Chapter 139: Deceiving Uncle Sheng (38)

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As Sheng Qianmo was carrying her on his back, he uttered softly, “What grandmother gave you was an ordinary cup of wine.”

Shu Nuan was leaning on his shoulder. Upon hearing his words, her eyes flickered gently. After a while, she replied, “Oh.”

Along the way, Sheng Qianmo didn’t talk to her again. Shu Nuan also pursed her lips and kept staring toward the end of the river bank. The bright rays from there condensed in her eyes. After a while, her eyes became misty. She lifted her head for a while, trying to hold the tears back, but her eyelashes could not help but tremble. Hot tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears, before nudging his shoulder hard. “Let me down!”

Sheng Qianmo sensed that her voice was grief-stricken. He turned to ask her something, but Shu Nuan suddenly struggled hard, kicking him to let her go. Although Sheng Qianmo could hold her down, he was afraid he would not be able to control his strength and would hurt her. Therefore, he could only put her down as she wished, but as soon as he did, she didn’t even wear her shoes and pushed him away, running away barefoot.

Sheng Qianmo did not let her run far. He was able to catch her. He clamped her two hands and locked her back against a wall, gazing coldly  at the little girl to teach her a lesson. However, he noticed that Shu Nuan was holding back her tears. Her eyes were stained with mist, but she looked straight at him in cold stubbornness.

As he stared at her looking like this, he could not muster even a trace of anger. Instead, he could only lower his voice to coax her. “What’s the matter?”    

“Your Highness has known for a long time, hasn’t he?” Shu Nuan bit her lip, but she couldn’t restrain her sobs. Her grievance was noticeable, as her tears kept on falling down.”You and the Empress Dowager both knew that the wine was not poisonous, and only I didn’t know… If I drank it, you would have said, how sincere this slave is, but what a pity she died! If I didn’t drink it, you would have said, Shu Nuan betrayed Sheng Qianmo to live, from beginning to end, she was a slave from a conquered kingdom who couldn’t be fostered.”

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The more Shu Nuan talked, the more unstable her breath became, and it became difficult for her to breathe. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes while crying.

“As for me, I was the one who was being toyed with from beginning to end. I was nothing…

Sheng Qianmo hadn’t expected that Shu Nuan would cry like this, or that this is how she thought of herself.

He lowered his eyes, raised her little face, and stared at her.

After a while, he stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears on her face. He said slowly, “You don’t know how valuable you are. This Prince will tell you.”

He was holding Shu Nuan’s chin, forcing her to look at him with tearful eyes. She could feel Sheng Qianmo’s fingers caressing her cheek bit by bit and see his deep and calm eyes.

“You are the first little girl that This Prince brought back from the battlefield. You are the first to live in the Sheng Courtyard. You are also the only little girl that This Prince can coax like this.”

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Sheng Qianmo slowly spat out a few words from his thin lips. 

“Thankless little wretch.”

Shu Nuan looked at him with tears in her eyes, her lips sealed. She let her tears fall onto her lips and clenched her teeth for a while. She didn’t want to face Sheng Qianmo, but he turned her little face around again and focused on her. He said slowly, “This Prince didn’t know until you had made your choice.”

Shu Nuan lowered her head. She suddenly grabbed his hand that was holding her chin, then raised her head and said bitterly, “I am not a thankless little wretch!”

Clearly, those watery peach blossom eyes were still stained with misty tears. Her small appearance was delicate and pitiful, but to make such a fierce expression, she looked not just scary, but also adorable.

He was bitten by this little girl once, and it did not hurt and instead triggered a smile on his lips. “Then, a little wild cat, is it?”

Shu Nuan sniffled, still unconvinced, and turned her head away. But then Sheng Qianmo picked her up and looked down at the wild cat face to face with undisguised love in his eyes. As a result, the little wild cat stretched out its claws and grabbed his neck. “I don’t want you to hug me.”

Not only did Sheng Qianmo embrace her, but he also bowed his head and kissed her. His voice was low, soft, and gentle. It was so pleasant to hear. “Clearly you did something wrong. Why do you always need This Prince to coax you, little thing?”

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Shu Nuan wanted to break free, but Sheng Qianmo did not follow her wishes this time. He held the girl firmly in his arms. At the edge of the dark corner of the wall, only a bit of radiance fell obliquely, creating a pair of shadows.

Later, Sheng Qianmo carried her to a nearby stone and sat her down. Then he stooped down, grabbed her white ankle, and put on her shoes.

Shu Nuan was looking down at him putting on shoes for herself. She blinked and couldn’t help but reach out and touch her puckered lips.

She looked down at him and whispered, “Your Highness…”

Sheng Qianmo looked up at the little girl. She looked back at him without blinking her tear-soaked eyes. Her voice was as soft as ever. He held out his finger and pinched her lip. It was very soft. “What do you want to say?”

Shu Nuan looked at him for a while and hesitated, but in the end, she said nothing.

Sheng Qianmo didn’t ask her anymore. He took her hand and said, “Will you follow This Prince back to the mansion?”

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Shu Nuan glanced at him. “My bag was still in the shop.”

“Let Li Yuan take it tomorrow morning.”

Shu Nuan remained silent in response.

She went back with him.

“When This Prince first learned about this, he planned to let you die, no matter who you are.”

Shu Nuan buried her head, feeling extreme grievance.

“But you are dishonest. If This Prince does not care about you, you will be lawless.”

“Isn’t that Shu Nuan?”

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