My Little Girl (93)

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On the day of the holiday, Shu Nuan changed into a warm-blue water-sleeve dress and got on a carriage. She went out of the city early to wait for Sheng Qianmo, who still had to deal with some urgent matters at the military camp. When finished, he’d come looking for her. 

But Shu Nuan had already been waiting for an hour and was feeling bored. She lifted the curtain of the carriage: in her hand was the dragon beard candy she’d bought on the way. She leaned on the window and ate her candy.

After she’d finished a whole pack, Sheng Qianmo was still nowhere to be seen.

Shu Nuan had an impulse to go to the military to find Sheng Qianmo. As she thought more about it, she couldn’t help but want to do it even more.

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Maybe it was because when she’d been taken to the military camp by Sheng Zhiyu, Sheng Qianmo hadn’t shown any dislike at her coming. So, she’d gotten a bit courageous. After hesitating for a long time, Shu Nuan summoned up the courage to say to the coachman, “Lets go to the Fourth Prince’s military camp.”

Shu Nuan wasn’t sure if Sheng Qianmo would be unhappy to see her. But she really didn’t want to wait outside the city either. If the prince was too busy, she could just wait for him there.

Shu Nuan believed it to be a good plan, but it would soon develop into another thing altogether.

Outside the military camp, she got out of the carriage, wanting to send a guard with the message of her arrival. But she’d only taken a few steps when, from a distance, she saw Sheng Qianmo coming out of the military camp accompanied by a woman: Ji Xili.

Ji Xili and Sheng Qianmo were talking about something. That said, a corner of his lips was turned upwards, and there was a delighted look in his eyes.

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It turned out to be true… He was busy.

Shu Nuan stood behind a tree, looked at the two in silence for a long time, before she decided to return to the carriage. When the coachman saw her come back so soon, he was surprised. But he didn’t have the time to ask for a reason, as Shu Nuan muttered, “Please send me back to the city.”

When they reached their destination, she got out of the carriage and left by herself. She bought a pack of dragon’s beard candy and found a street vendor’s bench to sit down and eat it.

“Su Su, you can’t eat anymore. Too much will make you ugly!” a  maidservant threatened a young master nearby with a deceitful tone, but the boy didn’t believe her. Instead, he pointed to Shu Nuan and said, “This sister eats a lot, but she is still very beautiful!”

Speaking of the person pointed at, Shu Nuan took a pause and was a little embarrassed as she looked up to see a little boy wearing a yellow robe running towards her. 

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He naively asked, “Beautiful sister, can I invite you to a meal?”

The maidservant came over to him in embarrassment and shouted, “Master, we have to go back.”

Shu Nuan thought the child was very interesting. She gave him a pack of candy she hadn’t touched yet and said, “Here you are.”

Little Su took it and thanked her politely. With a tender and soothing voice, he added, “Can I invite my beautiful sister to a meal next time?”

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Shu Nuan didn’t think there would be a next time meeting the little guy, but she still said, “Okay.”

After saying goodbye to the little boy, Shu Nuan finished the rest of her candy and decided to go back.

Only a short walk later, she heard someone fall down behind her. She turned her head instinctively, and what she saw caused her brows to knit together a little. The person who’d fallen down was Wen Zhigu.

Shu Nuan walked back to help her. Wen Zhigu didn’t look at her, although she thanked her in a cold manner. With a still lowered head, she bent to pick up something she’d dropped on the ground.

When she reached out with her hand, Shu Nuan noticed a gauze wrapped around her left wrist, and the dim blood stain visible upon it.

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