling guilty, her ears flushed scarlet, and she couldn’t help but cover them with her hands.

Fortunately, no one noticed her strange behaviour.


Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Imperial Palace.

The emperor had invited the princes to the hunting grounds, and they were accompanied by the youngest Sheng Lingyun, and Ningcheng Yuan as well. Half a day later, the emperor had the biggest harvest, with Ningcheng coming in second.

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The emperor had returned to his camp in the hunting ground with a full load of food and wine.

He smiled and pointed to Sheng Zhiyu. 

“You! No good.”

Sheng Lingyun was also helpless. He said, “Who can compare with you, brother, my emperor? Tsk, all combined I haven’t been on horseback for more than a few days since I was a child.”

Sheng Nan gazed up as he drank a mouthful of wine. Observing the blue sky, he said, “That Fourth Brother’s archery is great. I lost to him last time, and this time I wanted him to come and play. But he didn’t give me any face[1], saying the military was very busy.”

As they began to talk about Sheng Qianmo, Sheng Lingyun just sat down and started to drink instead of interrupting them. He was mortified of his Fourth Brother after the recent Yuanyang Festival.

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Ningcheng listened to the emperor’s words and couldn’t help laughing. “Your Majesty wouldn’t know. Of course Sheng Qianmo is extra busy now, since he has to take a couple of personal days soon…”

Emperor Nanchen raised his brows, a little surprised. “What do you mean?”

“He didn’t say anything, but I think it’s related to the little girl in his manor”–Ningcheng started to laugh, thinking of Shu Nuan–“I’ve had a chance to meet that little girl. You don’t know, but she got a good result in the recent exam. Elder brother Sheng wouldn’t stop bringing up the matter with us at the camp, as if he was the one who did good.”

Emperor Nanshen was even more astonished. “Has he really been like that?”

After all, his impression of Sheng Qianmo was that he was the most composed and taciturn among them brothers.

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