Chapter 117: Deceiving Uncle Sheng (14)

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“I’ve heard a lot about you from Ningcheng. In fact, it seems quite normal to me. You really don’t have to spoil your interest for such things.”

When Su Huang mentioned this, Ningcheng Yuan couldn’t help but mutter, “Shu Nuan can live without you, but why should others suffer because of that?”

Sheng Qianmo gave Nincheng a stern expression, his indifferent eyes causing cold sweat to run down the other’s back. In a flash, Sheng Qianmo picked up his cup and drank a mouthful without batting an eyelid.

“You think too much. I didn’t do this without reason,” Sheng Qianmo replied. He wouldn’t spoil his mood for a thankless topic.

That day when he’d made Ningcheng Yuan report to him at the military camp, Nincheng had told him about what had happened at the academy. Sheng Qianmo had rode to the palace without much thought.

For no other reason than that he didn’t like other people handing out punishments to his people.

Even if Shu Nuan had done something wrong, he would teach her a lesson himself.

But what he hadn’t expected that when he arrived at the palace, he didn’t find Shu Nuan. The dowager had told him in a reluctant tone, “Qianmo, this child is not meek. I used a cup of peach wine to scare her, and she agreed to leave you. Such a person isn’t worth your attention. To put it bluntly, after all, she is young and not well-raised.”

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Ah Shuang drank the fake poisonous wine in front of Sheng Qianmo.

In fact, in Sheng Qianmo’s own view, Shu Nuan’s decision hadn’t been wrong, given the choices. However, it had revealed that she didn’t believe in him, and nor did she believe that he would protect her. Despite the fact that she was obedient to him, when it would come to her life, she wouldn’t hesitate to leave him.

This was an important point.

This was also a point that Sheng Qianmo couldn’t tolerate.

Since she’d chosen to leave him, he wouldn’t give her another chance in the future.

Ningcheng muttered, “That’s a nice way to say it. It’s not the same thing in a military camp.”

“Alright, you can talk less.”

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Su Huang’s voice had just fallen in their eyes, when a familiar voice came from behind them.

“You guys are no fun. You started before Xili and I arrived!”

Ningcheng Yuan looked at Sheng Zhiyu and Ji Xili coming in, and said, “Tut. You should thank me! I sent someone to call you here! Su Huang didn’t mean to call you!”

Ji Xili said, “Oh, Su Huang has been a bit dismissive recently.”

Sheng Zhiyu took the initiative to sit beside Su Huang. He took a cup and poured wine for himself, saying, “He never takes people seriously.”

A few people were made happy, but Su Huang, who was exposed, felt quite helpless, having to pay a fine of wine to Sheng Zhiyu.

Ningcheng smacked his shoulder and said, “Why don’t you call a guqin girl to help him cheer up?”

“Do you want to take the opportunity to flirt with a beauty?” 

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Ji Xili caught him in a glance. Ningcheng Yuan’s cunning plot had never been seen through until now. Although the Moon Pavilion was just a decent place, the guqin girls were all gorgeous, and Ningcheng called one to play the guqin every time he came here.

“It is still the Ji Xili that knows me best!” Ningcheng Yuan said with a smile. He took the initiative to find the boss and call a guqin girl, leaving the rest to sit back to drink and converse.

While Ji Xili drank a mouthful of wine, she glanced at Sheng Qianmo  and asked, “Qianmo, will you go hunting with me in the suburbs in a couple of days?” 

Ningcheng Yuan immediately turned to stare at her. 

“Xili, you’re too much! How could you only invite him!” 

Ji Xili replied in calm voice, “Even if I don’t ask you to come, you will.”

Ningcheng Yuan paused, giving a shy smile.

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Sheng Qinamo took a sip of his wine and gave a faint response.


Ji Xili smiled in response.

However, Sheng Zhiyu’s gaze was somewhat depressed. He said in a muffled voice, “I can also go…”

Ji Xili turned to him and smiled. “Of course, we can go together.”

Just then, someone gently knocked at the door.

End of Chapter

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