Chapter 131: Deceiving Uncle Sheng (30)

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Sheng Zhiyu glared at Ji Xili and said, “Leave this place! You sure love to turn over my old stories! Be careful, or I will shake open your shameless deeds too!”

Su Huang, already drunk, said, “The funniest thing happened when Sheng Qianmo went to fight in Southern Xinjiang. But when he arrived, he learned that the Qing armies had run away before the battle had even started upon finding out that he was coming. As a result, the people of Southern Xinjiang praised Sheng Qianmo who had come all the way there. They thought he had used some clever tactics to force the enemy armies back without using a single soldier… Every time I think about this, I find it hilarious.”

Hearing this story again, even Sheng Qianmo gave a slight smile. Apparently, he too was impressed by this matter.

“I also remember that when I followed Qianmo secretly, the battle ended before the other side fought…” Ji Xili mentioned, looking amused.

Sheng Qianmo downed the wine in his cup in one gulp, put the cup on the table, and inclined  towards Shu Nuan. He called her with such a pleasant, soft voice. 

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“Shu Nuan, pour wine for This Prince.”

Shu Nuan was eating her food with careful movements. Hearing his order, she gave a gentle response, picked up the bottle, filled his glass, and buried her head back in eating.


Ning Cheng Yuan turned to flirt with Ji Xili. 

“Xili, pour me a glass of wine.”

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Ji Xili returned a sharp glance, and Ning Cheng Yuan shook his head and said, “How come the gap between two people is so big…”

Ji Xili sneered at him.

“What do you think I am?”


Sheng Zhiyu glanced at Ning Cheng Yuan and smiled. 

“You can call a few beautiful girls to drink with you.”

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Ning Cheng Yuan refuted as though he had a conscience, “Get out of here. Can I be that kind of person?”

“Come on, you guys.” Su Huang looked down at Shu Nuan, who said nothing, and spoke to her, “Shu Nuan, we grew up together. We never speak lightly. Not Sheng Qianmo like a staid. Don ‘t worry.”

Shu Nuan heard his words, paused for a long time, before looking up and glancing at Sheng Qianmo, who was silent. She opened her mouth a short gap and answered, “It’s nothing.”

Ning Cheng Yuan snorted and laughed. 

“Do you hear that? Shu Nuan is not as narrow-minded as you!”

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Su Huang took a sip of wine and said, “Shu Nuan is better than you. She knows at an early age that she has to work to earn money.”

Sheng Zhiyu heard them talk. Before, he’d known about Shu Nuan’s matter as being driven out from the Shenghe Manor by his Fourth Brother, and he’s thought that she’d been given some benefits by him. But now he was being told that she had been working outside the city, and this shocked him. He looked at Su Huang and then turned to look at Shu Nuan. He couldn’t help but confirm, “Shu Nuan, you work now?”


Sheng Zhiyu had spoken as if Shu Nuan was doing something that degraded her status.

It was natural for those present here to think like that. They assumed she didn’t have strong backing from Sheng Qianmo. On the contrary, lowering her social status by working for others… Wasn’t this just a disguised way of bringing disgrace to Sheng Qianmo?

End of Chapter

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