Chapter 144: Deceiving Uncle Sheng (44)

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The air was damp, and the sound of insects could be heard.

Shu Nuan opened her eyes, feeling groggy. She bowed her head and, seeing that she was tied to a tree, struggled to break away but failed. Then she looked up and around. She found that she was in a forest. It was dark, and from that she guessed she was deep in the forest.

Slow footsteps came from behind her, stepping on the grass and making a slight rustle.

She recognized the masked man at a glance. He sat down under the tree, staring at her with an evil look.

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“Who are you?”

The man casually pulled at some grass and opened his mouth. His voice was hoarse. 


“I have been asked to kidnap you for a lot of money,” he answered, albeit in a rude manner.

“And then?”

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The man twisted his brows, propped up his forehead with one hand, and said, “I seem to forget when I look at you…”

Shu Nuan felt a little relieved. But who could have had her kidnapped? And not for anything else, but to keep her here and have her stared at…

“Who sent you?”

The man snorted and smiled. “If I tell you, will you marry me?”

If it weren’t for the employer’s orders, he really wanted to touch this weeping little girl.

Shu Nuan staring at him coldly and didn’t speak again.

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As a result, the man watching over her almost dozed off after a while.

Shu Nuan’s hands and feet had gone numb long ago. She did not know how long she had been tied. When the sky began to darken, the man finally yawned and stood up. “It’s getting dark.”


However, he did not loosen the ties on Shu Nuan. Instead, he took out a dagger from his lapel and approached her. He touched her chin with the cold and sharp blade, gently stroking. “Such a beautiful little face. A pity if it was destroyed…”

Shu Nuan’s face was indescribable until he used a little force. She could feel the blade sinking in, about to cut her skin at any moment. Then a sharp eagle cry sounded out from afar and quickly drew closer. Sharp claws grabbed the man’s hand. In an instant, blood stains spread out, and the man was forced to let go of the dagger. He turned to look for the cause, and the next instant, he fell to the ground.

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The eagle pounced on the thick rope tying Shu Nuan with its sharp claws and tore it open. Shu Nuan looked at it hovering around her body. Her mood was good.

Shu Nuan eyes hung down. She breathed a wisp and sighed. “Ah’Qi, why are you here?”

It was no use crying over spilt milk. She probably already understood the reason the masked man had tied her here. She was not surprised by the appearance of Ah Qi. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have let the masked man shout calmly. She just felt a little sour at the moment and hoped it wasn’t what she thought.

Ah Qi screeched a few times and was happy to lead her away from there.

Shu Nuan walked behind it, watching it barely manage to fly inside the dense forest. Ah Qi had grown up a lot. She remembered when she’d come back from picking it up as a child. It had still been a baby eagle whose life and death had been uncertain.

End of Chapter

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